Friday, March 3, 2023

Thoughts I Had While Reading Off to the Races

I've been hearing about Elsie Silver's storytelling, and everyone is raving about it. So it's time for me to dive in. As I mentioned in my kindle haul, I've purchased the first two books in the Gold Rush Ranch series, and I'm starting with Off to the Races. This is a sports romance set in a small town, and our main characters are starting off as enemies.

Main characters: Vaughn Harding and Billie Black (aka Wilhelmina Farrington)
Setting: Gold Rush Ranch in Canada
Sport: Horse Racing
Release Date: April 29, 2021

As I've done previously, I'm going to jot down my thoughts while reading. I enjoy doing this as it's real time thoughts that I'm having. Afterward I will write my final thoughts as a mini review.

Here we go with Off to the Races...

  • So I'm taking it that Billie's family is sort of famous? 
  • I'm sorry, Grandpa has been accused of WHAT?
  • Kudos to Vaughn for trying to take care of the ranch and also standing up for himself.
  • I love that the grandparents had a fairytale type of love.
  • Clearly there is drama in Vaughn's family, and they're not exactly close.
  • Oh Vaughn, this is not a good way to make a first impression. No wonder this book is enemies to lovers.
  • I'm liking Billie already, and how she isn't putting up with this little temper tantrum of Vaughn's. She's also finding a reason to laugh, and I love that.
  • Okay so this is a workplace romance as well. I'm here for that.
  • This horse has my attention. Cannot wait to see what Billie does with Double Diablo. I also liked how Billie told the horse that he reminds her of another man she met today. Oh how I giggled.
  • The interaction with DD was too cute. I can tell Billie is serious about this job, and she's going to give it her all.
  • I'm glad that Billie has found a friend in Violet. I think they both could use it. Oh how they are opposites.
  • That was an interesting interaction between Vaughn and Billie. Could this be the beginning of the fall?
  • Geez Vaughn jump to conclusions much?
  • The hug in the kitchen? EVERYTHING!
  • Go Billie go! DD is doing amazing. The way that Billie advocates for DD is so needed. She clearly has bonded with him.
  • They have meals together every Saturday? It really is starting.
  • Time for the first race. I'm nervous. This jockey isn't sitting right with me. He's going to do something to DD, it's what my gut is telling me.
  • Mama Bear, not Mother Hen. YES BILLIE!
  • Ooh Billie's secret is out! Someone knows her real identity.
  • "Vaughn, what are you doing?" "Shutting you up." LOVE IT!
  •  DD? WHAT? What's happening?
  • I didn't expect to tear up over an exhausted horse trainer, or an under the weather horse. Geez.
  • The tension between these two. Goodness. Just give in already!
  • They gave in. Kind of. It was very hot. 
  • Billie don't put your forcefield back up! Let this man in!
  • It's about time Vaughn! This should have been said a while ago.
  • Okay I'm 68% into the story. The drama has to be coming. Right? RIGHT? Oh what's it going to be.
  • Steamy steamy steamy!
  • Who is Stefan Dalca? Why is he popping up now? My mind is whirling.
  • Here's the drama, and right after such a successful day. UGH!
  • The conversation between Hank and Billie has me crying.
  • My heart is breaking for Billie. Thankfully Violet and Mira have her.
  • So Violet and Cole? Hello set up for the next book!
  • Vaughn better figure this shit out or he's going to lose the person he loves, as well as a fabulous horse.
  • He figured it out. HE FIGURED IT OUT, and in the perfect way.

My rating for Off to the Races:

That's right, I gave this book 5 stars. How could I not? The story demanded my attention. I was fully invested in the lives of these characters, as well as the horse. Even the setting was perfect. The 3rd act break up? PERFECTION! The antagonists? Even liked them.

Billie's relationship with DD? Absolutely could not get enough. She had a bond with that horse from the very beginning. Then there was that scene after the first race that just had me LAUGHING. Don't get me wrong, I was upset about what occurred, but Billie's reaction and response was top notch. That verbal smackdown was what both of those characters deserved. (in my opinion)

Honestly my only complaint, if you can even call it that, was surrounding Billie's family. I was waiting on them to bring a smidgen of drama. In my mind, and with how the story began, I fully expected them to make an appearance. I mean the mere mention of them brought a morsel of drama, but I figured they would actually appear. Whether that was at the farm, or at the race track. Doesn't really matter though.

The ending of this book had me swooning. Okay fine a good portion of the book had me swooning. I'm not even talking about the steamy moments, I'm just talking the regular every day actions. The care and consideration, the instinct to protect, the worry about how the person is doing, all of it hit just right.

Now I will say I can't wait to see how things play out in the next book. Violet and Cole? Hello opposites attract and potentially grumpy sunshine. I'm guessing there's also an age gap going. Cannot wait to see Cole's tough guy exterior crack. This man is going to fall HARD, and he's not going to know what hit him.

Have you read Off to the Races? How about any other book by Elsie Silver? This was my introduction to her storytelling, and I can see why she is getting the hype that she is. I seriously am going to be buying the paperback editions. I need to own physical copies. Yes I'm making this declaration after reading ONE of her books. When you know, you know. Also I have a feeling that after finishing the Gold Rush Ranch quartet, Elsie will become an auto-buy author for me. I'm making that prediction now.

Happy Reading,

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