Thursday, February 16, 2023

My Romance Reading Journey {Book Tag}

Tuesday I was watching videos on youtube, as you do, and I came across this brand new book tag! It was created by Beccie at BecxReadz, and together with 9 other booktubers a list of questions surrounding our romance reading journeys was formed.

I decided why not participate! Was I tagged? Of course not, I'm a tiny little book blogger that's not on anyone's radar. That isn't stopping me though. So if you're on the fence about participating, don't be. Jump on in.

I'd love to know how you would answer these 10 questions!

Happy Reading,


1. About how old were you when you started reading romance and do you remember the first romance you read?

Asked by Beccie 

I don't remember how old I was when I started reading romance. I do recall reading my mom's copy of Romancing the Stone, but I don't know if that is even considered romance. I also have memories of reading a couple of her Danielle Steel books when I was a young teenager, but I could not tell you the titles. The first romance I remember reading was Montana Sky by Nora Roberts. I'm pretty sure I read it as an ARC because I worked at a bookstore at that time. (anyone remember Media Play?) I loved the story, and I became a major fan of Nora's books.

2. Did you deliberately seek out romance or did you stumble upon it? And how?

Asked by Crystal 

I stumbled into it quite honestly. Or at least it feels that way. Again it was so long ago, that it's hard to completely remember. I remember reading a lot of Jodi Picoult and Nicholas Sparks, and being drawn to the relationships within those stories.

3. Did you start with traditionally published or indie and has it switched?

Asked by Kelsi 

Traditionally published. I'm old enough to remember the days before the internet, so indie published books weren't a big thing then. I will say that my preferences have changed, and I predominantly read indie published now. It's very rare for me to pick up a traditionally published book.

4.What was a romance trope you were afraid to try but ended up loving?

via Jess 

Dark romance! Before reading my first I couldn't imagine even picking up a book like "that". However after reading a few that scary factor disappeared, and I became more comfortable with the trope. Now I will say reading dark romance has tested my tolerance a bit. I'm figuring out what I'm acceptable with versus what is way too much, or too dark. I will say that Eden by Xavier Neal was too dark for me. So there's that.

5. Is there a romance book you read early on in your journey that you would rate differently today?

via Caitlin 

Possibly. Until the last couple of years I was not one to rate books or review them. I would just consume, either like the book or not, and move on. Now though it's completely different. Now it's very rare for me to not review a book or rate it. So I can't really pick a book that I would rate differently. If I had to choose, it would probably be a Nicholas Sparks book. (I will say that Two by Two I should have DNF'd versus giving a 2 star to, so that could be my answer I guess.)

6. How has your taste in romance evolved over the years?

from Bree 

I'm a lot more open to reading new authors, new scenarios, different steam levels, and all of that. I used to be a very fade to black reader, and there was even a time where I read nothing but Christian fiction. Now I'll just about read it all if the blurb appeals to me. I also gravitate to indie authors over traditionally published. (that might also have something to do with affordability, but I also just enjoy the stories much more than trad pub.)

7. What is the most powerful romance that you have read that left a lasting impact?

from Kaylani 

The Grip Trilogy by Kennedy Ryan.
Quite honestly it opened my eyes, and helped me to better understand the things that black people have to deal with on a regular basis. Not only that but it showed my biases that I didn't realize I had. Reading this trilogy changed me, how I think, how I respond, and how I act. If anything it helped me to become a bit more open minded. Aside from the personal changes, this story just touched my heart. It showed everything that this couple dealt with over many years, and Still had me bawling. Oh that book! I will recommend that trilogy every chance I get.

8. What was the romance book that told you this is what I am looking for in my personal life and/or partner?

via Jackie 

I was already married when my deep dive into romance really began, so I can't say I was looking for anything. Maybe if I were a single woman I would be able to say otherwise. For me though reading romance is just an escape, these books are my television shows. I invest myself into the worlds, into the characters, and their stories. So there's no looking for traits, or anything like that for my partner.

9. Which romance book(s) would you recommend to a romance newbie and a seasoned romance reader?

asked by Ava 

For a newbie I would honestly suggest some Nora Roberts books such as the Inn Boonsboro series, the Bride quartet, the Cousins O'Dwyer trilogy, and the Guardians Trilogy. For indie published I would suggest Aven Ellis's Modern Royals and British Isle Billionaries series. I would also say the Southern series by Natasha Madison. All of those books are such easy reads where you escape into the worlds and don't necessarily want to leave. I adored them all.

For a seasoned romance reader that's more difficult as it depends on the trope preferences, the steam preferences, and any triggers.  If you're looking to try out a newer author then I would suggest Kristin Turnage. Her books are small town romance, new adult, they are emotional, and they are some of my absolute favorites. Then there is also Samantha Lovelock and her Folkestone Sins series which I'm obsessed with. It's new adult, the main characters are rich kids, and the suspenseful element is what drew me in. I cannot wait for the 5th, and final, book to be released so I know how all of this ends. I say that because it is an ongoing story. This town has secrets, the families have secrets, and there is a lot going on. If you haven't read any Kennedy Ryan, then you need to. Kennedy's books are so well written, and researched. They hit hard and often have emotional scenes as well. Grip is fabulous and unforgettable, but so is the All the Kings Men duet. That duet was actually my introduction to Kennedy, and so they have a soft spot in my heart. There is one scene in the second book (the end of chapter 24) that I'm still not over. I audibly gasped in that moment.

10. In your eyes, what are 3 "perfect" romances?

from Sam

Since this is "in my opinion" and we all have varying opinions...My list looks like this with no explanation.

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