Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2023

Hate You Always by Jennifer Sucevic {a review}

Have you ever read a romance novel where the heroine has a bucket list that she wants to complete, and the hero steps up to offer assistance? If not, allow me to introduce you to Hate You Always by Jennifer Sucevic. This is a college sports romance that just released on May 26, 2023. It tells the story of Juliette, Ryder, and her long forgotten list. 

The description for Hate You Always is what pulled me in. How can it not when it mentions someone helping another complete their bucket list? Add in that it's a hockey romance, and I'm pretty easily sold. I knew I was getting a college romance between two people who had known each other for most of their lives. I figured the attraction was mutual, and that it was just all fronting on their parts.

What to expect: 
🏒 Brother's Best Friend & Teammate
♥️ Childhood Friends
🏒 Enemies to Lovers
♥️ Hate to Love
🏒 Opposites Attract
♥️ Secret Relationship

Juliette and Ryder struggle to get along. They've known each other for YEARS, and they've been annoyed with each other for just as long. Obviously though underneath that annoyance there is an attraction. Who knew it would be a bucket list that would finally get them to admit their true feelings. 

So how does this bucket list even get discovered? For Julia it was when she flipped through a book, and stumbled upon it. She thought she had thrown it away, but clearly that wasn't the case. Ryder finds the list when he helps Juliette to her apartment after a party. He was making sure she got home safely, had some water and medicine, and was tucked in. He happened to flip through that romance book, and found the list. Naturally he was shocked, and then knew he was the one to help Juliette with these 10 items.

Juliette is a very relatable character. I personally loved that she wasn't into the party scene. Juliette's degree choice was impressive. I can honestly say I wasn't expecting her to be pre-med, but it fits. 
I also loved the friendship that she and Carina had. When it comes to Ryder, Juliette acknowledges the pull, yet she is fighting it tooth and nail. 

Ryder is everything you want in a hockey romance book boyfriend. He is simply the best, not to mention protective, and he is going to get the girl. The storyline regarding his last year of college hockey was an interesting one to read. Seeing him struggle was not my favorite. Add in that certain teammate, and I understood what he was dealing with. I do wish we had gotten closure with that character.

Loved this romance, and the journey through the bucket list. Also, that pool scene?!? OH MY! I look forward to returning to the Western Wildcats for additional stories. Especially Carina's.

Do you read college romances? I've said it before that I am well past college age, but honestly I still enjoy the stories. I'm a sucker for a good romance. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on Hate You Always. Please let me know! I'd love to chat with you about the book.


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Thank you Jennifer Sucevic, and Wordsmith Publicity, for providing me with an advanced copy of Hate You Always!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Off-Ice Collision by Cali Melle {a review}

The time has come to close the book on the Wyncote Wolves series. Cali Melle released the first book back at the end of July 2022. I fell for the characters immediately, and was hooked on Cali's storytelling. In one of more recent books, I feel like it was Hayden's, Vaughn experienced his injury. I recall my jaw dropping, and I could not believe that just happened. Yet I held out hope that Cali would write Vaughn's story, and it would be his redemption so to speak. Well that book is here, and it's Off-Ice Collision.

What to expect:
🏒 Grumpy-Sunshine
♥️ Small Lake Town
🏒 Childhood Friends to Lovers
♥️ Injured Hockey Player

Two years ago Vaughn had his future plans ripped from him. He was destined for the NHL. Instead one hockey game changed his entire life. Now here he is grieving, healing, dealing with heartache, and trying to go through recovery. While he will never play professionally, maybe one day he'll be able to get back on the ice. Right now though he isn't able to do that mentally. As it has been two years, Vaughn's parents are about to dish out a bit of tough love. They are sending him to Stillwater Lake to work the family business. He needs something in his life, and maybe this will be the push that he needs to restart his life.

Stillwater Lake is a difficult place for Vaughn to return to though. His family has been going there for years, and he has many friends in the area. Now he has to return there as someone who had their future completely changed due to an injury. Vaughn is just hoping to be left alone. But we all know that will not happen. Especially since his parents lake house is right next to London's. These two have been friends for many years, and there's been an attraction building. They've never acted upon it, but it is very much mutual. I love the history that these two have.

