Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2022

One Little Favor by Julia Connors {a review}

She is everything I didn't know I needed, and I'll stop at nothing to make her mine.

One Little Favor by Julia Connors releases on December 2, 2022! This holiday novella is part of the Frozen Hearts series, and I adored this story. We first met Tom and Avery in One Last Shot, and I was hoping that we would get a peek at their relationship. Now here we are, and we're getting all the info. It's Christmastime, and after a phone call with his brother, Tom is in need of a favor. Naturally he turns to Avery, and thus begins their romance.

My rating for One Little Favor:

If you know me at all, you know that I love a good Hallmark Christmas movie. There is something about those romances that just warm my heart, and have me falling. One Little Favor was a steamier version of a Hallmark movie, and I loved every moment of it. From the forbidden workplace aspect, to the fake dating, to realizing that the feelings are not unrequited, it was all just so good. Then there was that situation with a coworker, and ooh the drama! Gotta love those moments of tension, drama, conflict in a romance story. It just has me rooting for the characters even harder.

Aside from the budding relationship with Tom, there's the relationship that Avery has with her parents, and that just made me so happy. I love that bond they have, and how they are a constant in each others lives. Then what Tom did for Christmas, that just won me over even more. That man was willing to do anything for Avery.

One Little Favor may be a novella, but by the end you'll feel as though you really know the characters. 

I must admit that I am falling for Julia's writing, and her characters. I cannot wait to see what Julia writes next. Once it's announced I'll be adding it to my TBR, I know that for certain.

If you are looking for a Christmas romance novella to read in December, then check out One Little Favor. You don't need to read any of the other books in the Frozen Hearts series to enjoy this one. (but if you do want to go back and read the series, the books are worth it.)

Happy Reading,

This is teeing up to be the worst Christmas ever.

First, my parents win a last-minute cruise and ditch me for the white sand beaches of the Caribbean.

Then, my annoyingly sexy boss, Tom, needs one *little* favor—in the form of sacrificing my entire weekend to help him revamp his office space. Now I’m forced to spend the last days before Christmas with the very person I’m trying to avoid.

Some sort of holiday spirit must be in the air, though, because the more time we spend holed up in his corner office together, the harder it becomes to keep our emotions off and our clothes on.

I may have also agreed to be his fake girlfriend, but that part’s unclear. Mostly because nothing that’s developing between us in that office feels fake.

Then he springs a surprise getaway on me—effectively making all my Christmas dreams come true—and suddenly it’s impossible to remember all the reasons getting involved with my boss is a terrible idea.

But no matter how hard he tries to convince me this can work between us, when reality hits, only one of us stands to lose everything. And it isn’t him.

Julia, thank you for providing me with an advanced copy of One Little Favor.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wanting You Always by Lizzie Morton {a review}

Her voice is a siren, but instead of warning me to stay away, it draws me in, just like it always has, since the first time we met.

Wanting You Always is the brand new release from author Lizzie Morton. This is the first book in the Always series, and it is a spin off from the Always trilogy. Wanting You Always focuses on Sam and Sophie. These two have been best friends since the moment they met. They have been by each other's side through the good and the bad. They are the support system they each need. It's always been friendship, never more, but things are changing.

My rating for Wanting You Always:

First things first, I have not read the Always Trilogy, so I am going into the Always series not knowing anything about the characters, the band, or the history. Having now read Wanting You Always, I do feel that it may have helped me understand bits and pieces of this book had I read the trilogy. I say that because at times I was a bit lost with certain references to past events. Not only that I feel that I would have better understood the friendships, and the these bonds that they clearly have. That being said not knowing all of this, and the slight confusion didn't affect my enjoyment of this story. If anything it would have enhanced it.

Speaking of the story...I truly did enjoy Sam and Sophie's story. That best friends to lovers storyline hooked me in, and had me wondering how the fall would happen. It also had me waiting for the moment when those feelings were discussed, and how it would affect the friendship. Slow burn and I don't always get along, but this one I didn't really have a problem with. At times I was hoping things would pick up a bit more, but once those lines were crossed all was good. The rockstar vibe was just okay. It felt secondary, but at the same time it gave Sam this friendship that he so needed. I quickly found myself immersed in this world, and wanting to know more about each of the side characters.

