Showing posts with label The Edge Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Edge Series. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Edge of Forgiveness by Kristin Turnage {a review}

Hi. I'm not okay. I just finished reading an advanced copy of The Edge of Forgiveness by Kristin Turnage. My heart is happy, my mind is all over the place, and my emotions took a hit. If you've been around for a while, then you know how much I adore The Edge series. There is just something about the small town of Oaks, and all of the characters that I've met. I want to go visit, befriend them all, or even better yet have Cora and Caleb adopt me.

If you're new to The Edge series, like I said it is small town romance. Not only that but each book hits a different emotion just right. If you're an emotional reader, then you should have tissues close by. Here in The Edge of Forgiveness you'll also find these two tropes: forced proximity and enemies to lovers. In a way I think, at least for Courtney, the trope of found family also applies. It could also be considered a second chance romance of sorts. Especially given the history between these two. We've met both Hunter and Courtney in previous books, so it's nice to finally hear their stories. 

So what's The Edge of Forgiveness about? Let's read the blurb first:

Courtney Rogers has two secrets, secrets that she’s kept from her best friend. One involves a night that changed her best friend’s life forever and the other is her best friend’s soon to be brother-in-law. She thought she was going to take both secrets to the grave, to make sure neither sees the light of day. But, when her best friend asks her to housesit while she goes on her honeymoon for two weeks, her once concrete walls start to crumble. Courtney’s always prided herself on being able to put on blinders and forget about her problems, but now the pressure seems to be too great. If she talks and lets out what’s trapped inside, she’ll be more alone than ever.

Could her best friend handle knowing that she was the reason her life changed forever?

Then, there’s the other serious issue, Hunter Freeman, AKA The Other Secret. The one she pushed so far away that, instead getting lustful glances and playful banter, she gets nothing but cold stares and a rock-hard heart. She thought it was for all the right reasons, he made her feel things, and those things were uncontrollable.

Hunter Freeman knows the game. He understands what needs to be done, but his problem, he doesn’t want to play. So, he doesn’t. Don’t expect him to bring you flowers, he won’t. Don’t expect him to chase you because his ass ain’t running. After going through his own heartbreak, and watching his brother struggle with love, he has decided to stop, to just stop trying. The fear of rejection hangs over him like a dark cloud. He’s seen the dark side of love and it’s not worth it to him. The highs never make up for the lows.

Just when he felt things starting to turn around, life decided to throw a wrench in his gears or, in his case, life decided to throw in a little bit of Courtney Rogers, the fucking curveball that came out of nowhere and always sends him home licking his wounds.

Now, she’s back after a year and will be in his world for two weeks. Both fighting to end what was started before it becomes too much. Both needing what everybody always wants.

Love, acceptance, and a little forgiveness.

Content Warning: This book contains sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.


Doesn't their story sound good? Right off the bat you know it's going to be an emotional one. Especially once Courtney shares her backstory. This woman has been hurt, and she has the trauma to go with that hurt. Yet she tries to bury it as deep as possible. Thankfully people are starting to see the cracks forming, and she's going to need the support once it all crumbles down. Don't think that this book is only about Courtney's journey toward healing. Oh no. You see Hunter also has some issues that he keeps hidden. There is a reason he stays away from relationships. There is a reason there is a brick wall surrounding his heart.

My rating for The Edge of Forgiveness:
5 Stars

Now if you've read The Edge of Happiness, then you know that Courtney is Cassie's best friend. These two have known each other for a long time and have an incredible bond. So when it's Cassie's wedding naturally Courtney is by her side on the big day. It is also Courtney that Cassie asks to house/dog sit while she and Ryan are off on their honeymoon. Now was there more to the story about having Courtney house/dog sit for 2 weeks? Of course there was, and that is part of Courtney's story.  Naturally during these two weeks she and Hunter are at each other's throats. Ever since that relationship that wasn't a relationship ended, there has been a lot of pain/frustration/heartache/longing happening. Here we are now and they are pretty much forced to be near each other. Even more so since Hunter works with Ryan (aka his brother) as the horse trainer. There are so many words flung back and forth between these two, it's ridiculous. Yet they can't stay apart. It's a wild ride.

