If you've read my reviews, whether here on my blog or over on Goodreads, chances are you've heard me talking about crying while reading books. Now it doesn't happen with EVERY book, but it does happen a lot. Tears are easily triggered for me if our characters get injured, or someone dies, or it's just a heightened emotional scene in the story. I can't help it, it's how I'm wired. The tears just flow. I own it. I accept it. I always keep a box of tissues close by.
In 2021, there were 17 books that had the tears flowing. There was one book in particular that had me sobbing almost the entire time. Just the way it kicked off, and then everything that happened in the story, and the big reveal. I was just a mess.
(now, just because these books had me sobbing, doesn't mean they will you. we all express our emotions differently.)
So since I like to share...Here are the 17 books that had me ugly crying.