Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2023

2022 Year in Review

2022 has been over for a good little bit now. With my health on the upswing, I am finally able to share my year in review! 

When it comes to life, 2022 was an interesting year. All in all it was just a decent year. February had the health issue with my oldest child, March was our annual trip to Wisconsin Dells, May began the remodel of our kitchen, July and August had 4 of us sick with a random respiratory illness, September marked the kids return to school which brought on a few mental health and behavioral issues during that time, and then my health issues in December. 2022 ended with us visiting Wisconsin where a fun time was had with that side of our family.

As for my reading life; in 2022 I continued to use my kindle on almost a daily basis. This seriously was the best gift ever, and one that I definitely use constantly. Goodreads and I still have a great relationship. I keep up on my reviews there, and I love the end of year stats that they roll out. Now don't get me wrong, I do have a couple of complaints with the website (and app). The biggest of which is that the page count is in accurate. I keep track of pages read, and my number does not equal their number. So Goodreads (ahem: amazon) get your stuff together. My other issue slash complaint is that I can't review all my reads on there. A lot of author freebies are not posted, so that means my end of year total doesn't match with my monthly lists. Maybe one day the app will be 100% to my liking.

2022 was also the year where I tried to focus on my blog a lot more. Now there were a couple of times that I had to take a break (summer and December), but I tried my best. I'm hoping that 2023 will have me posting here on a regular basis.

This is my third year doing this year in review! It's nice to look back at how 2020 and 2021 went with reading!

The first book that I read was Our Finest Hour by Jennifer Millikin. This was a book that I had found through TikTok, and the way the author described it just had me beyond curious. If only the hype had lived up to the promo. 

My final read for the year was Hero's Risk by Gina Azzi. I am loving her Tennessee Thunderbolts series, and this story was by far one of my favorites. Plus ending the year with a 5 star read is always a good thing. Or at least in my mind.

I read 216 books this year! So I definitely exceeded my Goodreads goal of 150. Love that for me! I will say that this number is lower than 2021, but I'm okay with that. I pushed myself way too hard in 2021, so slowing things down in 2022 was a good thing.

I calculated my page total at 55,924! (Goodreads says 31,266 which is obviously a large discrepancy.) That makes my average book length about 259 pages.

My page count is slightly up from 2021, but is no where near 2020's numbers. How did I even manage 80k in 2020?

This year I chose once again to select a favorite each month. This time though, I put them into a bracket. From there it was my top 3, and then my ultimate favorite of the year.

As you can see, Obsession by K Loraine and Meg Anne came out victorious. But considering the fact that 3/4 books received a 5 star rating, I am not surprised this was my favorite of 2022.

In no particular order:
  • Gina Azzi
  • Piper Rayne
  • Natasha Madison
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • Elise Faber

I felt like I didn't read a lot of "new to me" authors, but looking at this list, I did okay.
  • Jennifer Millikin
  • Kayley Loring
  • JB Heller
  • S Massery
  • Allie York
  • CW Farnsworth
  • Dee Lagasse
  • Julia Connors
  • Sophie Gonzales
  • Alison Rhymes
  • JS Wood
  • Cali Melle
  • Brooke Ramsey
  • Bianca Borell
  • Amanda Usen
  • Tempest Phan
  • Alice Hoffman

Um, as per 2021, it's Romance.

This is not new information.

Anything other than romance. 🤷🏼‍♀️

If you know me, you know that this list should be extremely long. I am an emotional person, and certain scenes and/or storylines cause me to tear up. Some hit harder than others, that's for certain.

Off the top of my head, this is a snippet of my list:

Series are my weakness!

My favorite of 2022 was The Mate Games: War by K Loraine and Meg Anne. The first book is called Obsession, and I was definitely obsessed with this series. It's why choose plus paranormal, and I could not get enough.

My reading goal is once again going to be 150 books. I feel confident with this number, and should I exceed my goal then yay for me.