You might be wondering how they get together if there is so much pain separating them. Well all that forced proximity is coming into play with the verbal volleys. It is when one of those moments spark something, and causes Courtney to panic that has Hunter's wall starting to crack. He sees the vulnerability, and knows that he needs to push a bit to get her to open up. Hunter just doesn't expect that this push is going to result in a verbal vomit. That's precisely what happened. These two have finally aired all their dirty laundry, and have bared their souls. It is now that a real relationship can form. That is if they want it to happen, or if they don't screw it up in the process.

I'm not going to touch too much on their relationship as it's really interesting to take in as you're reading it. That being said, Courtney has created bonds with others in Oaks. Whether it is Cassie, Joss, AJ, Madison, or even Cora. Not just those people though, she's finding that she has these connections within the town. She may not like it as it scares her, but those connections have been formed. She's found her family essentially. I think one of my favorite connections though was with Ollie. Ollie Freeman is the brother of Hunter and Ryan. He's the baby. He's trying to find his place in the family business, as well as in life. Something is causing him pain though, and Courtney sees that in him. She's called him on it, and I love that. She's let him know that she'll be his safe place to land when he's ready. It was that connection that had me wishing that Kristin would write his story as well.

Let's talk about the fact that the two weeks is up, and Courtney is heading back to Texas. After all that's where her apartment is, her job is, and a good portion of her life. As much as Courtney wants to get out of Oaks (or so she thinks), she's also feeling that perhaps Texas isn't where she's meant to be any longer. Yet she says her goodbyes to all except one. It is right before she leaves that she has a heartfelt conversation with Cora. It is that conversation that had me sobbing. I thought that since I had made it this far through The Edge of Forgiveness that I wouldn't get hit with the emotional moments. Yet this happened as Cora shared something from her past that resonated with Courtney, and it hit me. It was that simple conversation that had the flood gates opening. I was busy wiping away my tears while feeling all the compassion and love pouring off of Cora. She was speaking truth, she was speaking from her heart, and pouring this love into Courtney when she needed it most. I think that this conversation reached Courtney at just the right time. Perhaps something clicked into place even though she was still trying to run. 

Since this story was almost over, not only did I think I was going to get out of getting hit in the feelings, I also was wondering if church was going to happen. Now not traditional church. No no no. Church is where the group of friends (who are really family at this point) come together for one to bare their soul. To tell the things that are causing them pain. This therapy of sorts isn't always voluntary. Sometimes it is the group showing up to your house to have it out. To call you on your shit, and make you face the things that you might not want to. Yet at the end of the conversation, that therapy session, you find yourself with the answers you need. THAT is church. THAT is what this group continues to encourage, as well as experience. It may be something their parents started many years ago, but they are gladly carrying it into the future.

There is so much more that I want to say about The Edge of Forgiveness, but I've been long winded enough. If you're an emotional reader...take breaks, have the tissues close by, and feel free to message me while reading. I may have messaged the author a couple of times while reading, and I regret nothing. Hunter and Courtney are now part of my fictional family, along with the others I've "met" in Oaks. These characters have wedged themselves into my heart, and it is glorious. May we all find a group of friends similar to Ryan, Cassie, Mac, Joss, Jace, AJ, Hunter, Courtney, Travis, Madison, Ollie, and Noah. (I can't leave out Cora and Caleb either.)

When I started reading The Edge of Forgiveness I was worried. I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as the others in the series. I was worried that I wouldn't connect with Hunter and Courtney. Yet here I am on the other side, and I did love their story as much as the others. I did connect with them. I did empathize with their situations. I was rooting for them since their initial meeting back in The Edge of Happiness. So to know that they've found their happily ever after, and that they are making their mental health needs a priority, just has me loving it all the more. I look forward to reading Noah's story when it comes out. Kristin has solidified herself as an autobuy author for me, and also her books are going to be on my 5 star predictions list. Time and time again she's shown me how talented she is with her words, her characters, her world buiding, and also all the energy (physical, mental, emotional) that she pours into creating these books. It's phenomenal. It is also why I buy the kindle copy of the book, as well as the paperback. I want to support her writing career as much as possible. It's my way of showing my appreciation for the stories she brings to life.

