Saturday, March 6, 2021

Meant for More {cover reveal}


Release Date: March 26


Maybe in another life, we would have been more than this. 


More than just friends. Best friends, really.


Instead, I watch you with your arms around another. Your sweet words and that usual charm directed towards someone else. 


It’s okay—I was never meant to be yours to begin with. 



Countless memories and lingering moments have shifted into a startling perspective. 


I’ve spent my years chasing my dreams, my ideal girls, my career in football. 


But then it happened, over the course of one night, my entire vision centered around someone I didn’t anticipate.


A girl who has been here all along.

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Meet Liza James

I remember writing my first book when I was just a kid. It was a short children's story that my mom loved so much, she took the time to get our friend to illustrate all of the pages. 

I had decided back then, that when I grew up I was going to be an author. Funny how we grow up and things change so drastically, right? As I got older, I began the age old search of trying to figure out exactly what I wanted in life. 

I got married at 18, moved across the world with my husband and spent the next several years trying so many different things in order to find my fit. I fell in love with so many things as well, including photography, calligraphy, music, and letterpress. 

But writing and reading have always remained a constant love of mine. Oddly enough, it was the only thing I never spoke about. I kept it very private, starting several different stories and ultimately not finishing them. I never spoke about what I was writing with anyone, or very very few people once in a while. I didn’t even share what I wrote with my family or my husband.

This year, a lot of things changed. I found myself coming to a place in my life as a mom, a wife, a friend, but still not as MYSELF. I continued struggling with my own identity, struggling with who I was outside of being a wife and mother. So, I made it a goal to write and finish my first novel in 2019. I decided to CHOOSE my path and create it for myself, choose my identity and allow my passion for writing to come at the forefront of that. 

I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a friend and a lover of many many things. But I am also a writer, I’m an author, and loving every moment of embracing myself in all of those things.

So, here I am today, writing this blurb about my “story” and laughing to myself just a bit. Because this is just the beginning of what my story was and is going to be, and I’m ready to embrace whatever this new adventure has for me.

Connect with Liza James

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