Vaughn arrived in Stillwater Lake as an injured person. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I fully believe that this is where he was meant to be in this season of life. Stillwater Lake would bring healing. 
What happened in this little lake town gave him everything he could have wanted, even though he wasn't expecting any of it. 

I loved that London was by his side throughout the journey to recovery. She was a great motivator for him, and wasn't afraid to use some tough love to get her point across. Especially since London is a lover, a fixer, and she just wants what is best for those she cares about. Whether that be Vaughn, Emery, or her twin brother. That being said you could see that switch begin to flip, as she came to terms with the fact that she has to let them figure things out on their own from time to time. Yes she can be there to guide, but ultimately they have to make the choice.

I'll be honest, I thought I would cry a bit while reading Off-Ice Collision. I remember when the accident first happened, and how shocked I was. So I fully expected to have some tears going down my face while reading Vaughn's version of events. I say all of that to say, no actual tears fell. Were there some in my eyes? Well yeah there were, it goes with being an emotional person/reader. 

One thing that did cause a bit of an emotional punch was when former teammates made an appearance. Vaughn's reaction hurt my heart. It probably hurt them as well. I wasn't expecting an overjoyed reaction, but something friendly was expected. I can only hope that in the future Vaughn is able to mend relationships with his fellow Wyncote Wolves.

Having read all 8 books in the Wyncote Wolves series, I can say without a doubt that Vaughn is my favorite. He pushed Hayden out of the way at the last moment, and believe me I didn't think that was possible to push Hayden from the #1 spot. It wasn't because Vaughn's story is the freshest in my mind, but because of the person he is. He overcame so much, had to work through a lot of emotions, and is just now starting to make it through to the other side. A lot of that has to do with his parents sending him to Stillwater Lake, a smidgen has to do with London, but the majority of it goes to Vaughn. He did the work. He had some encouragement, but ultimately it was his choice on how to respond. Vaughn looked to forever, and forever also includes London. 

This series may be complete now, but I know Cali Melle has many more wonderful stories (and characters) to come. I look forward to reading each and every one. Chances are I will fall just as hard for the newbies as I did the

If college hockey romances are something you enjoy reading, or even if you just like the new adult genre, then give
Off-Ice Collision a read. You don't NEED to read the other books in the series, but it would help to know backstories and relationships.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. If you read the book, I'd love to know yours as well.


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Thank you Cali for providing me with an advanced copy of Off-Ice Collision!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How to Win the Girl by Sara Ney {a review}

My name is Laura, and I've fallen hard for the Colter brothers. First it was Duke and his living arrangement with Posey. Then it was Dallas and his fake relationship with Ryann. Now it's Drake, and his desire to help Drew find a girlfriend. Sara Ney's rom-coms are some of my favorites, and How to Win the Girl is right at the top of the list. I have even declared that Drake Colter is the best Colter. I'm not accepting any criticism on that. There is only one Colter left that could change my mind, so now I wait on Drew's book.

What to Expect:
Hate to Love
Sports Romance
Enemies to Lovers
Twin Switch
College Setting

How to Win the Girl is a college sports romance that features twin switching. I think the last time I read a trope like that might have been back in my Sweet Valley High or Sweet Valley University days. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG AGO THAT WAS?!? Oh I'm old. Moving on. Drake just wants the best for Drew, and his twin clearly is not doing well trying to find a girlfriend. Or at least that's Drake's take. So Drake takes it upon himself to download a dating app, and set up a profile for Drew. Does he tell Drew about this? No, why would he do that. Drake knows best!

Where does Daisy come into play in all of this? Well you see she and Drake met each other in class. Drake was attending the class for Drew, and Drake's constant movement was irritating Daisy. They had a few words. Once that dating app is downloaded, and an account is created, guess who match. YEP. What happens next is a lot of banter through messaging, verbal volleys, and an attraction being built. But Daisy is supposed to be for Drew, not Drake.

I so loved the banter in this book. Whether that was between Drake and Daisy, Drake and Drew, Daisy and Drew, or even with the side characters. That just added some additional humorous moments to the book. You know what else I loved? How Daisy was sassy, sarcastic, smart, sincere, and unwilling to put up with Drake's shenanigans. Daisy is a fantastic heroine, and she gave as good as she got. What do I enjoy about Drake? His loving heart, his protectiveness, his desire that his siblings have everything they want, and the fact that this man fell HARD. 