Lizzie threw me a curve ball in the form of Russ, and everything that was discovered with his story. My mom heart was immediately gone for that kid. Then as his storyline developed my heart sank. While I don't like what happened in that situation, it did inspire what happened next. 

I think it was Russ that really gave Sophie the courage to rediscover herself. It was because of him that so much happened. Yes Sam was by her side throughout, but this was different. This was Sophie taking a stand, and I loved that. She found her voice and her passion, and she was going to battle.

Also, I love Grams. She's the best. Grams was the comedic relief that was needed from time to time.

While the start of the book confused me a smidgen, by the end I was loving the characters, enjoying their storylines, and rooting for that happily ever after. Not only did Sam and Sophie get their happily ever after, but their new found family did also. 

Now that Sam and Sophie's story is over, I need Shaun's story to be next. I won't accept anyone else. (okay maybe Sooz's story. maybe) Shaun is Sam's big brother, and if I'm reading things correctly, there is a spark between him and Sophie's best friend. So please Lizzie, say they are next!!

Go check out this best friends to lovers romance. I could not put it down, and cannot wait to return to this setting in the future. (rumor has it book 2 is coming in 2023!)

Happy Reading,

Sam Riley has been one of my best friends for as long as I can remember, it’s the wanting him part that is new.

With my personal life falling apart and Sam’s self-doubts putting his music career on the line, we do what we’ve always done best … we lean on each other.

Desperately trying to hold everything together, Sam manages to brighten the darkest of days.

In the middle of the storm, he’s my rainbow.

My person.

My one.

My constant.

Until we find ourselves tiptoeing the line of something more.

Deciding between what’s right and fighting for what we want feels impossible when it comes down to one thing …

Is loving your best friend worth the risk of losing them?

**Wanting You Always is Book 1 in a series of interconnected standalones which act as spin-offs to The Always Trilogy. Each book is a complete story and contains a HEA.**

Thank you Lizzie for providing me with an advanced copy of Wanting You Always. Being a part of #imwithlizziesband has been a wonderful adventure.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Brutal Obsession by S Massery {a review}

There's a certain thrill that comes with a hunt. And that's exactly what this feels like: she's the prey and I'm the predator, forever trying to get her ensnared.

Brutal Obsession is the brand new dark bully romance from S Massery. Tropes for this book include: sports, anti-hero, enemies to lovers, blackmail, stalker, and so many more. As this is a dark bully romance there is a content warning for certain aspects that may be triggering. Sara mentions many of them at the beginning of the book, but if you want to know specifics send me a message.

Now I can't lie, I went into this book purely for the sports romance storyline. Bully romances are not my normal read, but every once in a while I find myself drawn to them. And certain authors have a way with this genre that keeps me on the edge of my seat wondering what is going to happen next. Brutal Obsession was no different. I mean heck in the prologue I was gasping, and my hand flew to my mouth. I was so freaking shocked at what had just happened. That portion of the story alone had me unable to put the book down. I may also have stayed up until 1:30am one night as I HAD TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT. Yes, I paid for it that morning. No I didn't finish the book at that point.

My rating for Brutal Obsession:

Honestly, I loved every single part of this book. EVERY SINGLE PART! Were there times where certain scenes pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit? Well yeah, but not so much so that I had issues. So those scenes weren't over the top.

Is this book dark? Yep! Yep it is. But again, not in an over the top or unenjoyable sense. It is the perfect balance. Sara did a fabulous job with the storytelling, and keeping me pulled in.

Is Grey possessive? ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY! This man knows what he wants, and he's going to get it. Plain and simple. Violet though is no delicate flower. She's feeling that pull, and is discovering so much about herself.

I loved the chase. I loved the protectiveness. I loved, and was a bit obsessed with, the suspense element of the story. That suspense storyline, oh my word. I wasn't expecting it to go that route, but looking back it all makes sense. (When you read the book you'll know what I'm talking about.)

Grey and Violet's story just might be my favorite of the month. There's competition with 2 other books, but they might just push their way to the top. And it would be a very Grey thing to do.

Now, Sara, can Willow be the female lead in the next book? PLEASE! I need that to happen. I just do. My curiosity is piqued with her.