I truly hope you'll consider picking up The Edge of Forgiveness. If you haven't read the other three books (Happiness, Serenity, Redemption) I suggest you do. They all hit different. They all have emotional moments. They all struggle with something different. These books are not just romance, they are so much more than that. If anything these books are healing. The Edge of Forgiveness releases on April 13, 2023. Go preorder it, and get ready to fall for these characters.

Happy Reading,

Thank you Kristin Turnage, and Grey Promo, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Edge of Forgiveness.

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Thank you!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Edge of Redemption by Kristin Turnage {a review}

The Edge of Redemption by Kristin Turnage is now available! If you know me, you know that I have been eagerly anticipating this book. The moment I read The Edge of Happiness, I was hooked on these characters, the setting, and I was needing to know their stories. Ryan and Cassie may have started my love affair with this series, while Joss and Mac continued it. Now it's Jace and AJ's turn, and I am so excited. But also a tad bit nervous because Kristin Turnage has said it's an emotional ride. This Jessie Spano (Saved by the Bell) gif perfectly describes me in this moment.

Before I say anything, else, let me just start with YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! If you are someone who likes characters who have been through hell, and are still fighting to get out, then run and grab this book now. PLEASE!

Oh and also, if you are an emotional reader, have the tissues close by. This book will hit you in the feels, and the tears will fall. Especially as Jace shares about Bailey. Oh and as AJ shares about her sister. It's just a lot. It's fabulous, and totally worth it though.

Now if you've read The Edge of Happiness or The Edge of Serenity, then you've gotten glimpses into Jace's life. You've seen him battling his demons, but we didn't know what those demons were. We saw the drinking. We saw the drugs. We saw this man struggling to keep his head above water. In The Edge of Redemption we find it all out. Every last bit of it. My heart shattered as I read everything that Jace had been through, and the guilt that he has been carrying around.

Then there is the storyline with AJ and Beatrice (aka Belle). Dang if that didn't hit me hard. My heart broke for AJ, don't get me wrong on that. Her grief was palpable. But Belle? Witnessing that little girl work through her grief, and trying to wrap her head around how her life just changed, was heartbreaking. My mom heart struggled through reading her scenes.The tears came hard and fast. There were definitely moments of ugly crying happening.

Speaking of AJ, she seems like a very loving person. Not only is she uprooting her life to come take care of her niece, she's also returning to the town that she swore to never return to. Her time in Oaks was not good. It was full of heartache, stress, and trauma. So I don't blame her one bit for not wanting to return. Yet here she is trying to bring some stability to her niece's life. AJ is also a very talented artist. She finds out a happy moment for a person, recreates that through a drawing, and then folds it up for them to look at later. She's giving a piece of herself to each person she creates art for. 

The very first interaction between Jace and AJ had me smiling. Then when they ran into each other at the grief counseling session, that was so dang good. Add in the banter that slowly started happening, and I could not get enough.  Every interaction that these two had, I was unable to look away from.  I had to witness it all. I had to witness them falling. I had to witness the moment of conflict. Then there was the resolution, and my heart was so happy. And that retreat they had to go on? Oh so good. SO DANG GOOD! That entire scene was just spectacular. I loved it.

My heart soared with how quickly (and easily) Belle was accepted into the group. Those adults gathered around her, and just poured love into her. Whether it was through their time, their words, or just a friendly face, they cemented themselves into her life. They gave her a new family. The scene at church had the tears flowing. If you know about church, then you know how emotionally intense those scenes can be.

Absolutely LOVED The Edge of Redemption. Cannot recommend it enough. I will be talking about this book, and the series, for quite some time. Kristin Turnage has created this little world that I am obsessed with. These characters have drawn me in, and I am so thankful that I am able to know their stories. 