How to Win the Girl had me experiencing a variety of things. From laughter, to swooning, to frustration with Drake, to wanting to protect Daisy at all costs, and so much more. While reading I also found myself wondering what is going on with Drew. Clearly something is up, but what? Sara Ney's storytelling, and character development, had me enjoying every single moment of this story. I cannot wait to return to this college in Wisconsin and learn Drew Colter's story. I need it immediately. 

Do you enjoy college romances? I've been out of college for a LONG time now, but I still enjoy reading stories set at colleges. I can't fully put it into words. If you're looking for a college sports rom-com, I truly hope that you'll give the Campus Legends series a read.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on this new release. I truly enjoyed every moment of this story.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Thank you Sara Ney, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of How to Win the Girl.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Scoring the Player by Rebecca Jenshak {a review}

 It's time to return to Valley U, and check in on our favorite Campus Wallflowers! Scoring the Player by Rebecca Jenshak is the third book in this series, and you are not ready for Dahlia and Felix.

What to expect:

  • College Setting
  • Sports Romance
  • Fake Dating
  • Opposites Attract
  • A Viral Video
  • Dual POV

Dahlia has had a crush on Felix for a while now. The problem is that she struggles to talk around him, and just becomes really awkward. She basically makes a fool out herself anytime Felix is around. Is it intentional? Absolutely not. Dahlia gets flustered. Plus she's a quiet, quirky person. I can relate to Dahlia completely. I was that way. In many circumstances I still am. I think that's why she's one of my favorite heroines that Rebecca has created. (or at least that I've read.) That awkwardness doesn't stop Felix though. He's drawn to Dahlia. He wants to get to know her. He wants to hang out with her. After that video that went viral, he's now determined to help her. What better way to protect Dahlia, than to fake date. I know, I know. However in Felix's mind it works. So a plan is put in place, and this will definitely benefit our girl Dahlia who is lacking experience.

One thing I really appreciated about Dahlia was the fact that she didn't leave Jane behind. It would have been so simple to do since she had Felix in her life. Yet that isn't who Dahlia is. She loves her friends, and makes sure that they are included whenever possible. Of course it helps that Jane will insert herself where she can, as she doesn't want to be alone. When it comes to Felix, Jane is pushing for this relationship to happen. She can see the attraction between the two, and knows her friend can be a bit skittish. 

Felix is one of my favorite heroes that Rebecca has brought to life. This man may be all about football, but he is also 100% a protector. I appreciated how quickly Felix's friends accepted Dahlia into the fold, and how they fell for her as well. Based on Felix's ex, that isn't the norm for these guys. Then there's Felix's sisters who latched onto Dahlia immediately. They know when a person is trustworthy, friendly, and they can see something in her that their brother needs. 

I loved the relationship between our hero and heroine. While it may have started off as fake, feelings were quickly caught. That little break that they took was the perfect opportunity for them to realize their feelings, and act upon them. Also, that ending? PERFECT! But it also has me wondering if a spinoff is about to happen. Maybe? If it does, I will absolutely read it. I mean look what happened when Wildcat Hockey happened after Johnny's story. 

Felix and Dahlia have stolen a little piece of my heart, and I loved their story so. That being said, I am beyond excited for Jane's story. We were given a bit more insight into her past, and I was not expecting that! I need to see who she is going to end up with, and the wild journey that will take place. 

If you haven't checked out any of Rebecca Jenshak's books, you need to. I loved her Campus Nights series, this Wallflowers series, and of course the Wildcat Hockey series.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts on Scoring the Player. I do hope you'll read the book, and fall for these characters like I have.


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Thank you to Rebecca Jenshak, and Valentine PR, for providing me with a review copy of this book.

Crushed by Elise Faber {a review}

 It's release day for Crushed by Elise Faber!! If you know me, then you know how much I adore the Gold Hockey series. I have read each, and every, book. Not only that but I have fallen HARD for the characters. This found family is one of my absolute favorites. Gold Hockey will always have a place in my heart as it is just simply wonderful.

With Crushed being book 18, it makes me wonder how much longer Elise Faber will continue on with the team. We've already witnessed many retirements, and there is a big one looming. I also am curious as to how Elise will handle Brit's retirement. That's been alluded to a couple of times now in different stories, and I'm not ready for her to retire. Her story was the first!

