Showing posts with label stats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stats. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2023

2022 Year in Review

2022 has been over for a good little bit now. With my health on the upswing, I am finally able to share my year in review! 

When it comes to life, 2022 was an interesting year. All in all it was just a decent year. February had the health issue with my oldest child, March was our annual trip to Wisconsin Dells, May began the remodel of our kitchen, July and August had 4 of us sick with a random respiratory illness, September marked the kids return to school which brought on a few mental health and behavioral issues during that time, and then my health issues in December. 2022 ended with us visiting Wisconsin where a fun time was had with that side of our family.

As for my reading life; in 2022 I continued to use my kindle on almost a daily basis. This seriously was the best gift ever, and one that I definitely use constantly. Goodreads and I still have a great relationship. I keep up on my reviews there, and I love the end of year stats that they roll out. Now don't get me wrong, I do have a couple of complaints with the website (and app). The biggest of which is that the page count is in accurate. I keep track of pages read, and my number does not equal their number. So Goodreads (ahem: amazon) get your stuff together. My other issue slash complaint is that I can't review all my reads on there. A lot of author freebies are not posted, so that means my end of year total doesn't match with my monthly lists. Maybe one day the app will be 100% to my liking.

2022 was also the year where I tried to focus on my blog a lot more. Now there were a couple of times that I had to take a break (summer and December), but I tried my best. I'm hoping that 2023 will have me posting here on a regular basis.

This is my third year doing this year in review! It's nice to look back at how 2020 and 2021 went with reading!

The first book that I read was Our Finest Hour by Jennifer Millikin. This was a book that I had found through TikTok, and the way the author described it just had me beyond curious. If only the hype had lived up to the promo. 

My final read for the year was Hero's Risk by Gina Azzi. I am loving her Tennessee Thunderbolts series, and this story was by far one of my favorites. Plus ending the year with a 5 star read is always a good thing. Or at least in my mind.

I read 216 books this year! So I definitely exceeded my Goodreads goal of 150. Love that for me! I will say that this number is lower than 2021, but I'm okay with that. I pushed myself way too hard in 2021, so slowing things down in 2022 was a good thing.

I calculated my page total at 55,924! (Goodreads says 31,266 which is obviously a large discrepancy.) That makes my average book length about 259 pages.

My page count is slightly up from 2021, but is no where near 2020's numbers. How did I even manage 80k in 2020?

This year I chose once again to select a favorite each month. This time though, I put them into a bracket. From there it was my top 3, and then my ultimate favorite of the year.

As you can see, Obsession by K Loraine and Meg Anne came out victorious. But considering the fact that 3/4 books received a 5 star rating, I am not surprised this was my favorite of 2022.

In no particular order:
  • Gina Azzi
  • Piper Rayne
  • Natasha Madison
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • Elise Faber

I felt like I didn't read a lot of "new to me" authors, but looking at this list, I did okay.
  • Jennifer Millikin
  • Kayley Loring
  • JB Heller
  • S Massery
  • Allie York
  • CW Farnsworth
  • Dee Lagasse
  • Julia Connors
  • Sophie Gonzales
  • Alison Rhymes
  • JS Wood
  • Cali Melle
  • Brooke Ramsey
  • Bianca Borell
  • Amanda Usen
  • Tempest Phan
  • Alice Hoffman

Um, as per 2021, it's Romance.

This is not new information.

Anything other than romance. 🤷🏼‍♀️

If you know me, you know that this list should be extremely long. I am an emotional person, and certain scenes and/or storylines cause me to tear up. Some hit harder than others, that's for certain.

Off the top of my head, this is a snippet of my list:

Series are my weakness!

My favorite of 2022 was The Mate Games: War by K Loraine and Meg Anne. The first book is called Obsession, and I was definitely obsessed with this series. It's why choose plus paranormal, and I could not get enough.

My reading goal is once again going to be 150 books. I feel confident with this number, and should I exceed my goal then yay for me.

Books I want to read that are not my usual reads:

As for reading challenges...I plan on participating again in the A-Z title challenge, as well as the A-Z author challenge. Hopefully in 2023 I can complete these challenges. Are there others I'd like to participate in? Oh absolutely. I have my eye on Buzzwordathon, and a few others. Time will tell though if I can follow through.

In regards to my blog, I am in the planning stages. Here's what I know as of now:
  • I know I want to write more trope posts that offer book recommendations. 
  • I also have an idea for a series on book series. I even have a title in mind for it. But I'll share that once I plan things out a bit more.
  • Continue to write my reviews here.
  • I'd also like to maybe do posts on my favorite authors. 