As of right now, this book has the potential to be my favorite for February. The paperback will be ordered as soon as it is available on Amazon, and it will join my copies of the first two books. I cannot wait to see who the next book will be about. My gut tells me it's going to be Hunter.

If you are a fan of new adult, small town romances, that are filled with emotion, then please go grab this series! The Edge of Happiness was my favorite book of 2021, and The Edge of Serenity was one of my monthly favorites. So you can clearly see that this series is one of my favorites.

Have your tissues handy. You'll need them.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts on The Edge of Redemption. I hope you'll read Jace and AJ's story.


Cover Design: Sarah Kil Creative Studios

Jace Walker is a master illusionist, but he can’t keep up the act anymore. His family and friends thought he was happy and healthy and at peace with his past. But that was a lie. Every single moment from that awful day has been a lie. Just one big exhausting routine that he can’t stop. Always having to pretend to deal with the pain of his life lost.

All he wanted to do was feel her again, and the pills always helped. That is until they didn’t. Being forced to open up about his feelings is now his life. His newest distraction is this stranger in town with pink hair and an attitude problem who’s tormenting his mind while slowly bringing him back to life.

One look at AJ, and you’d think she has everything together, but things aren’t always as they appear. After leaving home at 18 to forge her own path, she’s pulled back to her old life by the death of her sister and brother-in-law, now being the only next of kin for her 7-year-old orphaned niece.

With her heart still aching to be free, she now fights the courts for custody of her niece, desperately trying to go back to the life she had. The only problem with her plan is the attractive asshole in the grief support group that she hates with every fiber of her being but who also feels like home.

To an onlooker, these two Grumpy Gus’s are the definition of toxic, but as fate would have it, they’re partnered together to complete their healing journeys.

With darkness around every corner, will the stars align on their road to redemption?

Content warning: The book contains sensitive subject matter related to the loss of a loved one and suicide.

Download today!

Add The Edge of Redemption to your Goodreads TBR!

Are you new to The Edge series?
Start from the beginning!

Ryan & Cassie

Mac & Joss

Meet Kristin Turnage

Kristin Turnage is an indie author that lives close to the beach in Florida with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. She has been writing for eight years and has been chasing her dream of becoming a published author for a long time. The Edge of Happiness from The Edge Series is her first published work and has turned her dream into a reality. She is excited that you are all taking this journey alongside of her.

Connect with Kristin

Thank you to Kristin Turnage, and Grey's Promotions, for providing me with an advanced review copy of The Edge of Redemption.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Edge of Redemption by Kristin Turnage {cover reveal}

Kristin Turnage has revealed the cover for

The Edge of Redemption is the third book in her The Edge series, and features the story between Jace and AJ. Kristin Turnage has said numerous times that this will be an emotional read, so have the tissues ready!

If you know me at all, you know that I have been EAGERLY anticipating this book! I adored the first two in the series, and am beyond ready for Jace's story to be told. Now please note, there is a content warning for the book as it contains sensitive subject matter related to the loss of a loved one and suicide. One thing I am certain of is that Kristin has handled this topic with grace and sensitivity.

Save the date for February 23, 2022!

Jace Walker is a master illusionist, but he can't keep up the act anymore. His family and friends thought he was happy and healthy and at peace with his past. But that was a lie. Every single moment from that awful day has been a lie. Just one big exhausting routine that he can't stop. Always having to pretend to deal with the pain of his life lost.

All he wanted to do was feel her again, and the pills always helped. That is until they didn't. Being forced to open up about his feelings is now his life. His newest distraction is this stranger in town with pink hair and an attitude problem who's tormenting his mind while slowly bringing him back to life.

One look at AJ, and you'd think she has everything together, but things aren't always as they appear. After leaving home at 18 to forge her own path, she's pulled back to her old life by the death of her sister and brother-in-law, now being the only next of kin for her 7-year-old orphaned niece.