Will and Lily's story was enjoyable. Yes there were tense moments, steamy moments, as well as plenty of laughter and tears. These two have known each other for so many years. After all it was when Lily was 12, and Will was 16, that this crush first developed. Will squashed it then, and is still trying to put his distance to this day. Yet having Lily live in the same city, work at the same place, and become friends with the same people, it's getting more difficult to ignore any attraction. Plus Will needs to work through the mental hurdles that he has when it comes to Lily. Yes, she was like a sister to him all those years ago, but she's grown up. Maybe it's time to look past what used to be, and look toward the future.

That third act breakup was a doozy. I knew a breakup was coming, I just wasn't sure how it would play out. Especially since a breakup had been thwarted previously. When all of it did play out though, I wanted to knock some sense into the character. Yes it was a protective measure. Yes they thought they were doing the right thing. But clearly they were not. Now the reunion? Perfection. The grand gesture? FABULOUS! 

I also loved that we started to get the lay of the land for the next book, Changed. You already know I'll be reading it. Heck I have it preordered! Lucas and Maddy's story will be filled with enemies to lovers, hate to love, frustration, and realization. I am here for it! Now to wait until the end of August to read it.

Real quick note about the underlying storyline in Crushed. If you read the news reports a couple of years ago about the US gymnastics team, and the doctor- something similar plays out within this book. You don't see any of it, or really hear any of it, but it is a big part of Lily's story. There is also mention of a character succumbing to self harm. I mention this, because if those topics are things you want to avoid, then this might not be the book for you. I will say that the self harm is a small part of a chapter, whereas the other part is an undercurrent throughout. 

Have you read any of the books in the Gold Hockey series? How about the Rush series? Breakers Hockey? I haven't read any of the Breakers hockey books, but they are on my kindle waiting for me.

Thank you for reading,

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Thank you Elise Faber, and 1852 Media, for providing me with an advanced copy of Crushed.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros {a review}

Rebecca Yarros just released her first fantasy novel, Fourth Wing, and it is absolutely spectacular! I love the fact that she stepped out of her comfort zone, and dipped her toes into the fantasy realm. After reading Fourth Wing, I truly hope that Rebecca continues on in this genre. 

What is Fourth Wing about? Let's start by taking a look at the description of the book:

Enter the brutal and elite world of a war college for dragon riders from USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Yarros

Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general―also known as her tough-as-talons mother―has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders.

But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.

With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother’s daughter―like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant.

She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise.

Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret.

Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda―because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die.

Fourth Wing consists of 4 quadrants: Riders, Healers, Infantry, and Scribes. There is a certain group of people that has to join the Riders quadrant, they do not get another option. Whereas everyone else can choose what area would be the best fit for them.  (Well, besides Violet, that choice was taken from her.)

From the very first chapter I was pulled into this world. Basgiath intrigued me. The people intrigued me. I was immediately curious, and I fell into the book. Violet is a very likable character, as is Mira. Commanding General Sorrengail on the other hand is clearly a bit of an antagonist. It wasn't long into the story that we began to learn about Violet, her love of history, her love of books, and the fact that her body is built a bit different. Her joints are a bit looser, and she doesn't have a lot of strength. However she is quite mighty. The first task is to cross the parapet. Once on the other side she'll have a familiar face waiting for her in Dain. He's her childhood best friend. Violet will also meet the person her sister says to stay away from: Xaden Riorson. Prepare yourself to choose, as it is very much a Gale vs Peeta, or Jacob vs Edward, or Tamlin vs Rhysand situation.

There is so much action and suspense in this book. I loved it so. There was also a romance storyline building, and as a romance reader I loved it. If you're looking for a mystery, this also falls into that setting a bit, as there are definitely secrets being kept, and we need to sort those out.

Witnessing all of these first years go through the process, and having their dragons select them, was fascinating. That had me captivated. I was wondering what dragon would choose which rider, and of course paying closer attention to my favorite characters. It was also during this dragon selection, or rather rider selection, scene that some very memorable action moments popped up. I was holding my breath during that one. 

