Wednesday, December 1, 2021

What I read in November

It's been quite some time since I've done a monthly reading wrap up. To be honest, I've missed writing these posts. So it is time resume the wrap up posts!

November, at least here in the US, is when we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is also the month when many people choose to share things that they are thankful for. There truly is so much to be thankful for in our lives. Here is just a snippet of my list:
              • My husband
              • Our kids
              • Our home
              • My parents and siblings
              • My friends
              • Our health
              • Me being able to continue being a stay at home mom
              • Books!
              • Authors!
Those things are all pretty surface level if I'm being honest. I could take it a bit further than that, but that's what my journal is for. Right? Right.

On Thursday I had shared this on my Facebook page

 I also went on to say that I am even more thankful for the authors who write the books I read. And that is very true. I am so thankful for those people who write books. Who dream up these stories, bring them to life, and allow the readers to escape into this new world. To allow us to get to know these characters, to feel their emotions, to experience what they are going through. The stories these writers create, allow us to step out of our current situation, and take a break from the things that are happening in our real lives. It's truly a wonderful thing, and something to be thankful for.

In the month of November, I was able to read 25 books. I was able to have many experiences through these books, and travel to many places that I might never experience. I've felt the highs our characters have felt, I've felt their pain and heartache, I 've felt the joy of their reunions, I've felt the love of their friendships and families. These books have taken me on an emotional journey, and while there were tears shed with many of the stories, there was also feelings of utter happiness. Yes they are fictional people, but when you escape into their world, it becomes more than that. 

These are the books that I read in November.

Hope your November was filled with memorable moments, and you were able to find something to be thankful for.
