Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Prince of Hawthorne Prep by Jennifer Sucevic {a review}

Austin doesn't want me.
He wants vengence.
I'm just the instrument he'll use to achieve it.

Jennifer Sucevic is back with another installment in the Hawthorne Prep series! King of Hawthorne Prep and Queen of Hawthorne Prep both focus on Kingsley and Summer's story. Now though it's time to officially meet Austin Hawthorne, and see what happens with Delilah. I should mention I haven't read Kingsley and Summer's story, so I don't know everything that happened there. What I can tell you is that to fully understand everything that is about to go down in Prince of Hawthorne Prep, it might be best to pick those two up. I did not. I chose to go in not knowing anything, and I still enjoyed the story. But believe me when I say I will be going back to read the previous two books.

4.5 stars

Wow, what a story! In the beginning I was livid. Jasper immediately rubbed me the wrong way. His mask was slipping, and you could see the villain starting to appear. The fact that he can so easily switch between personalities is a bit scary. One minute he's showing his true self to Delilah, and the next he's putting on the charm with adults and friends. 

Every scene with Jasper and Delilah had me on edge. It wasn't that it was making me uncomfortable, it's more so that I could tell the person who he truly is. Yet some how he's at the top of the food chain. When Austin begins to come around, you can feel the pull that he and Delilah have. You can also feel the pure rage and jealousy vibrating off of Jasper. You can also feel the shift that is about to happen.

I was proud of Delilah for standing up for herself, and also getting herself out of that situation. I liked that Austin was her protector in that moment.

The scene at the fundraising event really ticked me off. I could not believe when all of that happened, and how it affected both relationships. Then to have it turn even darker. As I was reading that scene I was expecting something to go down, but I wasn't expecting that. Then add on that it was marked as no big deal? WHAT? HOW? What sort of blackmail does this person have on the powers that be? UGH.

So much happens in this book that I can't even put it into words. I could not put the book down though. I wanted to find out what happened next. And before I knew it the book was over. Let me tell you, I was not prepared for this book to end with that cliffhanger! I knew a cliffhanger was going to take place, but I did not expect that!! Now I need to google and find out when Princess of Hawthorne Prep releases. (psst: it's February 10 2023)

Here are my random thoughts as I was reading Prince of Hawthorne Prep
  • Jasper just needs to go away!
  • Delilah's mom...WHAT ON EARTH?!? I mean that about a few things. I just can't with her.
  • Things with Austin didn't really start the best way, but dang has their story grabbed hold of me.
  • Hawthorne Prep is an interesting place, and definitely not a safe space for outsiders.
  • Everything that happened at that party? OH MY WORD! I can't. If what happened is what I'm imagining, NO!
  • I need Princess of Hawthorne Prep ASAP, as I need to know what happens next!
I went through a wide variety of emotions as I read. I still can't get over it. That cliffhanger is going to haunt me until I read Princess of Hawthorne Prep.

Now before you decide whether or not to read this book, and get invested in the world, I do want to mention that there are content warnings for this story. The author doesn't specifically call them out, but in my opinion, you will find emotional and mental abuse, attempted sa, and drugging through a beverage. If those are not something you feel comfortable reading, then I suggest passing on this book. 

Prince of Hawthorne Prep pulled me in, and I cannot wait to return to this world. Not only to find out what happens next with Delilah, Austin, and Jasper, but also to read Kingsley and Summer's story. Oh I also feel that there is another duet in the works, or at least an additional standalone. Once you read the book, you'll know which characters I'm referring to.

If opposites attract, bully romances, sports (football) romances, enemies to lovers, high school setting, and/or love triangles are tropes you read, then add Prince of Hawthorne Prep to your TBR!

Happy Reading,

Betrayal. Blackmail. Revenge.
How is it that those three words now rule my life?

Welcome to the world of Hawthorne Prep. A seemingly idyllic school where ivy clings to the thick stone walls and a wrought iron gate keeps out the townies who can’t afford to foot the hefty price tag.

Except…I’m one of those townies.

I don’t belong here.

Most of the time, I feel like an outsider with her face smashed against a windowpane while staring inside. It’s a lonely feeling. One I’ve gotten used to. There are times when I secretly wonder if I’ll make it through senior year intact.

But then someone comes along and turns my world upside down and inside out. He makes me feel things I never dreamed possible. There’s a possessiveness to the way he watches me, and it sets my nerves on edge.

Especially when it’s in front of my boyfriend.

The one I desperately want to break up with.

The very same one who will make my life hell if I try to pull the plug.

Steering clear of Austin Hawthorne is my only option. A little attempt at self-preservation. For both our sakes.

One night changes everything between us and has me believing in the possibility of something more.
Just as swiftly as I’m given hope, it all comes crashing down around my head, making me a pawn in a game between two boys who will stop at nothing to take each other down.

Prince of Hawthorne Prep is book one in a duet and not a standalone novel. The completed duet is a standalone story within the Hawthorne Prep series and will conclude with Princess of Hawthorne Prep. You do not need to have read the previous books in this series to enjoy this duet.

Thank you Jennifer Sucevic, and Wordsmith Publicity, for providing me with an advanced copy of the Prince of Hawthorne Prep.

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