The connection between Xaden and Violet continued to grow. The tension between Dain and Violet continued with intensity. Not to mention the attempts made to harm Violet by others. It was wild. Back to the dragon/rider selection scene for a moment. I loved how that all transpired. I loved how Violet was chosen. How that was shocking. It was just everything I could have wanted. Okay back to relationships and such. The friendship that Violet had with Rhiannon was something heartwarming. These two bonded immediately back at the parapet. So to see them still side by side, surviving, thriving, and preparing for the future was reassuring. There were so many young people that attempted to get to where these two are, but they are just now names on a scroll. 

Now listen, a lot happened between rider selection and the war games. But I can't tell you everything because that would be rude. It would ruin the story, and I'm not about that life. 

Let's talk a little bit about the war games scenes. OH MY WORD, the action, the suspense, the heartache. It was so much, and I was on the edge of my seat throughout. My jaw dropped so many times it was ridiculous. It's all because of how enthralled I was with the story, and the characters. Rebecca Yarros created this world that I just want to know more about. There are secrets being kept, and we are slowly learning a couple of them. I want to know the rest. Plus that ending? WHAT WAS THAT?!? AHHHHH! Is it November 7 yet? I need Iron Flame IMMEDIATELY!

If you've watched any of the review on TikTok for this book, you'll hear varied responses. Many will comment on the writing, and how it isn't necessarily their cup of tea. That's their opinion. They may be right, they may be wrong. What I know is that there was something magical about this book. Rebecca immediately pulled me into this new world. I fell for the characters. I despised the antagonists. The dragons stole my heart (Andarna!). The action was superb. The drama was intense. Everything was just so good. Even that bit of spice we had with Xaden and Violet was explosive. From the moment I picked this book up, until the very last page, I could not get enough. Here I am, a week later, and I am still thinking about Fourth Wing. This very well maybe my favorite of the month, as well as of the year. Time will tell.

If you are someone who doesn't typically read fantasy, like me, give this one a try. If you've read Rebecca's romance novels you know her style, and this is just taking us out of contemporary, and adding a few more magical elements to it all. The action, suspense, drama is delightful.

If you do typically read fantasy, and have been on the edge about Fourth Wing, pick it up. Seriously. Give it a read. Form your own opinions. Trust your gut, and enjoy the ride. I hope you love Fourth Wing as much as I did.

Who has recommendations for me? Anyone? I crave something similar to Fourth Wing. The dragons, the setting, the characters, the gryphons, all of it. I need something that will pull me in as much as Fourth Wing did. If it has a romance story to it as well, then that's even better.

Thanks for reading,

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Edge of Forgiveness by Kristin Turnage {a review}

Hi. I'm not okay. I just finished reading an advanced copy of The Edge of Forgiveness by Kristin Turnage. My heart is happy, my mind is all over the place, and my emotions took a hit. If you've been around for a while, then you know how much I adore The Edge series. There is just something about the small town of Oaks, and all of the characters that I've met. I want to go visit, befriend them all, or even better yet have Cora and Caleb adopt me.

If you're new to The Edge series, like I said it is small town romance. Not only that but each book hits a different emotion just right. If you're an emotional reader, then you should have tissues close by. Here in The Edge of Forgiveness you'll also find these two tropes: forced proximity and enemies to lovers. In a way I think, at least for Courtney, the trope of found family also applies. It could also be considered a second chance romance of sorts. Especially given the history between these two. We've met both Hunter and Courtney in previous books, so it's nice to finally hear their stories. 

So what's The Edge of Forgiveness about? Let's read the blurb first:

Courtney Rogers has two secrets, secrets that she’s kept from her best friend. One involves a night that changed her best friend’s life forever and the other is her best friend’s soon to be brother-in-law. She thought she was going to take both secrets to the grave, to make sure neither sees the light of day. But, when her best friend asks her to housesit while she goes on her honeymoon for two weeks, her once concrete walls start to crumble. Courtney’s always prided herself on being able to put on blinders and forget about her problems, but now the pressure seems to be too great. If she talks and lets out what’s trapped inside, she’ll be more alone than ever.

Could her best friend handle knowing that she was the reason her life changed forever?

Then, there’s the other serious issue, Hunter Freeman, AKA The Other Secret. The one she pushed so far away that, instead getting lustful glances and playful banter, she gets nothing but cold stares and a rock-hard heart. She thought it was for all the right reasons, he made her feel things, and those things were uncontrollable.