With her heart still aching to be free, she now fights the courts for custody of her niece, desperately trying to go back to the life she had. The only problem with her plan is the attractive asshole in the grief support group that she hates with every fiber of her being but who also feels like home.

To an onlooker, these two Grumpy Gus's are the definition of toxic, but as fate would have it, they're partnered together to complete their healing journeys.

With darkness around every corner, will the stars align on their road to redemption?

Add to your Goodreads TBR!

Meet Kristin Turnage

Kristin Turnage is an indie author that lives close to the beach in Florida with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. She has been writing for eight years and has been chasing her dream of becoming a published author for a long time. The Edge of Happiness from The Edge Series is her first published work and has turned her dream into a reality. She is excited that you are all taking this journey alongside her.
Connect with Kristin

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Edge of Serenity {a review}

If you've been around my blog for a while, you may recall me blabbering on about a book called The Edge of Happiness by Kristin Turnage. It is one of my favorite books that I've read so far this year, and I fell head over heals for the characters and the setting. Well, Kristin Turnage has just released the second book in The Edge series called The Edge of Serenity. In this book we find out exactly what went down with Joss and Mac that one night, and we witness their vulnerability, compassion, and life unfold.

Before I say anything about the book, I'm going to say it now. IF you are an emotional person, have the tissues handy. I did not, and my pillowcase was quite wet when I finished the book. Kristin Turnage has put a content warning on the book for abuse and loss of a loved one. So please know that going in. I knew of the content warning, but for some reason I thought I'd sneak by with no tissues. HA!

Josslyn and Mackay have known each other for YEARS. After all, Mackay is one of Tyler's best friends. So he was often around the house growing up. Josslyn has always been intrigued by Mackay, and has had feelings for him for a while now. Mackay too has been interested in Josslyn, but he won't make a move because it's his best friends little sister.  Until that one night where he had too much to drink. Joss was there to take care of him, and make sure he was safe. After arriving to Joss's house, these two spent the night together. Joss cannot forget it, and Mac can't remember it. He knows he was with some one, but he doesn't know who it was. Flash forward a bit, and Joss is moving into the house that he shared with Jace and Ryan. Joss had been evicted from her apartment and needed somewhere to go. Naturally her brother mentioned her living at the house. Temptation was right there. The person Joss wanted just steps away, and she couldn't have him. Instead he chose her former friend, and that was just a kick to the gut. The one person who knows all her secrets, is now with the man she wants. Things are going just fine, until the night a snowstorm has them stuck in the house. Alone. This night has the potential to change everything.

When I finished reading The Edge of Happiness, I knew I needed to know Joss and Mac's story. I was crossing my fingers that it would be the next book, but that is never a guarantee. So when I heard that The Edge of Serenity was going to be their story, I was eagerly anticipating the book. And this book, it did not disappoint. Not one bit. If anything The Edge of Serenity had me falling even harder for the characters and the setting. There is something about the world that Kristin Turnage has created that has me wanting to move in. I want these folks as my friends, as my neighbors. They are just amazing. They have each others backs, and are not afraid to impose a little hard love when needed. To give each other the push needed to go after what (or who) they want. As you'll learn, Mac has a painful history. His childhood was not ideal, and it was a rocky time until he, his mom, and his sister moved to Oaks. Even after the move, he was having a difficult transition. Until Ryan's dad took him under his wing, and gave him the love and guidance he needed. I love the bond that these two have. So when it is shared that Mac's dad is in town, and wants to reconnect with his kids, Mac is right to be skeptical. All the pain and suffering that he's tried to push down, is bubbling right to the surface. He's struggling. Then there's Joss. That sweet woman has been through a lot as well. Not to the same extent of course. Joss struggles with believing in herself, and definitely has some self esteem issues that are holding her back. Add in the fact that she doesn't have many friends, is tomboy-ish, and is having difficulty with finances/adult things, and it's just a lot for her. She's struggling to find out who she is. She's struggling to find the courage to follow her passions, and to believe in herself. Then there are the relationship issues where she is assuming things that are not true. I can relate to Joss on so many levels, and I think that is why I gravitate towards her. When the big dramatic moment arrived, I was not ready. I saw it coming, but still. Then when they were about to be reunited, and what happened happened? MY HEART SHATTERED. Things were revealed to Mac (and everyone else that was there), and seeing him take all that in, just. Ugh. My heart. But after that, and after I dried my tears, we got on the right path towards the happily ever after. And watching that? So good. Until I read about what happened to Jace. At that point my jaw dropped, and I found myself hoping that his story was next. (psst: Kristin Turnage says it is!)

