Thursday, March 31, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up

Happy last day of March!

Where did this month go? I feel like I have said that in January and February, but seriously! 2022 is cruising by, and it's a bit much.

I will say that March was a really good month. Not just on the reading front. We took a family vacation to Wisconsin Dells where we had an absolute blast. My kids did all the activities. We ate out way too often. We splurged. We made memories. Of course one of those memories was me finding a low spot in the floor, and ever so slightly twisting my ankle. Leave it to me to find those little things. My poor ankles are never going to heal from all these falls. Sigh. Oh, and my kids all picked out new stuffies from Build A Bear.

After our trip, my husband and I also celebrated 16 years of marriage. Our celebration was having strawberry cheesecake after the kids were in bed. 🤣 Hey that's what happens when the grandparents are out of town, and babysitters are crazy expensive. You enjoy a quiet night at home. If you know me though, you know that home is where I prefer to be.

March also had us beginning the process of our kitchen remodel. Appliances and cabinets were ordered, as were a new garage door, and a new front door. It was a ridiculous amount of money spent, but I am so excited for the finished product. I am so excited about my new stove, and I just hope that it comes in before December. 

Back to reading...In the month of March, I managed to read 18 books. I did the math and that equated to roughly 3,996 pages. I say roughly as I didn't have a specific page count for the four novellas I read. So I had to calculate the page count using the locations. (The formula I use is: page count =location/15~20. I choose to divide by 20.)

I read 8 sports romances, a rockstar romance, two MC romances, quite a few organized crime type romances, and so many other tropes/subgenres. I also started a series finale, I continued a few series, and I started one as well.

All in all it was an outstanding month. I will say that I was a bit disappointed in my page count for the month, but that is what happens when you read 4 novellas. At the same time, almost 4,000 pages is nothing to complain about.

What was my favorite of the month? I'm going to go with Shed My Skin by Nola Marie. Maddox's story was one that I had been anticipating. This man has been through so much in his life, and it's all becoming too much. The pain he deals with on a regular basis is intense. His demons continue to haunt him, and his usual "treatments" are no longer working. Maddox's story is dark. It's deep. It's intense. It's emotional. It's amazing. Just like the man himself. Now I just have to wait for Breathe Again to be released, so that I can find out how his story concludes. (My review for this book will be posted on April 2nd. If you want to read my abbreviated thoughts, head over to Goodreads.)

Here are all the books that I read in March. If a review has been written (and published here on the blog), it is linked.

Dare by Caitlyn Dare
Tied Down by Kim Loraine
Twisted Debt by Xavier Neal & Amarie Avant
Nero DeLuca by Xavier Neal & Amarie Avant
Vicious Queen by Becca Steele & C. Lymari
Big Deck Energy by Kim Loraine
Reap by Caitlyn Dare
Tight Fit by Lisa Suzanne
Shed My Skin by Nola Marie
Like I Never Said by C.W. Farnsworth
Deking the Beauty by Crystal Perkins
Campus God by Jennifer Sucevic
Tutoring the Player by Rebecca Jenshak
Worth Every Second by Jocelyne Soto
Tight Laced by Lisa Suzanne
Gold Lust by Aleatha Romig
Fighter by S. Massery
Bright Like Midnight by J. Wolf

What did you read in March? Did you have a favorite? Any anticipated reads for April? I have quite the list, and will share those tomorrow!