Hunter Freeman knows the game. He understands what needs to be done, but his problem, he doesn’t want to play. So, he doesn’t. Don’t expect him to bring you flowers, he won’t. Don’t expect him to chase you because his ass ain’t running. After going through his own heartbreak, and watching his brother struggle with love, he has decided to stop, to just stop trying. The fear of rejection hangs over him like a dark cloud. He’s seen the dark side of love and it’s not worth it to him. The highs never make up for the lows.

Just when he felt things starting to turn around, life decided to throw a wrench in his gears or, in his case, life decided to throw in a little bit of Courtney Rogers, the fucking curveball that came out of nowhere and always sends him home licking his wounds.

Now, she’s back after a year and will be in his world for two weeks. Both fighting to end what was started before it becomes too much. Both needing what everybody always wants.

Love, acceptance, and a little forgiveness.

Content Warning: This book contains sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.


Doesn't their story sound good? Right off the bat you know it's going to be an emotional one. Especially once Courtney shares her backstory. This woman has been hurt, and she has the trauma to go with that hurt. Yet she tries to bury it as deep as possible. Thankfully people are starting to see the cracks forming, and she's going to need the support once it all crumbles down. Don't think that this book is only about Courtney's journey toward healing. Oh no. You see Hunter also has some issues that he keeps hidden. There is a reason he stays away from relationships. There is a reason there is a brick wall surrounding his heart.

My rating for The Edge of Forgiveness:
5 Stars

Now if you've read The Edge of Happiness, then you know that Courtney is Cassie's best friend. These two have known each other for a long time and have an incredible bond. So when it's Cassie's wedding naturally Courtney is by her side on the big day. It is also Courtney that Cassie asks to house/dog sit while she and Ryan are off on their honeymoon. Now was there more to the story about having Courtney house/dog sit for 2 weeks? Of course there was, and that is part of Courtney's story.  Naturally during these two weeks she and Hunter are at each other's throats. Ever since that relationship that wasn't a relationship ended, there has been a lot of pain/frustration/heartache/longing happening. Here we are now and they are pretty much forced to be near each other. Even more so since Hunter works with Ryan (aka his brother) as the horse trainer. There are so many words flung back and forth between these two, it's ridiculous. Yet they can't stay apart. It's a wild ride.

You might be wondering how they get together if there is so much pain separating them. Well all that forced proximity is coming into play with the verbal volleys. It is when one of those moments spark something, and causes Courtney to panic that has Hunter's wall starting to crack. He sees the vulnerability, and knows that he needs to push a bit to get her to open up. Hunter just doesn't expect that this push is going to result in a verbal vomit. That's precisely what happened. These two have finally aired all their dirty laundry, and have bared their souls. It is now that a real relationship can form. That is if they want it to happen, or if they don't screw it up in the process.

I'm not going to touch too much on their relationship as it's really interesting to take in as you're reading it. That being said, Courtney has created bonds with others in Oaks. Whether it is Cassie, Joss, AJ, Madison, or even Cora. Not just those people though, she's finding that she has these connections within the town. She may not like it as it scares her, but those connections have been formed. She's found her family essentially. I think one of my favorite connections though was with Ollie. Ollie Freeman is the brother of Hunter and Ryan. He's the baby. He's trying to find his place in the family business, as well as in life. Something is causing him pain though, and Courtney sees that in him. She's called him on it, and I love that. She's let him know that she'll be his safe place to land when he's ready. It was that connection that had me wishing that Kristin would write his story as well.

Let's talk about the fact that the two weeks is up, and Courtney is heading back to Texas. After all that's where her apartment is, her job is, and a good portion of her life. As much as Courtney wants to get out of Oaks (or so she thinks), she's also feeling that perhaps Texas isn't where she's meant to be any longer. Yet she says her goodbyes to all except one. It is right before she leaves that she has a heartfelt conversation with Cora. It is that conversation that had me sobbing. I thought that since I had made it this far through The Edge of Forgiveness that I wouldn't get hit with the emotional moments. Yet this happened as Cora shared something from her past that resonated with Courtney, and it hit me. It was that simple conversation that had the flood gates opening. I was busy wiping away my tears while feeling all the compassion and love pouring off of Cora. She was speaking truth, she was speaking from her heart, and pouring this love into Courtney when she needed it most. I think that this conversation reached Courtney at just the right time. Perhaps something clicked into place even though she was still trying to run. 

