Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Splendid Spring Book Tag

My kids are on spring break this week! Therefore it is the perfect time to participate in a spring themed book tag. I stumbled upon the Splendid Spring book tag when I did a google search, and it lead me to Paperbacks and Planners blog post. After taking a peek at the questions, I decided that I would play along.

How would you answer these questions? Do any books come to mind immediately, or do you need to sit with it a little bit?

Happy Reading,

1. Everywhere you look flowers are blooming!

Choose a book you love, or think you will love, with flowers on the cover.

I opted for The Edge of Serenity by Kristin Turnage. The Edge of Happiness was my first thought, but that has leaves on the cover. So the second book in the series will work! The flowers may be minimal, but they are there. I loved Joss and Mac's story. It was emotional, it was friends to lovers, it was brother's best friend, it was forced proximity, and it was also a smidgen of second chance. 

2. Spring is the perfect time for a fun trip!

Choose a book you’ve read, or would like to read, while traveling from one place to another.

This is a difficult one, as I cannot read in a vehicle. I'm also not an audio book fan, so again that doesn't work. So I'm going to pick a book that takes place in a few different locations.

I went with Out of Play by Aven Ellis. This book is primarily set in England, but the couple does travel to Paris. I'm counting it.

3. Who doesn’t love a good Spring Fling?

Choose a book you were obsessed with for a short period of time, but then you swiftly cast it aside.

Now I wouldn't say that I cast the Bloodmark Saga aside. Not by any means. I still think back to this trilogy on occasion. Am I still as obsessed as I once was? No. That passion has lessened as time has gone. Do I still think it was a wonderful story? Absolutely.

4. Everyone loves the smell of freshly mowed grass, but not at an ungodly hour!

Choose a book that personifies as a middle-aged dad waking up at 7am on a Saturday to mow the lawn when he should be sleeping like the rest of us.

The wording of this question confused me a bit as it isn't crystal clear. I'm choosing to read into a bit, and go with something that is unnecessary. Let's be honest mowing the grass at 7am is 100% unneccessary.

A Court of Frost and Starlight. There really isn't much to say about this, as it speaks for itself. This novella was not needed. It was just filler, and didn't really give anything to help us get over what happened in ACOWAR. There was so much potential, and it was blown.

5. A surprise rain shower might spoil your outdoor fun, but don’t worry the sun will be back!

Choose a book that made you really sad, but the sun still shines in the end.

Bad Boy's Downfall by Gina Azzi had me tearing up, and crying, a couple of times. While our couple still gets their HEA, it wasn't easy. Not by any means.

6. It’s that time of year when all the animals stretch their limbs and come out of hibernation.

Choose a book that pulled you out of a reading slump.

I credit the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr for getting me back into reading. I had taken a few years off from reading, but when I jumped into this series it started something in me. That was back in 2019, and I'm still going strong.

7. Students all over exhale a sigh of relief knowing they get a break from school.

Choose a book whose friend group you’d like to spend Spring Break with.

All of the characters from the Southern series feel like they should be my family, or better yet they would be my found family. I just love them all. Plus I'd get to spend time in the kitchen with Charlotte, and get some quality time in with Billy. It would be a blast.

8. Spring is all about rebirth and blooming.

Choose a book that made you grow as a person.

Please don't laugh at me for my selection. I've chosen Everything Is Ok by Debbie Tung

For many years I have struggled with my mental health. It was this book that really opened my eyes to the possibility that it was anxiety. There was a lot of stuff that happened in the first half of 2022, and I finally talked about it with my doctor. Everything Is Ok had me relating to almost every graphic, to almost all of the words that Debbie spoke. I cried multiple times while reading and looking at the artwork. It was as though this book was the push that I needed to make that appointment.

9. A picnic at the park is the perfect springtime activity!

Choose a book with a character who you think would pack the best picnic basket.

I had a few options come to mind. There was Kenley from The Definition of Icing by Aven Ellis, there was Ben from Covered by Elise Faber, there was Enzo from Every Last Piece by JS Wood, and Maisie from Brawler's Weakness by Gina Azzi. Then as I thought about it a bit more I realized that Riggs and Bailey, from Better With You by Brit Benson, would make an epic picnic basket. They both have a love for food, and I could see them having a blast together while prepping.

10. For many Spring is the first break from the bitterness of Winter!

Choose a book that is the embodiment of sunshine.

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World by Debbie Tung. I relate so much to all of the drawings, thoughts, etc in this book. Debbie's artwork is amazing, and it is just perfect for introverts. My second choice was Everyone's A Aliebn When Ur A Aliebn Too by Jomny Sun. I have reread that one multiple times, and just adore it.

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