Romance reader friends, you need to check this book out. From the suspense to the steam to just everything within the story, I was captivated. I think you'll enjoy this one.

Happy Reading,

He shattered my leg, and now he wants to ruin the rest of me.

Greyson Devereux is a menace–but only to me.
To everyone else, he’s charismatic.

He’s the son of a senator and the star of the university’s hockey team.

When all I want is to be invisible, he drags me into the spotlight.

He wants my blood, my fear, my attention.

Resisting him only worsens his obsession.
Fighting solidifies it.

He’s brutal, and he draws out a sick darkness in me that enjoys it.

But I’ll be damned if I let him become my downfall.

Thank you S Massery, and Candi Kane PR, for providing me with an advanced copy of Brutal Obsession.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

All We Are by JH Croix {a review}

Thea was a drug, the very best kind for my body, the forbidden fruit.

The time has come for the final book in the Haven's Bay Holiday series from JH Croix. That means it's time for All We Are which is Thea's story! As we learned in All We Have, Thea and Joe were high school sweethearts who were heartbroken when their relationship ended. After all it wasn't their choice, but rather that of a parent. Now here we are years later, and their meet cute involves a snowstorm. I love a good second chance romance!

My rating for All We Are:

If you've read my reviews for All I Want, All We Have, and All I Need you'll know that I have mixed feelings about this series. When I first heard of the Haven's Bay Holiday series, my mind immediately went to Hallmark and Lifetime movies. I fully expected that quintessential holiday romance. You know what I'm talking about, the instalove, small town, major holiday vibes romance. That's what I wanted. That was what I built up in my head. How could I not when this is marketed as a holiday romance series set in a small town. Maybe I've just watched too many of those movies over the years. (and I'll continue to watch them.)

That being said, I enjoyed Thea and Joe’s story. Their meet cute was adorable, and I love their history together. First loves reuniting will always tug at my heartstrings. 

Then there's the fact that Joe is a dad! He has a little boy who he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with, but when they are together, you can feel the love. This storyline hit those mama feelings. No it wasn't perfect, but there is nothing perfect about being a parent. Plus Joey has been through a lot in his little life, so I fully expected things to not be smooth sailing. I will say I wasn't expecting the twist that came into play. I'm still not in favor of that twist. I feel it was unnecessary. But that's just me.

Thea's reason for returning to Maine makes sense as she was looking for an escape. The news she received back in Boston wasn't something she had expected. Plus the person she had been dating didn't handle that news all the best. So she was nursing heartache on top of that news. I have mixed feelings about how her and Joe reestablished their relationship. Plus that storyline regarding Thea's news was never really closed with other individuals. I don't like to say "closed", but that storyline made it seem as though it would be a discussion with others, but those discussions never happened. It was essentially swept under the rug. I will say that I was happy that JH Croix didn't take that storyline another route with a "Christmas miracle" type situation.

While this reunion started in December, it didn't all happen that month. So would I consider it a holiday romance? No I would not. See my above expectations for this series. Was Thea and Joe's reunion still a good story? Yes it was. Was it my favorite of the series? No it wasn't. I would say that it was my second favorite. Noah and Sasha's story was my favorite. Did I enjoy the second chance romance for Thea and Joe? OH absolutely! Second chance romance is a weakness of mine.

Final thoughts...The stories in the Haven's Bay Holiday series were enjoyable. I just had higher expectations for the storytelling after reading a couple of JH's series that are set in Alaska. At times it felt like the Haven Bay stories jumped forward too much, and it just didn't flow how I'm accustomed to. I also can't help but come back to the "holiday" moniker. These are not holiday romances, not by any means. They are the standard contemporary romance, and they just begin in the month of December.

Do I recommend the series? Yes, but no. As with any book, it's all about the reader. If the descriptions of the books sound interesting, go for it. I just suggest going in with an open mind. Only you can determine if the book is right for you. Don't let my thoughts deter you from reading. If you do decide to read the series, please let me know your thoughts.  Also, which couple is your favorite?

Happy Reading,

A swoony small town holiday romance from USA Today Bestselling Author J.H. Croix!

✔️ Two broken hearts
✔️ One holiday week
✔️ Swoony second chance
✔️ Holiday hotness
✔️ Small town shenanigans

The forbidden bad boy. The rich good girl. High school sweethearts.