Since this story was almost over, not only did I think I was going to get out of getting hit in the feelings, I also was wondering if church was going to happen. Now not traditional church. No no no. Church is where the group of friends (who are really family at this point) come together for one to bare their soul. To tell the things that are causing them pain. This therapy of sorts isn't always voluntary. Sometimes it is the group showing up to your house to have it out. To call you on your shit, and make you face the things that you might not want to. Yet at the end of the conversation, that therapy session, you find yourself with the answers you need. THAT is church. THAT is what this group continues to encourage, as well as experience. It may be something their parents started many years ago, but they are gladly carrying it into the future.

There is so much more that I want to say about The Edge of Forgiveness, but I've been long winded enough. If you're an emotional reader...take breaks, have the tissues close by, and feel free to message me while reading. I may have messaged the author a couple of times while reading, and I regret nothing. Hunter and Courtney are now part of my fictional family, along with the others I've "met" in Oaks. These characters have wedged themselves into my heart, and it is glorious. May we all find a group of friends similar to Ryan, Cassie, Mac, Joss, Jace, AJ, Hunter, Courtney, Travis, Madison, Ollie, and Noah. (I can't leave out Cora and Caleb either.)

When I started reading The Edge of Forgiveness I was worried. I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as the others in the series. I was worried that I wouldn't connect with Hunter and Courtney. Yet here I am on the other side, and I did love their story as much as the others. I did connect with them. I did empathize with their situations. I was rooting for them since their initial meeting back in The Edge of Happiness. So to know that they've found their happily ever after, and that they are making their mental health needs a priority, just has me loving it all the more. I look forward to reading Noah's story when it comes out. Kristin has solidified herself as an autobuy author for me, and also her books are going to be on my 5 star predictions list. Time and time again she's shown me how talented she is with her words, her characters, her world buiding, and also all the energy (physical, mental, emotional) that she pours into creating these books. It's phenomenal. It is also why I buy the kindle copy of the book, as well as the paperback. I want to support her writing career as much as possible. It's my way of showing my appreciation for the stories she brings to life.

I truly hope you'll consider picking up The Edge of Forgiveness. If you haven't read the other three books (Happiness, Serenity, Redemption) I suggest you do. They all hit different. They all have emotional moments. They all struggle with something different. These books are not just romance, they are so much more than that. If anything these books are healing. The Edge of Forgiveness releases on April 13, 2023. Go preorder it, and get ready to fall for these characters.

Happy Reading,

Thank you Kristin Turnage, and Grey Promo, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Edge of Forgiveness.

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Thank you!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Jagged Thorns by January James {a review}

 "I like it here. The Isle of Crow is beautiful. It deserves to be seen."

January James is about to release Jagged Thorns. This is the first book in the Thorn trilogy, and hold on to your hats for a wild ride. The Isle of Crow is quite exclusive, and it is shrouded in mystery. Now outsiders are wanting to visit the island, not only to find out what happens here, but also to learn about a medication they are producing. It is this new venture that is bringing Vivian to the island. She has just been hired as the tour guide, but she has an ulterior motive for accepting the position. This item is the only thing that can help her sister. 

Let's talk tropes. From what I have gathered, Jagged Thorns falls into these categories: Forbidden, workplace, hate to love, billionaire, and suspense. It could also be a little forced proximity, and maybe soul mates; I haven't fully wrapped my head around it to make that declaration.

Before we get to my review, allow me to share the description for Jagged Thorns:

The Isle of Crow is elusive, exclusive and untouchable. Only the richly beautiful, and the beautifully rich are allowed in. But, a century has passed, and they want to open their doors, and I’m the new tour guide.

I’m to work for the latest generation of Thorn billionaires on the stormiest island in the British Isles. Home to the cruellest hearts that ever lived and the most thunderous eyes I’ve ever seen. He says he never wanted me there, but when his hands catch my hips, his dark stare tells a different story.

The Thorns are enigmatic, cunning and dangerous, and keeping one of the world’s deepest, dirtiest secrets. I can’t unsee it. I can’t unlearn it. And I can’t forget it. Because I’ve just fallen for the brightest, most beautiful Thorn of them all.


