Showing posts with label Reading Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading Challenge. Show all posts

Friday, April 28, 2023

A to Z Reading Challenge 2023 (April Update)

Goodbye April! You went by way too quickly. Since it's basically over, it's time for my A to Z challenge update! 

I crossed off ONE letter. ONE! And it was for the title challenge. UGH! Hey, progress is progress though, and that's what counts. Maybe in May I'll be able to cross off some of the remaining Author letters. Maybe. The title challenge letters are getting a lot more challenging since I only have Q, X, and Z remaining.

Were you able to complete any letters this month? How many do you have left to go? Also are you doing the title challenge, the author challenge, or are you doing both?

See you back here at the end of May for another update!

Happy Reading,

Title Challenge:

A - All It Take by JH Croix
B - The Baby Blitz by Lex Martin
C - The Coppersmith Farmhouse by Devney Perry
D - Defensive Hearts by Alley Ciz
E - Every Last Piece by JS Wood
F - Filthy Jealous Heir Pt 2 by Caitlyn Dare
G - The Great Austen Adventure by Tomi Tabb
H - How to Lose at Love by Sara Ney
I - Ignite by Melanie Harlow
J - Jagged Thorns by January James
K - Kellan by Anna Blakely
L - The Lawyer by Marni Mann
M - Movie Star by Jessica Simpson
N - Never Give Up by Rue Lennox
O - Out of Play by Aven Ellis
P - Promised to the Night by Meg Anne & K Loraine
Q - 
R - Resilient Reign by Aleatha Romig
S - Salutis Meae by Jocelyne Soto
T - Tempting the Neighbor by Ashley Munoz
U - Unexpected Love Story by Natasha Madison
V - Vow of Revenge by P Rayne
W - Wild Ever After by Rebecca Jenshak
X - 
Y - You Can't Kiss the Nanny, Brady Banks by Piper Rayne
Z - 

Author Challenge

A - Aleatha Romig
B - Emily Bowie
C - JH Croix
D - Caitlyn Dare
E - Aven Ellis
F - Elise Faber
G - Gina Azzi

H - Anna Hackett
I - 
J - January James
K - K Loraine
L - Lauren Asher
M - Ashley Munoz
N - Sara Ney
O - 
P - Devney Perry
Q - Angela Quarles
R - Rue Lennox
S - Jocelyne Soto
T - Tomi Tabb
U - 
V - 
W - JS Wood
X - Xavier Neal

Y - 
Z - 

Please note:
I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.
Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.
Thank you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A to Z Reading Challenge 2023 {February Update}

It's time for my second check in for 2023's A to Z challenges! I've knocked a few more letters off my list, and I am so happy to be making progress. Here's hoping that 2023 is my year to complete these reading challenges. 

Were you able to complete any letters this month? How many do you have left to go? Also are you doing the title challenge, the author challenge, or are you doing both?

See you back here at the end of March for another update!

Happy Reading,

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A to Z Reading Challenge 2023

It's the end of January! The first month of 2023 is in the books, and I am in disbelief at how fast it went by. I can't be the only one. 

At the beginning of the year I made the decision to participate in the A to Z challenge again this year. As we all know I did not complete it in 2022, but I made fabulous progress.

When it came to the title challenge, I missed it by 3 letters (X, Y, Z). The author challenge I only missed by 2 (I, O)

So here we go with my first check in for 2023. Once again I will be doing the title and author editions of this challenge. Let's see what I was able to cross off in the first month.

Title Challenge:

A - All It Take by JH Croix
B - 
C - The Coppersmith Farmhouse by Devney Perry
D - 
E - 
F - Filthy Jealous Heir Pt 2 by Caitlyn Dare
G - The Great Austen Adventure by Tomi Tabb
H - How to Lose at Love by Sara Ney
I - Ignite by Melanie Harlow
J - 
K - 
L - The Lawyer by Marni Mann
M - 
N - Never Give Up by Rue Lennox
O - Out of Play by Aven Ellis
P - Promised to the Night by Meg Anne & K Loraine
Q - 
R - Resilient Reign by Aleatha Romig
S - Salutis Meae by Jocelyne Soto
T - Tempting the Neighbor by Ashley Munoz
U - 
V - 
W - Wild Ever After by Rebecca Jenshak
X - 
Y - 
Z - 

Author Challenge

A - Aleatha Romig
B - Emily Bowie
C - JH Croix
D - Caitlyn Dare
E - Aven Ellis
F - 
G - 
H - Anna Hackett
I - 
J - January James
K - K Loraine
L - 
M - Ashley Munoz
N - Sara Ney
O - 
P - Devney Perry
Q - 
R - Rue Lennox
S - Jocelyne Soto
T - Tomi Tabb
U - 
V - 
W - 
X - 
Y - 
Z - 

WOW! That is quite the start for the 2023 A to Z challenge! I can tell you now that not every month will have that much at once. It's easy to do at the beginning.

Just a reminder that with the Author Challenge, I will use first names or last names to complete the letter. When it comes to the title though, I go for the first letter (not including The, A, If). I may make exceptions for a few letters, but time will tell on that.

Are you doing the A to Z challenge this year? How is your list looking? Did you read any of the same books as me?

See you back here at the end of February with my next update!

