Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tight Laced by Lisa Suzanne {a review}

Tight Laced is officially available! That's right, today is the day that Lisa Suzanne releases the book, and you all need to go pick it up NOW! Trust me on that. Or, you know, wait two weeks, and then binge the entire series when Tight End is released. Totally your choice. That being said, I do hope you pick up this series because it is simply fantastic!

If you've been following along, you'll know that I have read all the books so far. I am hooked on Ben and Kaylee. Their story has drawn me in. Maybe it's the brother's best friend trope, the fake dating trope, the age gap, the forced proximity, or maybe it's Lisa Suzanne's storytelling. In all reality, it's a mix of all of it. 

This is typically the part of the post where I recap the book. As this is a continuation of an on going story, I am not going to do that. If I were to do that, it would lead to spoilers from the previous three books, and I'm just not that person. The description, shared below, should give you a general idea of what to expect in Tight Laced.

On to my random thoughts regarding the book....

Let's start with my rating. I have given Tight Laced 4.5 stars. I could not put this book down, and am finding myself still thinking about everything that happened. Both in Montana and back in Vegas. A lot happened in this book!


This book had me loving Ben and Kaylee all the more. Also, while my speculation from Tight Fit wasn't 100% confirmed, based on what I read, I'm right. AHH! I cannot wait to see how Ben reacts. I have a feeling he's not going to react well at first, but then will change his tune. 

So much happened in this book, and I want to talk about it all, but I really can't because spoilers. From the situation with Kitty and Eric, to Jack's wedding, to returning to Montana, to everything that happened IN Montana, it's just a lot. And it's all necessary to the storyline. I do desperately want to know Eric's game plan. I mean we know what he revealed in Tight Fit, but there's more to the story. I just know it!

Ben's mom continues to rub me the wrong way. Her new husband is sketchy. Tatum is Tatum, and I cannot wait to find out what she's hiding. Craig has my attention too. He's hiding something. 
I don't trust him. AT ALL. These damn secrets need to be revealed.

I am glad that the one secret was revealed even if it wasn't shared at the best time. Or by the right person. The reaction that occurred when that was shared...I get it. I do. But at the same time why? Sigh.

I love that even with a house full of friends, Ben and Kaylee were able to carve out some time for themselves, all while keeping their relationship a secret. See the horse ride. Hello steamy moment.

I want to say so much more, but I can't without spoiling things. The last thing I will say is that the reaction to the relationship being discovered wasn't what I had built up in my head. I pictured much more intense feelings, and verbal sparring. But I love the way Lisa Suzanne handled it.

Oh, and that ending? Lisa Suzanne you're torturing me! I cannot wait to see how all of this wraps up in Tight End.

Thank you for reading my vague thoughts about Tight Laced. I know I was all over the place, and things might not make 100% sense. That was me trying to censor myself, while trying to still give a bit of info. I genuinely hope that you'll pick up this entire series. I love season 1, season 2, and am over the moon with this third season. Lisa Suzanne has done an incredible job.


One of us will have to give up the future we’ve dreamed of if we’re going to make this work.

It’s not going to be me. We can’t both have that same thought if we want to stay together when our contract ends.

But the more I see him struggle against the things his mother does to him, the harder I fall. The more his ex tries to get in his way, the more I want to stand up for him.

And the more adventures he takes me on through the peaceful dream of his estate in the wilderness, the more I can see myself staying by his side.

I might be willing to bend my tight laced ideas for the future…but it might not matter since someone else is holding all the cards.

TIGHT LACED is the fourth book in the VEGAS ACES: THE TIGHT END series. This series must be read in order.

Add Tight Laced to your Goodreads TBR!

Meet Lisa Suzanne

Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and two kids. 

She’s a former high school English teacher and college composition instructor. 

When she's not chasing her kids, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.  

Connect with Lisa Suzanne

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Thank you to Lisa Suzanne, and Wordsmith Publicity, for providing me with an advanced review copy of Tight Laced.