Monday, October 4, 2021

October A to Z

Back in January I had these grand plans to participate in three reading challenges. I started off strong, and about midway through, it all just stopped. I stopped looking at the prompts. I stopped filling in the blanks on my blog, and honestly I deleted those pages all together. I just gave up as I was overwhelmed with everything. 

Now here it is October, and I'm wanting to participate. So I figured why not just do October A to Z. Fill in each letter whether it is the title of the book, the author's first name, or the author's last name. Let's see how many letters I can complete! We all know Q, U, X, and Z are going to be the troublesome letters, but I have a good feeling. 

Bookstacks and Golden Moms has a specific prompt for October, and I think I'll utilize that for a mini challenge. Looking at my calendar, this should be "easy" to fulfill since I have so many ARCs scheduled.


A book written by a new to you author

My "plan" as of right now is to update each week. That way I can visually see my progress, and know which letters are left to fulfill.

If you'd like to join in with me, please do so! You could even double up by working in the title and author, so it would knock out two letters.