Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Recently Purchased Kindle Books {aka book haul!}

I don't think I've ever shared a book haul before. That's just wild. So let's fix that today!

These are the 10 books that I have purchased in the last 6 weeks. All of them are romance, and 4 of them I purchased because of TikTok. 

I'm also working on reading the backlist for two of my auto-buy authors, and so these purchases are helping me to accomplish that goal. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to say that I've read everything that is currently published. Only time will tell though.

What books have you purchased recently? Any recommendations? Also are you an ebook buyer or a physical buyer? I would love to own physical copies of all my books, but the budget does not allow for that at this time. One day day.

Happy Reading,

Final Offer by Lauren Asher

I read The Fine Print as well as Terms and Conditions, so it only makes sense that I picked up Final Offer to read. After all I had to know what Cal's "assignment" was, and how it would impact his future. Plus getting to witness his second chance romance would be interesting. Even more so since things hadn't ended well the first time. Now I have read this book where I shared my thoughts while reading, and I also have a mini review shared in my weekly wrap up.

A Photo Finish by Elsie Silver

This was actually a freebie on good old Amazon (it's no longer free). I picked this one up though because I keep hearing TikTok talking about this author! So I knew I had to grab it while I could. Which leads me to the following:

Off to the Races by Elsie Silver

It pains me to start a series without reading book one first. So that brought me to purchasing Off to the Races. I probably should have just splurged and bought the entire series.

Heartless by Elsie Silver

This book, or rather series, is one that I've seen on TikTok and YouTube. It is so highly spoken of that I had to have it.

Flawless by Elsie Silver

Again, I blame TikTok and YouTube. I cannot wait to dive into the worlds that Elsie Silver has created!

Unexpected Love Story by Natasha Madison

I read the first book in this trilogy a while ago, and decided it was time to pick up the rest of the trilogy. Especially since I'm trying to read through all of Natasha's backlist. I love her writing, her characters, and the settings she comes up with. I have read this book, and you can read my mini review on my weekly wrap up.

Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison

This is book three in the trilogy, and after reading the first two I could not wait to jump into this one. After all it's kind of a forbidden romance, as well as a secret relationship. It is two people who probably would never have found each other had it not been for this major event. Broken Love Story will be on my next weekly wrap up, but I'll let you know now I gave it 5 stars. So dang good!

The Right Swipe by JS Wood

The Right Swipe was the only book in the Average Gents series that I had not read. And actually I read this after I read The Distaster on 21st Street. Disaster on 21st is Chris and April's wedding, where as The Right Swipe is the story of how their romantic relationship began. It wasn't my favorite story of the series thus far, but it was okay. My mini review can be read in the weekly wrap up.

One Last Chance by Gina Azzi

This book, or rather series, called to me after reading My Christmas Wish. This was a novella that shared the Kane family at Christmas, and it was also the set up for One Last Chance. So I knew I had to own it, and read it. The reading will happen eventually. First though I need to finish the Kane Brothers series, which I thought I owned them all, but that's not the case. I'll need to remedy that, which means expect that to be in my next "recently purchased kindle books haul".

This Time Around by Gina Azzi

Since I was buying the first book in this series, it only made sense to grab the second. Plus I had a gift card to use up, so it all worked out. Cannot wait to meet the characters for this story, and find out how they get their happily ever after. 

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