Monday, July 11, 2022

Mid Year Freak Out {book tag}

We are somehow half way through 2022. I'm not liking how quickly this year is flying by, and I would greatly appreciate it if time would slow down. You know except for when I am excited for a book to be released, as then I want it immediately.

Since it is halfway through the year, that means it is time for the Mid Year Freak Out book tag. If you've been around any bookish social media, then chances are you're familiar with this tag. I know I've noticed content on bookstagram, booktube, and book blogs. I haven't noticed it going around booktok, but it very well could be. This is my third year participating in the book tag. Here are the links for my 2020 and 2021 answers, if you'd like to read.

Thank you for taking time to read my mid year freakout. I greatly appreciate it.

Now let's get to the Q&A part of the mid year freakout!