Tuesday, February 21, 2023

5 of my Favorite Fictional Characters

It takes a lot for a character to stand out for me. I need them to grab hold of my attention, and wish for more of their story, or wish to see them appear as major side characters in future books in the series. I want to celebrate their happy moments, I want to cry with them during their sad moments, and I want to be by their side during the difficult times. When that happens these are often the characters that I wish I could befriend in their fictional worlds.

I read a lot of books. A LOT. Therefore choosing favorites is always a difficult task. However there are some characters that stand out more than others. It's these characters who are just screaming "I'm your favorite", and "don't you forget about me". Believe me when I say there are quite a few that stand out. Today though I'm only going to share five of them. Maybe I'll revisit this in the future and do a secondary post. Time will tell.

Who are some of your favorite characters? Any specific reason they stand out?

Happy Reading,

Matthew Grant

If you've read my reviews for any of Natasha Madison's hockey novels, you'll often see me comment about the hilarity, as well as chaos, that Matthew brings. Ever since his story was told, he's just been THAT character that is a scene stealer. Some may view him as annoying, but to me he absolutely is not. This man deserves all the attention that he receives. Plus he has created a fantastic family whom I adore. Same goes with his friend group, which is really just an extended family. Not only do I love his family and friends, but also his passion. His love for hockey is strong, and he's been able to have a fantastic career because of it. He's built a legacy.

Violet Waters

Every time Violet appears in one of Helena's hockey romance books, I know I will be laughing. EVERY TIME. This woman has no filter what so ever, and will say whatever is on her mind without even giving it a moment to process. Yes sometimes it can be a bit over the top, but I think that is why I love her so. Plus Violet and Alex have a family that I adore. Getting to read the kids stories through this next generation series that Helena has going just brings a smile to my face. The kids are very similar to their mom, and I'm 100% here for it. Violet is just one of those characters that you cannot forget. Love her or hate her, you still remember her. Plus how can you forget the costumes she made for Alex's MC!?!

Maddox Masters

There is no way I can do a post on my favorite fictional characters and NOT include Maddox Masters. It's just not allowed. Ever since the first book, in the Sons of Sin series, Maddox has stood out. He was fighting for that spotlight, and begging for his story to be told. Maddox's story is a hard one to read. There is so much from his past that has helped shape who he is today, but not only that there is his addictions, and his health struggles. All of that is featured in his books, and we see snippets of it in the other band members stories. This man has just taken over, and he continues to demand the spotlight. If you haven't read his story, or that of the other band members, I highly suggest that you do. My gut tells me he will become one of those memorable characters for you as well.

Stella's best friend, aka Sunday Easton, is one of the stand outs from the Folkestone Sins series. She just is. This woman brings the humor, she's fierce, she's a lover, but she's also reeling from her past. Sunday may only be 18 years old, but she's been through a lot. The thing that may have hit her hardest was the loss of her brother Charlie. She's still grieving that, while also dealing with family who just doesn't care. It's all about appearances and Sunday needs to keep her stuff together. Keep that mask firmly in place, and don't let anyone see your weaknesses. But Sunday does show her softer side, she shows her pain, she speaks of the things that are difficult with those who are closest to her. It is those vulnerable moments that drew me to Sunday. The humorous moments are just a bonus. 

Billie Rose

You may be thinking, Laura not another character from a hockey romance - you've already given us two. I know. I have. BUT Billie Rose is different. She is. We first met her in Bailey and Axel's trilogy, and now we are getting her story. Billie Rose comes across as a tough character who doesn't let anything get to her. Not only that but she has the pulse on her community. She knows what's going on where, and who needs help with what. As we learn Billie Rose's story though, you'll see that she's not as tough as she lets on. This gal is on the verge of breaking. Not only has her town been rocked by a major tragedy, she's having to deal with the aftermath with people chirping in her ear. Billie Rose stands out to me primarily because of her strength, but when I think about it further it's her passion that is most noticeable. She loves her town. She loves being the mayor. But she also wants more. She wants love. She wants someone to come home to every night. Someone she can talk about the days events with, or even brainstorm with. She also wants someone who notices the things she is passionate about. Yes she has some amazing one liners in the books she's been featured in, and it is those moments that initially caught my attention, but now to get to know her more, I'm staying for the character she is. Plus I need to see how she and Joel find their happily ever after. I can't help it, I'm nosey. 

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