Books I want to read that are not my usual reads:

As for reading challenges...I plan on participating again in the A-Z title challenge, as well as the A-Z author challenge. Hopefully in 2023 I can complete these challenges. Are there others I'd like to participate in? Oh absolutely. I have my eye on Buzzwordathon, and a few others. Time will tell though if I can follow through.

In regards to my blog, I am in the planning stages. Here's what I know as of now:
  • I know I want to write more trope posts that offer book recommendations. 
  • I also have an idea for a series on book series. I even have a title in mind for it. But I'll share that once I plan things out a bit more.
  • Continue to write my reviews here.
  • I'd also like to maybe do posts on my favorite authors. 

Let's talk social media...As you may know, I have a Facebook page, and I'm also on Instagram. Am I active on both? Nope. Do I  want to be? Yes, yes I do. 

Here are my plans for Instagram:
  • Learn more about Reels, and post one per week. (content planning, editing, etc)
  • Post 3 photos per week.
  • Post stories 4 times per week perhaps discussing my current reads, or book hauls.

Here are my Facebook plans:
  • Share my blog posts daily whether new or older.
  • Post new releases and teasers for books I'm excited about.
  • Share memes and quotes. 

Last year I talked about my goals regarding advanced reading copies and I want to discuss that again. I felt comfortable with the amount I accepted for 2022. It wasn't overwhelming, and my stress was a lot less. I loved the majority of the books that I read, and have found some authors that I truly enjoy. That being said, I am thinking of pulling back again. Here's what I'm thinking:
  • Work with specific authors directly
  • Reduce PR companies I team with
  • Only choose books/authors I am passionate about vs just accepting any arc.

How did your reading go in 2022? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to? What are your goals for this year?

Happy Reading,

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Thursday, January 5, 2023

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 12}


On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: twelve drummers drumming.

Drum roll please...

What was your favorite book of the year?

Obsession by K Loraine and Meg Anne

Although really it is that entire quartet. Sunday's story, and her harem of men, just drew me in and had me obsessed from the beginning. I don't read a lot of paranormal romance, but this was one that I could not put down. Kim and Meg have a way with words, character development, and the creation of worlds that just appeals to me.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 11}


On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: eleven pipers piping.

Where would we be without music?

What is your favorite book that deals with music?
I have to mention two books as they go together. (It's technically a duet within a series.)

Introducing Maddox Masters!

Maddox is a member of the group Sons of Sin. We have heard the stories of the other group members throughout the previous four books. Shed My Skin and Breathe Again tell the story of Maddox, how he finds his happily ever after, and how he ultimately beings to heal. It is a beautiful duet that is filled with emotional moments, difficult conversations, addiction, mental health, and love.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 10}


On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: ten lords a leaping.

Leaping Lords?

How about who is your favorite leading lad?
There were so many amazing leads that I met in 2022! I'll give you my top 5, with absolutely no explanation.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Monday, January 2, 2023

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 9}


On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: nine ladies dancing.

Dancing is just one skill of a lady!

Who is your favorite kick-ass female lead?

Kora from Sterling Falls. That story just pulled me in, and had me eagerly anticipating what would happen next.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

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Sunday, January 1, 2023

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 8}


On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: eight maids a milking.

Milk is so 18th century.

Which book, or series, takes beverages/food to a whole new level?

I didn't read any this year. Hopefully 2023 will bring on some good reads.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Saturday, December 31, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 7}


On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: seven swans a swimming.

Who needs seven swans when all it takes is ONE good animal sidekick to make a hero rock!

Who is your favorite animal sidekick?
I don't recall a lot of animals in the books I read. But I will say the horse (scene) in Vegas Aces: The Tight End was quite memorable.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

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Friday, December 30, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 6}


On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: six geese a laying.

Creation is a beautiful thing.

What is your favorite world/world-building?
Oh my word! There are two that stand out.

First is Ravenscroft University. It is a world that Meg Anne and Kim Loraine have created. It is where paranormals live, and I am just fascinated. I was introduced to this world in The Mate Games, and I am hooked.

