Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Love in the Aisles {a review}

It's release day for Love in the Aisles!Imagine meeting someone, moving to their town, marrying them, having a child with them, and then dealing with the comments from the community after your spouse dies. Well that is what Charlotte is dealing with. The seniors of the town, are full of opinions. After...

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Librarian of Boone's Hollow {a review}

The Librarian of Boone's Hollow releases tomorrow, September 15 2020! If you are a fan of Kim Vogel Sawyer I'm sure you already have this book on order (or reserve at the library).For fans of The Giver of Stars and The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, this new release by Kim Vogel...

Friday, September 11, 2020


Where were you? It is the question that is asked every year on this date. And for good reason. We shouldn't forget the horrific events that occurred 19 years ago. Not just the event of course, but the people who lost their lives, the people who showed up to do whatever they could to help, and how our...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Rapid Fire Book Tag

Today is a busy day in my home. My kids return to school next week, and well that means a lot of stuff needs to get accomplished today. Between meeting the teachers, picking up chrome books, and having a quick IEP meeting, it's going to be a day. Thankfully my husband is still home (thanks pandemic),...

Monday, September 7, 2020

Reading Memories: The Beginning

Back in 1982, my paternal Grandpa gifted me a collection of pop-up books. I was all of 4 years old, and I loved flipping through the pages, and getting my hands on the pop-ups. I know, I'm old, and so are the books I'm talking about. 🤣 Now, I honestly do not remember all the titles, or what...