Friday, July 9, 2021

Watch Me Breathe {a review}

Watch Me Breathe is the third book in CE Johnson's Elements of the Heart series, and this time we get to learn Whack's (Lucas) story. Of course we'll also witness him fall for someone and have his HEA. We also get to see Owen, Everest, Natalie, and Dani! So yay for that.

Are you new to the Elements of the Hearts series? If so, don't worry, you don't need to read them in order. Technically they are all standalones. So while you won't know their story, you will know who they are in a committed relationship with. Also, these are romantic suspense books. So be prepared for that! Personally that is something I love, so I'm all for the suspense. 

In Watch Me Breathe we catch up with Lucas. He owns a roofing company, and is doing quite well for himself. He has also taken Mason under his wing, and is giving him the opportunity to learn the profession. One day these two are at a job, and they hear a car making a noise. They turn right in time to see it crash. They immediately rush over to the scene to see how they can help, all while Mason calls in the crash. Upon arriving, Mason sees that there is a child in the back seat. Quick inspection says that she's alright, and he takes her out. Meanwhile Lucas stays with the driver. She is having a panic attack and just wants out of that dang car. Lucas manages to calm her down, and learns her name is Montana, but she goes by Tana. Tana lets us know that her husband died in a car accident, and so this crash is triggering her panic attack. Plus the fact that her daughter is in the car just makes it that much worse. Lucas and Mason are there though, and are doing what they can to keep these two safe. Mason finds a stuffed animal in the truck, and Iris is attached to this toy now, and will not give it back. Lucas initially struggles with it, but accepts it for what it is. Now, days after the crash happens, Tana cannot get this man off her mind. So imagine her surprise when he appears at the diner she works at. And what happens in the rest of this book leads up to the HEA we all know we'll get.

I loved getting to read Lucas's story and finally finding out his history. This man has been through so much in his life, and it was nice to see him get his HEA. I also understand his love of suckers/lollipops now. Montana (Tana) is the perfect fit for him. She too has been through a lot, she is doing what needs to be done for her and her daughter, and she is one strong woman. My heart was in my throat at the accident scene, and again later on in the book when the suspenseful element kicked in. During that suspenseful part of the book I was definitely going through my mind trying to think of who it was, and I wasn't even close. But I guess I should have guessed had I been paying closer attention. I was also ever so happy when Lucas and Tana went to visit Owen and Natalie. Seeing the group back together just made me smile, and it just solidified the fact that Lucas and Tana are meant to be.

I really enjoyed the book. My heart broke when Lucas shared his past, and again when Tana shared hers. Seeing how Lucas was doing everything he could to protect Tana and Iris healed that broken heart though, and made me love the book all the more. Also I cannot wait for Mason to have his story told.

Highly recommend Watch Me Breathe, and really I recommend all of the Elements of the Heart series. The characters are wonderful. The setting is fantastic. And the storylines are so dang good. If you love books that feature romantic suspense, then read the book/series!

Thank you for reading my thoughts,

She’s a widow. And I’m not what I would consider a good role model for her young child.

It’s been a long road for me. I’ve been plagued with bad decisions and grief. You could say life sucker punched the wind right out of me.

Just like it did to the woman in the car that spun into the ditch right before my eyes. I helped calm her down until the ambulance came, and assumed I’d never see her again.

Judging by her wide eyes and the soda that poured into my lap when Montana Hutchinson delivered the drinks to my table at the town diner, I would guess she believed the same thing.

I thought we could be friends. After all, we have more in common than even she realizes.

But it seems Tana happens to be a magnet for trouble.
And I happen to be the kind of guy that can’t sit back and watch the danger unfold around her.

I’ll do anything to protect her and her daughter.

But every day I spend with her gets harder to push down the feelings growing inside of me.

Being with Tana not only proves I’m capable of love again.

I can breathe again.

Happiness isn’t something that everyone gets the privilege to have.

And there’s no way I’m about to let anyone take it away from me again.

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New to the Elements of the Heart series?
Start from the beginning!

#1 Dani & Everest's story

#2 Natalie & Owen's story

#4 Dani & Mason's story

Coming October 2021
Pre-order HERE!
Add to Goodreads HERE!

Meet C.E. Johnson

C.E. Johnson writes contemporary romance with a side of suspense. Her stories are full of emotion, heartbreak, collapsing walls, and redeeming love.

When not writing until all hours of the night, she loves to read books that feature a strong male with a soft spot for his feisty heroine. She prefers stories that rip your heart out completely, then kindly place it back into your chest with a HEA.

She lives in the Midwest with her husband, two kids, and some spoiled rotten animals.
Connect with C.E.