Let's talk social media...As you may know, I have a Facebook page, and I'm also on Instagram. Am I active on both? Nope. Do I  want to be? Yes, yes I do. 

Here are my plans for Instagram:
  • Learn more about Reels, and post one per week. (content planning, editing, etc)
  • Post 3 photos per week.
  • Post stories 4 times per week perhaps discussing my current reads, or book hauls.

Here are my Facebook plans:
  • Share my blog posts daily whether new or older.
  • Post new releases and teasers for books I'm excited about.
  • Share memes and quotes. 

Last year I talked about my goals regarding advanced reading copies and I want to discuss that again. I felt comfortable with the amount I accepted for 2022. It wasn't overwhelming, and my stress was a lot less. I loved the majority of the books that I read, and have found some authors that I truly enjoy. That being said, I am thinking of pulling back again. Here's what I'm thinking:
  • Work with specific authors directly
  • Reduce PR companies I team with
  • Only choose books/authors I am passionate about vs just accepting any arc.

How did your reading go in 2022? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to? What are your goals for this year?

Happy Reading,

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {November}

Fear not November's challenge bold—
We've books and friends,
And hearths that never can grow cold:
These make amends!
~Alexander L. Fraser (1870–1954), "November," c.1918

Did anyone see where November went? Were we not just voting in the midterm elections? I mean I know I had a child home sick for a week, but somehow an entire month went by.

November was a pretty quiet month in our house. My oldest daughter turned 10, and celebrated with a group of friends. That same day, my youngest came down with some sort of bug. That kept her home for 5 days. I also made sure to go and vote on election day. (That was when my youngest was sick, so I masked up, and kept my distance from the other voters! Plus I waited for my husband to get home so I wasn't taking her with.) Toward the end of the month a cold took down my middles (10 & 8). Plus my 8 year old showed me that his skin does not tolerate scented laundry detergent. So I had to rewash all of his clothing and bedding. The only other thing that happened this month was my Mom and stepdad returning from Florida! It was so nice to see them, and spend time with them as they had been gone for 6 weeks.

Aside from all of that, and reading, I also have been listening to Faith in the Future by Louis Tomlinson on repeat. Constantly. It's pretty much the only thing I listen to. I am obsessed with this album. (Okay fine I'm alternating occasionally with Midnights and Harry's House.)

Monday, January 3, 2022

Goodreads: Year in Books

Happy New Year my reader friends. 

The time has come to take a peek at the stats Goodreads has put together utilizing the information I've provided them. 

We are talking books read, pages read, average rating, shortest book, longest book, and average book length. Of course Goodreads also shows you the cover for each book you read. They also refresh your memory of the first review you wrote for the year, as well as the last review of the year. Now I don't tend to write my reviews on Goodreads, so I ignore that part. Goodreads doesn't tell you your most read genre, but I decided to add that in. (we all know what mine is anyway)

Are you ready to see my year in books? Let's go!

Books read:


Pages read:


Average Book Length:

169 pages

Most Popular:

232,517 people also shelved

Least Popular:

13 people also shelved

Average Rating: ⭐️


Highest Rated:

4.88 average

Most Read Genre:


What did your stats look like for 2021? What was your original goal? Most read genre? I'd love to hear about your year in books.

Happy 2022! May this year be filled amazing books, and wonderful memories created.


Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 Year in Review

It is time to say goodbye to 2021, and start looking forward to 2022! 

Who would have thought that, after almost 2 years, our world would still be dealing with this major event. The latest version recently visited my house, and it was an unwelcome guest. Thankfully we are bouncing back, and all returning to our usual selves.

In 2021 my kindle was very well used. Very few days went by where it wasn't utilized. For someone who used to question the need for an e-reader, I sure have changed my tune. Now I buy very few physical books, and instead opt for the e-book. Well that is unless it's an absolute favorite, then I HAVE to own a physical copy for my trophy shelf.

I have continued to utilize Goodreads to keep track of my quantity of books, my average rating, and also at the end of the year it lets me know how many pages I have read. One of the questions below is most read genre, and we all know what genre wins.

Let's answer these questions. I'm curious to see what has changed from 2020!

The first book that I read in 2021 was High Risk Rookie by Odette Stone. This was such an anticipated read, and I remember being surprised when it was released. I don't recall any promo for it leading up to release day, and oh how quickly I "ran" to Amazon to download it. 

My current read is The Hustler by Gina Azzi. It is the 8th book in her Boston Hawks hockey series, and it is a hidden identity book. I'm here for it. If you want to read it, it is coming out on January 6th.

At the time I am writing this, I have read 321 books. I am confident that I will at least finish The Hustler, and maybe just maybe I can fit in one more book. Time will tell.