The last person I expect to see when my car breaks down is Joe Martinelli. I broke my own heart when I moved away after high school. Joe is my first and only love, and my father refused to let us see each other.

That was all before my father blew our family up and landed in jail for fraud. I meant to escape to Maine for the week before Christmas, except it turns out my brother is holed up at the house with my friend. I have a broken down car and nowhere to go.

Of course, it’s also snowing so heavily I can only see a few feet in front of me. When Joe offers to let me stay at his place, it seems like the smart plan. It has nothing to do with how hot he is, absolutely nothing to do with how much I missed him, and definitely nothing to do with my latest bad luck in romance.

One night turns into two, one kiss turns into three and even more.

Joe & Thea’s story is perfect for readers who love: swoony second chances, broken hearts mended, small town gossip, emotional romance with a dash of angst, plenty of swoon and all the feels, and a protective hero who’ll do anything to win back the only girl he ever loved.

Thank you JH Croix, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of All We Are.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Ruthless Reign by Aleatha Romig {a review}

Nothing is as it appears. Reflections deceive.

I still consider myself relatively new to Aleatha Romig's writing. At this point I've read 6 of her books, and I've fully enjoyed each of them. So when I heard about a royal romance series, I knew I had to read it as soon as possible. I downloaded the prequel, but I didn't need to as that's included within Ruthless Reign. Should you choose to pick up Ruthless Reign, know two things: 1) there are twists and turns and you may find yourself a bit lost at times, and 2) THAT CLIFFHANGER!

My rating for Ruthless Reign:

If you follow me on Goodreads, chances are you saw my review pop up, and were confused. I literally wrote three sentences. Which if you've read any of my reviews, you know I am long winded. Don't take that brevity as me not liking the book. This book pulled me, confused a bit, and then knocked me upside the head with that revelation. Seriously, I was blown away. So I didn't know what to say in my review at the time.

Not only did I not know what to say in my review, I was also worried about divulging too much, or even potentially giving a spoiler. Here's what I can tell you...
  • Lucille married Prince Roman, and moved to his country.
  • Their marriage is basically in name only, and they spend little time together.
  • Lucille is bored, and wants to help out more with matters of the state. Roman, the King, and the Firm all are against this.
  • Roman has a temper, as well as anxiety, and he's not handling things very well.
  • Oliver is an actor who has just been offered the role of a lifetime.
  • There is something going on in the country, and the villagers are very unhappy.
  • Attraction is building, and not acting upon it is getting difficult.
  • Secrets are being kept by everyone, and some are about to spill.
Was I vague enough?

Ruthless Reign was such an interesting read. The way it ended has me cursing the fact that Resilient Reign isn't out until January 31, 2023. I don't want to wait that long. I need to know what is going to happen next, when this secret is going to get out, what else is happening, who can be trusted, all of it...I need to know. Now I sit and wait, and maybe pout a little.

If you are a fan of Aleatha's storytelling, then run and grab this book immediately. (or be smarter than I am, and wait for Resilient Reign to release so you don't have to deal with that cliffhanger for as long.) Prepare yourself for the twists and turns, the revelations, and to be watching every single character to see who is trustworthy.

Happy Reading,

I have a secret. I’m not who you think.

In this world where gowns, castles, and crowns make for the perfect reflections, life isn’t always as it appears. Love is elusive, even when the most beautiful woman is right before you. Illusions distort visions, shadows lurk in the sunshine, and monsters tread behind smiles and chivalrous facades.

I, Roman Archibald Godfrey, swore an oath to Molave.

To the king.

And above all, to Princess Lucille.

Forget the fairytales you’ve heard. This world is ruthless.

Thank you Aleatha Romig, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Ruthless Reign.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Friday, November 18, 2022

Compassion by Xavier Neal {a review}

People are exactly like books. We all have stories. We all have chapters. We all have pages that some are interested in exploring while others miss out.

Compassion is the latest release from Xavier Neal. This slow burn, opposites attract, grumpy-sunshine romance is filled with banter, book discussions, humor, and the eventual falling of Jaye and Archer. Compassion is also filled with healing from past experiences. For Jaye that is finding herself after the death of her fiancee. For Archer it is healing from life itself. From his childhood to his time in the military to where he is now. It is a lot to adjust to, and he just needs someone in his corner.

