Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Aidan in a Kilt {a review}

Aidan in a Kilt by Anna Durand is now available! This is the second book in the Ballachulish Trilogy, and Aidan's story is a quick, fun read.

After witnessing how Lachlan found his happily ever after, Aidan decided he too was going to head to America to find his lady love. He was going to do things the same as Lachlan, and surely the same results would follow. Right? Shortly after arriving to the club, Aidan sees a beautiful red head. Moments later, Aidan is mistaken for a male dancer that the bachelorette party has hired. Aidan is about to go with it, until he fully understands what is happening. As all that is happening, Aidan manages to snag a few moments with Calli, the red head who caught his attention. She's managed to roll her ankle, and Aidan convinces her to have a drink with him so they can just talk. One thing leads to another, and there is instant attraction between the two. The lust is strong, and Aidan is convinced Calli is the woman for him. He's already decided that Calli will be his bride. Calli wants nothing to do with this plan. What happens next is Aidan being invited to the wedding reception, and then a trip to the UP of Michigan where Aidan does his best to get Calli to fall for him. Obviously more happens during that trip, but that's where I'll stop my little recap.

When I began Aidan's story, I wasn't certain what to think. Here we had Aidan who was trying to follow in Lachlan's steps, but at the same time he was also keeping some things close to his chest. There were secrets to be revealed. Plus it didn't seem as though Aidan was being genuine in his search. He was copying Lachlan almost to a T. Now don't take that to mean that I didn't enjoy the story, because I did. While I didn't have the connection to Aidan that I would have liked, I loved Calli. She was relatable for me. She too has her secrets, but those were being kept more so out of fear. Calli was doing what she could to live her life. I really enjoyed watching Aidan sweep her off her feet. I also enjoyed how Calli pushed back and had no issue putting Aidan in his place. You could feel the emotions between the two. You could feel the tension. Then there were the steamy moments, and dang they were steamy. When the big dramatic moment happened, I may have teared up a little bit. I"m a sap, what can I say. Then when it was time for the grand gesture, and final push toward the HEA, I was all in. These two characters held me captive, and I loved every moment of it. I cannot wait for Rory's story! Bless the woman that he falls for, because he is going to be a lot. I can just tell. His story is going to be a doozy. 

Loved the story. Recommend the book. Heck, I recommend the trilogy. I do want to go read Wicked in a Kilt, which is Calli's version of the story. So I'll need to find time to do that.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts,

Aidan MacTaggart is wickedly hot and on the hunt for a wife.

I've come to America with a mission and a plan--find the woman of my dreams by going to the same underground club where my older brother, Lachlan, met his wife. My plan might have some flaws. But they don't call me "Don Juan" MacTaggart for nothing. The lasses love me, and I know I can find my soul mate in Chicago.

Calli Douglas is everything I could want in a woman. She's bonnie, sexy, clever, and sweet. But she's also terrified of love and refuses to let me win her heart.

My solution? Follow her home to Michigan. Seduce her. And somehow, convince Calli to love me. We both have issues standing between us, but that will not stop me. Somehow, I will find my happy ending with the American lass who swears she can never love me.

Aidan in a Kilt is the second book in The Ballachulish Trilogy, a brand-new series based on the first three books in the bestselling Hot Scots series, reborn and retold from the heroes' perspectives. Aidan in a Kilt is coming soon in audio narrated by Will Watt.

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Meet Anna

Anna Durand is a bestselling, multi-award-winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her books have earned bestseller status on every major retailer and wonderful reviews from readers around the world. But that's the boring spiel. Here are some really cool things you want to know about Anna!

Born on Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, Anna grew up moving here, there, and everywhere thanks to her dad's job as an instructor pilot. She's lived in Texas (twice), Mississippi, California (twice), Michigan (twice), and Alaska--and now Ohio.

As for her writing, Anna has always made up stories in her head, but she didn't write them down until her teen years. Those first awful books went into the trash can a few years later, though she learned a lot from those stories. Eventually, she would pen her first romance novel, the paranormal romance Willpower, and she's never looked back since.

Want even more details about Anna? Get access to her extended bio when you subscribe to her newsletter and download the free bonus ebook, Hot Scots Confidential. You'll also get hot deleted scenes, character interviews, fun facts, and more including audio bonus chapters!
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Thank you to Anna Durand, and Grey's Promotions for providing me with an advanced copy of Aidan in a Kilt.