Happy Reading,

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A to Z Challenge {update}

Remember at the beginning of the year when I kicked off this challenge? I thought for certain I would be on round two at this point. Wow was I wrong!

Since my last update on May 2, not a lot has changed on my lists. I managed to complete 2 additional author letters, and 3 book letters. So not a lot by any means. Little by little though I'm getting things done. I've looked through my backlog of kindle books, and it is looking like I will be able to complete these two challenges by the end of the year. The only slot I haven't found a book for is the letter X. I will track one down. I will!

What letters was I able to cross off? Let's find out.

Remember, the salmon color is the new additions to the list.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A to Z Author Challenge {update}


March is just about over... How?

As the month is just about over, that means that it is time for an Author A to Z challenge update.

New additions are in a pink/salmon color, and the blue is existing.

I'm curious to see how many letters I can cross off my list!

Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday, January 10, 2022

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A to Z Author Challenge

Yesterday I posted about the A to Z TITLE challenge, and today I am sharing that I am joining the A to Z AUTHOR challenge. Yes, I am treating them as two separate events.

With how much I read on a yearly basis, I'm thinking 2022 will have a few rounds happening. So, let's kick off the A to Z author challenge.

Monday, January 3, 2022

A to Z Title Challenge!

Happy January!

You may recall that back in October I participated in a month long a to z challenge that covered both title and author. So either could count for the letter. Well that's not happening this time around! I am treating them as two separate challenges. 

With how much I read on a yearly basis, I'm thinking 2022 will have a few rounds happening. So, let's kick off the A to Z title challenge.

Friday, December 31, 2021

I'm Participating!

Those who have been around the book community for a while are probably familiar with the Buzzword reading challenge that Books and Lala hosts.

If you are not familiar with it, this is a monthly challenge. Each month has a different prompt. That month's topic must appear in the title of a book. Need more of an explanation? I suggest watching Kayla's video.

For January, the prompt is the 5 w's: who, what, where, when, why, and (of course) how. So if one of those six words is in a book title for the month you're good to go!

I had planned on participated in 2021, but then changed my mind at the last moment. In 2022 though, I am in! I've looked at my ARCs to see if any of those fit for January. As of right now they don't. So I'm going to need to go digging through the books on my kindle to see what will fit the prompt. 

Are you participating this year? Have you participated in the past?


Monday, November 1, 2021

October A to Z update


It's time for my final update with the October A to Z reading challenge! Here is my progress. New additions to the list are in orange!

A: Adventurous Love by Lea Coll
B: Broken Playboy by Laura Lee
C: Change on the Fly by Maren Moore
D: Designing for a Royal by Tomi Tabb
F: Fallen Heirs by Laura Lee
G: Ground Zero by April Canavan 
H: The Hacker by Anna Hackett
J: Affliction by JL Stray
K: An Irresistible Chance by Kim Loraine
L: Ruthless Kings by Laura Lee
M: Missing Maverick by Anna Brooks
N: The Nanny and the Hothead by Krista Sandor
O: Only One Regret by Natasha Madison
R: Rebel Yule by Kate Meader
S: One Eye by KL Savage
T: Turnover by Lisa Suzanne
V: Violent Attraction by Jocelyne Soto
W: Wicked Liars by Laura Lee
X: Taming of the Crew by Xavier Neal

Final Thoughts:
I think I did a pretty dang good job for this being a monthly challenge! There were a couple letters I thought I could fulfill (I & P), but I ran out of time. Still though I'm proud of what I accomplished and will definitely attempt this again. I'm thinking of making it a quarterly challenge in 2022. Q, U, and Z will always be the problematic letters, but you never know, eventually I'll be able to fill in those spots.

Have you ever tried an a to z reading challenge? If so, how'd you do?

Monday, October 25, 2021

October A to Z update


Here is my progress. New additions to the list are in orange!

A: Adventurous Love by Lea Coll
B: Broken Playboy by Laura Lee
C: Change on the Fly by Maren Moore
D: Designing for a Royal by Tomi Tabb
F: Fallen Heirs by Laura Lee
H: The Hacker by Anna Hackett
J: Affliction by JL Stray
L: Ruthless Kings by Laura Lee
M: Missing Maverick by Anna Brooks
N: The Nanny and the Hothead by Krista Sandor
O: Only One Regret by Natasha Madison
R: Rebel Yule by Kate Meader
S: One Eye by KL Savage
T: Turnover by Lisa Suzanne
V: Violent Attraction by Jocelyne Soto
W: Wicked Liars by Laura Lee

Monday, October 18, 2021

October A to Z update


Here is my progress. New additions to the list are in orange!

A: Adventurous Love by Lea Coll
C: Change on the Fly by Maren Moore
F: Fallen Heirs by Laura Lee
H: The Hacker by Anna Hackett
J: Affliction by JL Stray
L: Ruthless Kings by Laura Lee
M: Missing Maverick by Anna Brooks
N: The Nanny and the Hothead by Krista Sandor
O: Only One Regret by Natasha Madison
R: Rebel Yule by Kate Meader
S: One Eye by KL Savage
T: Turnover by Lisa Suzanne
V: Violent Attraction by Jocelyne Soto
W: Wicked Liars by Laura Lee