My rating for Compassion:

Xavier Neal wrote yet another wonderful story. Book after book she pulls me in with her characters, the banter, the comedic moments, and has me falling for their stories.

Compassion was no different. By Jaye taking that brief moment to talk to Archer, she showed him compassion. She showed him that people do still see the good in him, and that he is worthy of interaction.

I absolutely loved Jane. I loved all the book references that she brought up. I loved her passion behind it all. She is one of my top 5 female characters that Xavier has brought to life.

Archer tugged on my heartstrings with his story, and I think that is why I fell for him so easily. To see all that this veteran has been dealing with, and the way he's been treated just gutted me. Then to meet Jane, and have someone finally in his corner, it was just spectacular.

The romance between these two was slow burn, and I am here for it. Slow burn romances are hit or miss with me, but this one was written wonderfully. They have a connection, they are building a friendship, and moving into a romantic relationship will happen. It's about building trust, and finding the courage to move forward.

In Compassion, Xavier Neal breaks the 4th wall, and the characters speak directly to the reader. Personally this isn't my jam. I looked at it a different way. Instead I chose to view those bolded sections as the internal dialogue of Jaye and Archer. That allowed me to move on easier, and still enjoy the story. 

I loved that Xavier Neal tackled the topic of PTSD, showed us what Archer is dealing with, and how he he works through it. Discussions of the mental health of our military members (current or former) are often overlooked, but it is important to bring up. Same goes with the lack of support that our veterans can receive after leaving the service. That too was something that Xavier brought up, and I appreciate it.

Jaye's mom...oh that woman. Didn't like her at all. She rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning. Jay's dad though, he was amazing. Definitely protective, but also his daughter's biggest fan.

Oh, and getting to see familiar faces pop up brought a smile to my face. Even just the reference of a couple had me reminiscing to those books.

I hope that you'll consider picking up a copy of this book. It truly was a good read, and you can find yourself escaping into the world that Xavier has created.

Happy Reading,

From USA TODAY BESTSELLING author Xavier Neal comes an unconventional, contemporary romance featuring a grumpy, wounded veteran and a quirky librarian who proves all the world needs in it is a little more compassion...

Private Academy Librarian Jaye Jenkins isn't afraid of the green-eyed homeless man she finds digging in her trashcan one cold winter night.

He's starving.

Just trying to survive.

Could use a bit of kindness that she can't help but give.

And when that kindness leads to her saving him from some misplaced hatred, an unorthodox situation begins.

One that will change both of their lives.


Thank you Xavier Neal for providing me with an advanced copy of Compassion.

Please note:
I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.
Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.
Thank you!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Endgame by Bianca Borell {a review}

One day, Levi Kingston will be a memory. A bitter memory, but a memory, nonetheless.

The Endgame is the latest release from Bianca Borell. This is a sports romance featuring the brother's best friend trope, as well as first love, and a virgin heroine. The Endgame also spans quite a bit of time. I hesitate to call it a slow burn, because in the steamy sense it's not, but in the HEA it is. If that makes sense. 

This was my introduction to Bianca Borell, and let me tell you, I will be back to read more. I felt all the emotions while reading, and was rooting for these two to get together. Of course I was also rooting for Ian to stop being the protective older brother, as well as the family dynamic shifting a bit.

My rating for The Endgame:

I loved this book! I mean it features one of my favorite tropes, plus it's a sports romance. That wasn't the only reason why I loved it though. This book was all about timing with our characters, and for the longest time they just couldn't get to their happily ever after. When it finally did happen though, I was celebrating. Levi and Amelie had gone through so much. So to see them finally getting to this moment had me smiling.

Is it instalovy? Well yeah, but at the same time no. Like I said above it's walking that fine line. If anything I would say it's more insta-lust, but you can't deny the connection that these two had from their first introduction.

I loved Amelie and Levi together. I felt their chemistry, their bond, and could not wait to see everything they were going to need to go through to get their happily ever after. And boy oh boy did they have to go through some stuff.

A little over half way through the book I thought this is it, they're getting their happily ever after now. But then I looked at the % of the book I read, and instantly knew the characters were about to go through something very difficult. I just wasn't expecting it to be what it was.