As of today my page count is 54,498. That makes my average book length about 169 pages.

Oof that is down from 2020! In 2020 I had read over 80k pages and my average was closer to 250 per book. Oh well.

I have actually selected a favorite of 2021! I shared that info in my 12 days of Christmas book tag. So go see what book I selected.

I also have my favorite by the month too. Which was how the yearly favorite was chosen. Curious what titles made the list? Go read my Monthly Favorites of 2021 post.

In no particular order:
  • Aven Ellis
  • Natasha Madison
  • April Canavan
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • Laura Lee

I read quite a few "new to me" authors in 2021! Some of these made their debut in 2021, others have been around for a smidgen longer. No matter what, I have found them, and I'm here to support them.
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • April Canavan
  • Mary Morano
  • Lisa Suzanne
  • Anna Brooks
  • Paula Dombrowiak
  • Ellie Masters
  • Gina Azzi
  • Rebecca Jenshak

Do we even need to discuss this one? 🤣  It's romance.

Um, non-fiction, or really any other genre than romance. 

Oh I wrote an entire post about this! I do need to go back and add a couple to the list, that is for certain. Those two additions are Only One Mistake by Natasha Madison, and The O Zone by Kelly Jamieson. Oh my heart.


That being said, I also answered this question on my 12 days of Christmas post. It was by a new to me author, and she is now an auto-buy author for me.

My reading goal is once again going to be 150 books.

Also, I've said it before (maybe not here, but elsewhere) I want to read The Lord of the Rings. They are sitting on my bookshelf just staring at me, and I feel like it's time. Plus then I can have a Peter Jackson movie marathon once I'm done. I freaking love those movies.

As for reading challenges...In 2022 I plan on participating in the A-Z title challenge, as well as the A-Z author challenge. I am also joining the Buzzword-athon that Books and LaLa hosts. Other challenges may pop up here and there, but I'm not even thinking about those right now.

In regards to my blog, I am still formulating those goals. One that I have set in stone is to have one non-review post go up per week. I may increase this as the weeks go on, but that is my one set in stone goal.

When it comes to social media, I am also still thinking on that. I do want to resume my Instagram, and find ways to grow that space while sharing the books I am reading. So I am currently thinking of how I can create content, and what the appropriate amount of posting is for me. I also am researching IG Reels, as I want to delve into that space. For Facebook, that is still where I share a lot of new release promo materials (cover reveals, teaser blasts, release day announcements), share my blog posts, and also the occasional meme/graphic. My plans for 2022 are to continue doing just that.

Let's talk my goals surrounding advanced reading copies. Because I have them. In 2021 I started off light and easy. Then suddenly April hit, and my calendar became overfilled. This continued through November. So in 2022, I am pulling back slightly. I am going to become a bit choosier about the books I receive, as well as the authors who I work with. There's a fine line there that I want to walk. Especially since I want to read more of what is already on my kindle. 

Tell me about how your reading went this year! Also, what are your bookish goals for 2022?

Happy Reading,

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up


Last week was another amazing week of reading. So many fantastic books were read, and I had my first 5 star read of the month!

The nice thing about me being a bit late to posting my update is the fact that I have many more reviews that I can link! If you don't know, when I read an advanced copy of a book I hold the review until the day the book releases. I think it just adds to the fun of release day. Now with the Camelot Misfits series, those I read in preparation for a new release since I wanted to know the background.


Let's go over my stats. I read
8 books
2,078 pages

My favorite book of the week was Guardian by Stacie Santoro. This book reminded me of how much I love a good paranormal romance.

Since I'm so late in getting this post up, this week I am going to have my reviews linked, and then put the tropes/genres that the books fit into. Or at least from my perspective. 


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up

Well hello there reader friends!

It's Tuesday!

And I'm posting my weekly wrap up? Yeah, Monday was a day full of writing reviews, reading books, and general household things. So unfortunately this post had to be bumped until today. But that's okay! Life happens.

I'll let you in on a little tidbit of information. I have A LOT of reviews coming to the blog in May and June. Looking at my calendar, I'm actually a bit overwhelmed by what I'm seeing. But no worries, I'm positive that the books I have lined up I will enjoy. (okay there's one that I'm worried about, but we'll save that for a future update.)

Let's talk about my stats for my birthday week. I read:

6 books
1,495 pages

My favorite book of the week was Wild Ride by Kim Loraine. I love the Rykers, and this book did not disappoint. It was a great start to the new Wilde Horse Ranch series, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Let's start talking about the books I read last week. If a review has already been posted to my blog, it will be linked in the title. Also, all of the books I read were advanced copies. Some have been released. Some are coming this week. And one is coming later in the month.