My rating for Jagged Thorns is:

4 stars!

Now on to my review!

First things first, THAT CLIFFHANGER! Even though I KNEW there was going to be a cliffhanger, I hadn't begun to process how it would be. Then it happened. Ugh. January James you're torturing me! It cannot end that way! 

Let's back up though. I can understand why Vivian applied for this job. It was what she felt she needed to do. So while yay for getting a job on this mysterious island, but I can also imagine how difficult it was for her to leave home. Now she has benn thrust into this new location, this new job, and knows no one. All this for one reason, and one reason only. It's very selfless of her. Then there is Rupert. He is determined to push back as much as he is able to get away with when it comes to the family business. That is his focus. That whole married by 27 thing isn't even at the front of his mind. Stopping his brother, or at least slowing him down, is. Now though this tour business is about to begin, and that's the last thing he wants.

I really liked the instant connection that Rupert felt with Vivian. It was very hate to love, and I'm here for it. He tried his best to avoid falling, but the wheels were already set in motion from the moment he saw her. You could tell that Vivian wasn't really feeling it at first. Was he gorgeous? Yes. Was she looking for a relationship? No. Nothing could happen between them. Nothing. Another thing that I loved was the mysteriousness of the island. We knew what was being created on the island, but we didn't know how, we didn't know really much of anything. That is what pulled me to the book when January approached me about an advanced copy. Then there is Ossian. January had me hating this man early on, and rightfully so. He is clearly one of the villains, and I cannot wait for the next two books to see what happens with him.  I'm also intrigued by Minty. She seems like a good sidekick for Vivian, and has taken her under her wing. This "townie" is going to be just what Vivian needs.

I have many questions regarding the consortium. Okay fine, I just have many questions, and the consortium part is just one. For those who haven't read the book, the consortium is the billionaires on the island who really control everything. They have rules and expectations for their families to adhere to, and if they don't there are grave consequences. I mentioned Ossian in this graphic ↓, but seriously what is this man's issue? He's probably going to end up on my love to hate list. I highly doubt he will redeem himself.

Now I will say that the first quarter of this book was a struggle for me. I get that a new world is being created, these characters need to be introduced, and the stage needs to be set. Yet at the same time it was a lot to get through. It seemed more of an intense build than I've experienced by other authors. Even with the paranormal books I've read, the build doesn't seem this grand. So I'm not 100% certain what to think about that. If I'm honest it did cause to me to almost DNF the book. But then as I sit and think about it, was it truly the book, or was it me coming off of another book and dealing with a book hangover? Doesn't really matter I guess. Once I made it past the set up the book became really interesting. Even more so as Vivian and Rupert began their working relationship. It began to show different things happening, it opened up more about the family, the island, and the issues taking place. When all this was happening, I found myself looking at all the details to try and figure out what was happening, as well as who could be behind it.

Obviously I have questions about things. I referenced that above. There was just something about what was revealed toward the end that had my jaw dropping. Everything that was uncovered just amped up the story that much more. I have this desire to know what is going to happen next. Pushing that aside though I also want to know more about the Thorns. Based on things that were shared there could be a major shake up about to happen. 

Let's talk about the relationship between Rupert and Vivian real quick. The attraction is there. That's been established. It is mutual. But we also know it cannot happen. So you need to cherish those steamy moments they give us because they will not last. Or at least I don't think they will until probably until book 3. 

I loved the conversation that Rupert had with Hector after the grand experience of the night before. Rupert has a point. Hector cannot deny it either. Especially given what's going on in HIS romantic life.

This book has a chokehold on me. While things may have started off a bit rocky, I cannot get this storyline off my mind. I need the next book immediately. Unfortunately, January James has said (in her group) that it won't be out until late May or early June. So now I need to exercise some patience. All I know is that I need to know what happens after that cliffhanger. That was quite the bomb to drop, and with the way things ended I just have more questions.

Do you read romantic suspense and/or mystery? I love them and cannot get enough. I hope you'll consider checking out Jagged Thorns when it releases on March 21! (psst: although if you want the paperback it looks like it's available NOW!)

Happy Reading,

Thank you January for providing me with an advanced copy of Jagged Thorns!

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