I did really like how Amelie was able to follow her dream, and how all of that happened. I was wondering who the investor was, and while in the back of my mind I knew, at the same time I was speculating a few different people. The passion that Amelie has for baking radiated off the pages. No matter the emotion, Amelie was able to calm herself, and her mind through baking. I loved that for her.

Some might get frustrated with all the back and forth with our couple. For me though it just added to the intensity of their story. It created these moments where you couldn't look away. It honestly was like watching a movie.

This book was filled with emotions, passion, heartache, separation, healing, and a great connection. It wasn't just regarding their relationship though. There were family dynamics at play that also caused hurt, frustration, anger. All of that required healing and forgiveness to move forward.

I hope that you'll pick up The Endgame. Maybe you'll fall for these two the way I did. Maybe you'll fall for some side characters. Maybe you'll find yourself hoping those side characters get their stories told. Or maybe that's just me.

Happy Reading,

Every girl with a brother grows up with one fundamental rule: his best friend is off limits. That’s one rule she longs to break when he crashes into her life.

Amelie Weston has been taking the safe path for as long as she can remember. Not disappointing her parents by pursuing the career she wants. And not pursuing the guy she’s been crushing on.

But she’s tired of being the good girl.

Her brother’s best friend is pushing her to stop being a people pleaser and open the bakery of her dreams. Little does he know he’s also at the top of the list of her heart’s greatest desires... and he’s making himself impossible to resist.

Levi Kingston fully intends to become a legend on the field as one of the best players ever. He must stay focused and work relentlessly toward his goal. He doesn’t have time for distractions... until he meets his best friend’s sister, and his well-laid plan is challenged.

Bad timing, responsibilities, and loyalty to her brother keep them apart. But the connection between them only grows stronger. Their feelings become impossible to ignore, and the fight against them is pointless.

Will they take a chance on love? Or waste an opportunity for long-awaited happiness?

Thank you Bianca Borell, and Grey's Promotions, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Endgame.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

All We Have by JH Croix {a review}

I'd never believed my breath could be stolen by nothing more than a look. Ian could do that effortlessly.

The time has come to return to Haven's Bay once again! This time we get to find out how Ian Tate and Jane Matthews find their happily ever after. Once again the family home is front and center, and of course Thea is involved.

My rating for All We Have:

I have mixed feelings about All We Have. On one hand it was a relatively cute romance. On the other it wasn't holiday related, nor was it what I was expecting. The blurb and the story don't really match up in my mind. Or at least not in my mind. Plus it says Jane is a librarian, and she's not, she's a science professor. So....

Having read the other books in the series, I wasn't 100% certain what to expect when it came to Ian's story. I will admit that I had some ideas in my head, but turns out I was completely off the mark. Part of me was expecting Ian to use his billionaire status in some over the top way. Maybe by purchasing Jane's family home or something like that. Or it having to do with Jane's career.

I did enjoy their meet cute at the family home. It seems to be a common theme for the Tate family. You'd think Thea would have given her brother a heads up that one of her good friends was staying there. Maybe it was Thea's way of playing matchmaker.

What Ian was going through was intense, and I can see how that stressed him out. Jane seemed excited about her new job in Boston, but we never really knew much about it, other than her being a professor. It was as though her job was second fiddle to everything Ian was dealing with.

The v-card aspect of the story...I don't know. The way that entire conversation came about was a bit odd in my mind. Even the setting for that conversation. I just can't wrap my head around it.

Also, I wanted more out of the situation Ian was dealing with. I feel that the suspense element could have really been played up and added something to the story. So I was a bit let down with that part. Plus I don't feel like that storyline is complete.

At the end of this third book, I still don't have a feeling for all that Haven's Bay has to offer. I try to picture the town, and it just isn't happening. That frustrates me a bit, as I'd like to have this visual in my mind. Plus honestly there wasn't enough time spent in that community.

When I started reading the Haven's Bay Holiday series, I seriously thought the stories were going to take place in that town, and the romances would be surrounded in the magic of the holidays. Instead it's as though both were after thoughts. I wanted a Hallmark or Lifetime type movie but in book form. If you've watched those movies, you know what I'm talking about. 