Oh and in case you're curious, as I write this blog post I am rocking out to the Made in the AM album by One Direction. I happen to be a fan of all their albums (group and solo works).

1) Devious

by J.M. Stoneback
Rating: 3 Stars

Devious by J.M. Stoneback is a dark (and I do mean dark) mafia romance. J.M. Stoneback says there is no redemption arc for Cayden Vitali, and she was correct. Cayden is who he is, and he'll probably be on your shit list. Roselyn is the daughter of Lex, and she is being forced to marry Cayden in order to pay off her dad's debt. There is a lot that happens in this book, and I cannot even begin to go into detail. What I will tell you is that this is the darkest mafia romance book I've ever read. I'll also go so far to say that I don't want to repeat it. There were just parts that pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and I want to return to the safety of my bubble. Also, at the beginning of the book there are trigger warnings given. 

I have heard that this book is being re-edited, so it isn't currently available for purchase, but you can add Devious to your Goodreads if dark mafia romance is your jam. Also, my review is based upon the ARC I had received, so my copy may differ from what is eventually released.

2) Wild Ride

by Kim Loraine
Rating: 4 Stars

Wild Ride by Kim Loraine is the official kick off to the new Wilde Horse Ranch series. This is one of my anticipated reads for May, and I am so happy that I was able to read an advanced copy. Don't get me wrong, I would have waited for release day and immediately abandoned what ever I had been reading. Hey when it's one of your anticipated reads that's just what happens.

Wild Ride is the story of Sera Ryker and Sutton Wilde. It involves a spur of the moment Vegas wedding, and the realization that this shouldn't have happened. Their families are rivals. There is history and a lot of hurt between them.

This book was so good. If you are into western/cowboy romances, please pick up Wild Ride when it releases on May 17. I have a feeling you'll really enjoy it. (also, if you haven't read the Ryker Ranch series what are you waiting for?)

3) The Prince I Love to Hate

by Iris Morland
Rating: 4 Stars

The Prince I Love to Hate by Iris Morland just released today! If you are someone who enjoys royal romances with a bit of mystery, then you'll want to read this one. Niamh and Olivier both have tasks they need to complete, but it is going to take them working together to accomplish the job. Now I will say that this book starts a little slow, but as I said in my review that is due to the foundation being laid. Once we get through that, things pick up. As for me, well that was when I was fully involved with the story. I had to know what was going to happen next.  There is a big reveal in the book that happens, and it ends on a cliffhanger. The good news is that The Princess I Love to Hate comes out in June, so you won't need to wait too long for the story to be completed.

4) Hate to Love You

by Melissa Schroeder
Rating: 4 Stars

Hate to Love You is the first book in the Fillmore Siblings series (duet) by Melissa Schroeder. This book features a boss falling for his assistant. These two are also frequently butting heads, and it is sort of an hate to lovers situation. I say sort of because to me it isn't fully there. It's more of an annoyance than anything else. Grady knows what will set Sydney off, and he likes to push them often. She in turn doesn't take it from him, and will frequently throw pens at him.  All it takes is one night at a club, where Grady sees Sydney dancing with friends, and he starts to realize his attraction to her.

Ultimately I enjoyed the story. I will say that the side characters kind of stole the show for me, and I found myself curious about them. 

5) Love to Hate You

by Melissa Schroeder
Rating: 4 Stars

Love to Hate You is the second book in the Fillmore Siblings series (duet) by Melissa Schroeder. I was so excited that I had this one ready to go after finishing Hate to Love You. I could not wait to get started on Nancy and Travis's story! This book is a friends to enemies to lovers story. It is also a workplace romance, and it features the best friends sibling trope. Oof that's a lot. But it's all there. You're going to hate Travis for a good portion of the book. I'm just throwing that out there. It will be up to you to decide if you forgive him at the end. The things he put Nancy through just made me want to knock some sense into him. Ugh.

Absolutely loved this book. The characters, the storyline, the setting, it was all wonderful. I cannot wait to read Quinn's story when it releases later this month!

6) The Offer

by Becca Steele
Rating: 4 Stars

The Offer by Becca Steele is the first book in the London Players series. This little novella will have you wanting more. More of the characters, more of the setting, and more rugby. Oh wait, maybe that's just me. This was my first sports romance featuring rugby, and I want more. Obviously. If fake dating is a trope that you enjoy, then grab this book when it releases later this week. Victoria and Jake are complete opposites, but they are so amazing together. Loved it! Looking forward to returning to this setting when future books release.