Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2021 Reading Challenges


In 2020 I tried my hand at the PopSugar Reading Challenge. I can't lie, it was difficult for me. I did alright having completed 30 of the 50 prompts, but I obviously did not finish. Still, I consider the 30 prompts completed as a decent attempt. I will say that after looking at the prompts for 2021, I decided to skip it as it was too out there for me. The PopSugar 2021 challenge would have me stepping far outside my norm, and from experience I know that leads to a reading slump.

So what challenges am I participating in for 2021? 

First up is the Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge hosted by DollyCas

Simply put, you are reading the alphabet. Just start with the first main word of the title. You can stick to your preferred genre, your preferred format, and call it good. So I'm in. I will be tracking my books via this link, or up in the header.

Next is the A to Z Challenge hosted by Bookstacks and Golden Moms

Similar to the Alphabet Soup challenge by DollyCas, but this time we are adding in some monthly mini challenges. I'm all about that, and if I can do the mini challenge I will. Consider joining me! You can find my tracker via this link, or up in the header. 

Since those two are very similar, I am going to add to the difficulty a bit by not doubling up on my titles. I know. I know. But I feel that it is necessary. Let's see how I do!

My third, and final (as of now), challenge is the Creating and Co Reading Challenge

Paige has put together 24 prompts to get you through the year. One of the more difficult prompts, for me, will be the re-read. I rarely re-read, so we'll have to see on that. I should add that Paige often adds mini seasonal challenges as well, and I am going to do my best on those as well. My main focus will be the original 24. My tracker can be accessed up in the header, or through this link.

What reading challenges are you participating in for 2021?

Happy Reading,