The other world that I can fascinated by is Sterling Falls. This small corrupt town has different sides fighting for control, and there is everything that is happening between Kora, Jace, Apollo, and Wolfe. I absolutely loved this story that Sara Massery created, and I cannot wait to return for another story.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 5}


On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: five golden rings.

One ring to rule them all!

Who is your favorite villain/antagonist?

Oh this is an easy one!

Have you met Savannah from the Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver series?

She also caused trouble in the season one of the Vegas Aces, but not nearly as much as the other antagonist. (iykyk)

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 4}


On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: four calling birds.

Since series typically consist of 4 or more books,

What is your favorite series?

I'm struggling with this one. There were multiple series that I was obsessed with, so how do I narrow it down? Sigh.

I'm choosing two.

The Mate Games

by K. Loraine & Meg Anne
From Book 1:

I rejected my fated mate and didn’t regret it for a second. Until now.

Shipped off to Ravenscroft University, a graduate school for the supernatural elite, I have a lot to live up to. As the heir to America’s most powerful pack, my life up to now has been spent in a gilded cage. But not for the reason you might think.

I was locked away, not to be protected, but because I was born broken. A disappointment to them all. A wolf who couldn’t shift.

This is supposed to be my fresh start, but my past won’t leave me alone. Not when he’s here. The arrogant wolf shifter who ruined my life after I turned him down seven years ago. Now, I’m a pariah, followed by the rumors my rejected mate has spread, hated by my classmates, isolated again.

From everyone but them.

A vampire prince.

A forbidden priest.

A powerful demigod.

A bully wolf.

I’m playing a dangerous game, and the rules say I can’t be with them. Then again, rules are made to be broken.

And when every moment spent with them brings me closer to finding my wolf, how can I stay away?

Warning: This book is not for the faint of heart. It contains an obsessive stalker, a foul-mouthed, inked and pierced werewolf, a naughty professor with a fondness for watching, a god of mischief, and plenty of heat. If you don’t like your books spicy, your men broody, built, and more bad than good, this is not the series for you. But if you on, and welcome to The Mate Games.

Sterling Falls

by S Massery
(also, I am obsessed with these alternate covers that S Massery has released! I WANT THEM!)
Photo via the author's Facebook page
From Book 1:

How many bad choices can a girl make? Because they keep stacking up…

New to Sterling Falls, I witness the three owners of a lavish, masquerade fight club kill someone–and then they catch me.

When I refuse to leave town as they demand, I find myself on the receiving end of their ruthlessness. I have no choice but to turn to a greater evil for a loan just to survive.

Except I keep catching the attention of the club owners. And with their attention comes unwanted feelings: Attraction. Desire. Loathing.

Jace is cold and cruel, and he makes me fall at his feet when I’m at my lowest. But he intrigues me as much as he terrifies me.

Wolfe sees through my mask. Son of a biker gang leader, and a monster in his own right, I can’t help but feel oddly protected when I’m around him.

Sweet and charming Apollo… behind closed doors, he’s wicked. Addictive.

But the secrets surrounding them are dangerous. When I accidentally unravel them, it puts all of us in jeopardy.

Sterling Falls is a full-length, mature college/new adult romance with dark themes. This is a reverse harem, #whychoose novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. These books must be read in order.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 3}


On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: three french hens.

In the spirit of threes:

What is the best trilogy you read?

Rush Hockey
by Elise Faber

The first three books in this series focus on the relationship between Axel and Bailey. There is going to be another book under this series umbrella, but it is about separate characters.


I played hard and lived even harder.

At least until the mayor of River’s Bend got it in her head that the hockey players carousing through her small town in Nowhere, California were unwelcome.

I couldn’t care less.

My priorities were pucks, puck bunnies, and pucking my way to the top.

Only…I underestimated the mayor and her intentions to clean up the town, the Rush, and end my streak through the town’s female population.

I underestimated that her matchmaking abilities might be on point.

I underestimated that her niece might be…

The woman who would lay claim to my heart.

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