Monday, May 2, 2022

A to Z Author Challenge {update}

Goodbye April, hello May!

April is over, and that means that it is time for an Author A to Z challenge update.

New additions are in a pink/salmon color, and the blue is existing.

I'm curious to see how many letters I can cross off my list!

A - Aleatha Romig
B - Laramie Briscoe
C - Crystal Perkins
D - Caitlyn Dare
E - Elise Faber
F - CW Farnsworth
H - JB Heller
J - Jennifer Millikin
K - Kayley Loring

L - Kim Loraine
M - Maren Moore
N - Nola Marie

P - Piper Rayne
R - SE Rose
S - S Massery
T - Kristin Turnage
V - Victoria Ellis
W - J. Wolf
X - Xavier Neal
Y - Allie York
Z - Naaz Spencer

I don't get to cross off anything this month!

Here's hoping that in May I get to cross off at least one. Actually I know I can cross off one.

If you're participating in the A to Z author challenge, how's your progress going? What letters do you have left to fulfill? Stuck on any letters like I am?

Until next month!

Happy Reading,