Showing posts with label Thorn Trilogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thorn Trilogy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Jagged Thorns by January James {a review}

 "I like it here. The Isle of Crow is beautiful. It deserves to be seen."

January James is about to release Jagged Thorns. This is the first book in the Thorn trilogy, and hold on to your hats for a wild ride. The Isle of Crow is quite exclusive, and it is shrouded in mystery. Now outsiders are wanting to visit the island, not only to find out what happens here, but also to learn about a medication they are producing. It is this new venture that is bringing Vivian to the island. She has just been hired as the tour guide, but she has an ulterior motive for accepting the position. This item is the only thing that can help her sister. 

Let's talk tropes. From what I have gathered, Jagged Thorns falls into these categories: Forbidden, workplace, hate to love, billionaire, and suspense. It could also be a little forced proximity, and maybe soul mates; I haven't fully wrapped my head around it to make that declaration.

Before we get to my review, allow me to share the description for Jagged Thorns:

The Isle of Crow is elusive, exclusive and untouchable. Only the richly beautiful, and the beautifully rich are allowed in. But, a century has passed, and they want to open their doors, and I’m the new tour guide.

I’m to work for the latest generation of Thorn billionaires on the stormiest island in the British Isles. Home to the cruellest hearts that ever lived and the most thunderous eyes I’ve ever seen. He says he never wanted me there, but when his hands catch my hips, his dark stare tells a different story.

The Thorns are enigmatic, cunning and dangerous, and keeping one of the world’s deepest, dirtiest secrets. I can’t unsee it. I can’t unlearn it. And I can’t forget it. Because I’ve just fallen for the brightest, most beautiful Thorn of them all.


My rating for Jagged Thorns is:

4 stars!

Now on to my review!

First things first, THAT CLIFFHANGER! Even though I KNEW there was going to be a cliffhanger, I hadn't begun to process how it would be. Then it happened. Ugh. January James you're torturing me! It cannot end that way! 

Let's back up though. I can understand why Vivian applied for this job. It was what she felt she needed to do. So while yay for getting a job on this mysterious island, but I can also imagine how difficult it was for her to leave home. Now she has benn thrust into this new location, this new job, and knows no one. All this for one reason, and one reason only. It's very selfless of her. Then there is Rupert. He is determined to push back as much as he is able to get away with when it comes to the family business. That is his focus. That whole married by 27 thing isn't even at the front of his mind. Stopping his brother, or at least slowing him down, is. Now though this tour business is about to begin, and that's the last thing he wants.

I really liked the instant connection that Rupert felt with Vivian. It was very hate to love, and I'm here for it. He tried his best to avoid falling, but the wheels were already set in motion from the moment he saw her. You could tell that Vivian wasn't really feeling it at first. Was he gorgeous? Yes. Was she looking for a relationship? No. Nothing could happen between them. Nothing. Another thing that I loved was the mysteriousness of the island. We knew what was being created on the island, but we didn't know how, we didn't know really much of anything. That is what pulled me to the book when January approached me about an advanced copy. Then there is Ossian. January had me hating this man early on, and rightfully so. He is clearly one of the villains, and I cannot wait for the next two books to see what happens with him.  I'm also intrigued by Minty. She seems like a good sidekick for Vivian, and has taken her under her wing. This "townie" is going to be just what Vivian needs.

I have many questions regarding the consortium. Okay fine, I just have many questions, and the consortium part is just one. For those who haven't read the book, the consortium is the billionaires on the island who really control everything. They have rules and expectations for their families to adhere to, and if they don't there are grave consequences. I mentioned Ossian in this graphic ↓, but seriously what is this man's issue? He's probably going to end up on my love to hate list. I highly doubt he will redeem himself.

Now I will say that the first quarter of this book was a struggle for me. I get that a new world is being created, these characters need to be introduced, and the stage needs to be set. Yet at the same time it was a lot to get through. It seemed more of an intense build than I've experienced by other authors. Even with the paranormal books I've read, the build doesn't seem this grand. So I'm not 100% certain what to think about that. If I'm honest it did cause to me to almost DNF the book. But then as I sit and think about it, was it truly the book, or was it me coming off of another book and dealing with a book hangover? Doesn't really matter I guess. Once I made it past the set up the book became really interesting. Even more so as Vivian and Rupert began their working relationship. It began to show different things happening, it opened up more about the family, the island, and the issues taking place. When all this was happening, I found myself looking at all the details to try and figure out what was happening, as well as who could be behind it.

Obviously I have questions about things. I referenced that above. There was just something about what was revealed toward the end that had my jaw dropping. Everything that was uncovered just amped up the story that much more. I have this desire to know what is going to happen next. Pushing that aside though I also want to know more about the Thorns. Based on things that were shared there could be a major shake up about to happen. 

Let's talk about the relationship between Rupert and Vivian real quick. The attraction is there. That's been established. It is mutual. But we also know it cannot happen. So you need to cherish those steamy moments they give us because they will not last. Or at least I don't think they will until probably until book 3. 

I loved the conversation that Rupert had with Hector after the grand experience of the night before. Rupert has a point. Hector cannot deny it either. Especially given what's going on in HIS romantic life.

This book has a chokehold on me. While things may have started off a bit rocky, I cannot get this storyline off my mind. I need the next book immediately. Unfortunately, January James has said (in her group) that it won't be out until late May or early June. So now I need to exercise some patience. All I know is that I need to know what happens after that cliffhanger. That was quite the bomb to drop, and with the way things ended I just have more questions.

Do you read romantic suspense and/or mystery? I love them and cannot get enough. I hope you'll consider checking out Jagged Thorns when it releases on March 21! (psst: although if you want the paperback it looks like it's available NOW!)

Happy Reading,

Thank you January for providing me with an advanced copy of Jagged Thorns!

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