Now there is one book left in this series. Am I going to read it? ABSOLUTELY.  I am very curious to read All We Are! I cannot wait to read Thea's story, and see how this second chance romance plays out. I am crossing my fingers for that Hallmark-esque story that I've been craving.

Have you read the Haven's Bay Holiday series from JH Croix? What are your thoughts? At this point All I Need is my favorite.

Happy Reading,

A swoony small town holiday romance from USA Today Bestselling Author J.H. Croix!

✔️ A broody billionaire
✔️ A whipsmart librarian
✔️ V-card request
✔️ Opposites attract in a big way
✔️ Swoony holiday romance
✔️ Small town shenanigans

She makes the rules. I break them.

I need a vacation more than I need air. A week by myself at my family’s vacation home in Maine is perfect.

Except Jane Matthews is there. I don’t recognize her at first because the smokin’ hot woman with a smexy librarian vibe is nothing like the Jane I remember. She’s one of my little sister’s friends, and I barely noticed her back in high school.

Now, it’s nigh impossible to ignore her. Sparks fly between us every time we’re near each other. When we get snowed in and Jane asks me a favor—a big favor—I don’t know if I can say no.

She says we just have the week. That we can’t tell anyone. That we’ll forget each other after it’s over. She’s wrong about everything.

Ian & Jane’s story is perfect for readers who love: friends to lovers, slow burn, broody billionaires, small town gossip, emotional romance with a dash of angst, plenty of swoon and all the feels, and a protective hero who never expects to fall.

Thank you JH Croix, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of All We Have.

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This Life and All The Rest by Brit Benson {a review}

She's heaven and she's hell. She's my reward and my punishment. She'll ruin me again. I know it.

Brit Benson broke my heart with how The Love of my Next Life ended. Then came the wait for This Life and All the Rest. Lennon and Macon's story stuck with me, and I had to know how their story ended. So when I received an advanced copy of This Life and All the Rest I immediately dove in. From the moment I picked it up, I struggled to put it down. There were so many emotions packed in this book. There was 4 years of untold happenings waiting to be brought up.

I'm going to be intentionally vague on a lot of happenings in this book, as it is a continuation of the first. So please bare with me on that. If you want me to expand on anything, drop me an email
There's a content/trigger warning I want to mention, but it's also a spoiler. So I'm conflicted on that. Is it enough to mention it just being a content/trigger warning without going into specifics? I'm going with yes.

This was a spectacular conclusion to Lennon and Macon's story! The secrets that were revealed. The truths that were spoken. The friendships that were made. The friendships that were broken. The hearts that had been broken being healed. It was all so damn wonderful.

Book one broke my heart. Book two continued with the heartache, and thankfully by the end healing was happening.

Everything Lennon went through during her separation with Macon (and her family) was intense. The heartache and pain were radiating off of her, and she was trying to heal however she could. Thankfully she had Sam by her side when needed whether by phone or in person.

Macon's life hasn't exactly been easy since Lennon went to London, but he's definitely turned a corner. Yes he's still upset with Lennon, and he doesn't understand the reasons she's done what she's done.

Everything is about to be revealed. What Lennon experienced. What Macon went through. What happened with their separation. All of it. All of that is being told while we also have the other storyline happening. After all there is a reason Lennon has returned to town. (that storyline may have had me shed a few tears)

Absolutely loved this duet. Brit Benson wrote an incredible story, created these characters who haven't had the easiest lives, and found away to bring them together for an emotional love story.

I need Sam to have her story told immediately. It's only fair! Plus I can't wait to see who she ends up with.

Go read this duet. It is one of my favorite duets of the year. Hands down. I hope you'll pick it up.

Happy Reading,

She thinks our story is over.
It’s just beginning.

Lennon Washington has been the star of every dream, every nightmare, since the day I lost her.

Since the moment I let my demons win, and she slipped through my fingers.

Her memory has haunted me.
Changed me.
Broken me and remade me.
And I’d all but given up on us.

Now tragedy has brought her back into my life.
My secrets are at her disposal,
Hers are unraveling quickly,
And every emotion we’ve tried to deny is returning with a vengeance.

But we’re not kids anymore.
We have changed drastically.
And with each new ache, I start to wonder,

Is there a place for us in this life,
Or will we have to try again in the next one?

Thank you Brit Benson, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of This Life and All The Rest.

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!