I loved this book. I am buying a physical copy of it. (and I'll be buying The Edge of Happiness at the same time.)

I love the characters. I love the setting. I want it to be a real place with real people. But alas, it isn't. It's fictional. 

I highly recommend this series. Go read them. Go fall in love with the characters. Just have the tissues handy because they are going to be needed. Also, this was a 5 star read for me.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts,


Josslyn Davis isn’t your typical Southern belle. If you ever call her that, she’ll probably punch you in the throat. Dresses make her itch, and being polite hurts more than shoving a drill bit through her skull. She’s the redheaded wildfire that you don’t want to mess with.

She loves to be outside and work on her family’s bee farm, taking pride in doing things herself. But, over the last few months, she’s felt like the biggest failure of all time. After getting evicted, she had nowhere else to go except to move in with her brother’s two best friends. The only problem is she’s madly in love with the one sleeping on the other side of their adjoining bathroom. The one who doesn’t remember their drunken night together.

Mackay Graves has been cursed since he was a young boy, a family gift passed down from his father, the same man that made Mac do things no child should do. Always alone with his emotions, he grew up with the pain of being abused by his father. And now, his dad is trying to worm his way back into his life.

Apart from his father, his best friend’s little sister has moved into his house, the same woman he’s been secretly in love with. His solution is to ignore his emotions, brushing off his father and swallowing his feelings for Joss, not wanting to ruin the “family” he gained when moving to Oaks. But with her living in the room next door, his feelings have become unpredictable, wreaking havoc on his life.

Both dealing with unprecedented circumstances, Joss trying to bury her feelings for Mac and straighten out her life, and Mac ignoring the fact that his family dynamic is shifting, their lives start to spin out of control.

What will happen when life forces them to be alone together, confronting the feelings that are trapped inside? One day can’t change their destiny, or can it?

Content Warning: This book contains sensitive subject matter that relates to abuse and loss of a loved one. Reader discretion is advised.




A knock on my window jerks me out of my fading memory. Blinking the tears away, I realize I’ve pulled off in a field staring at the now setting sun. Looking over, Josslyn waves for me to roll down the window. “Hey there, Hulk,” she smiles, and my heart aches, “you want to let me in?”

I know what she means, but I wish for a moment I could really let her in, with no consequences, no repercussions, and no fear of the curse over me.

I would let her in all the way if that was the case.




Kristin Turnage is an indie author that lives close to the beach in Florida with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. She has been writing for eight years and has been chasing her dream of becoming a published author for a long time. The Edge of Happiness from The Edge Series is her first published work and has turned her dream into a reality. She is excited that you are all taking this journey alongside of her.


Thank you to Kristin Turnage, and Give Me Books PR, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Edge of Serenity.

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Edge of Serenity {cover reveal}

Look at this cover that Kristin Turnage just revealed for The Edge of Serenity!

If you've been following me for a while, then you know that I freaking LOVED The Edge of Happiness. It was one of my favorite books that I read at the beginning of the year, and I still think about Cassie and Ryan from time to time . And now, now we are getting closer to Joss and Mac getting their story told. I am so freaking excited.

Joss and Mac intrigued me in The Edge of Happiness, and I cannot wait to see what these two go through to get their HEA. Wondering what trope The Edge of Serenity will be focusing on? It is brother's best friend. AHHHHH! I literally just said the other day that this is one of my top 3 favorite tropes! BRING IT ON!

The Edge of Serenity will be releasing on August 6, and I am so ready to dive in. So ready.

Please scroll a bit further for the book teaser, and for links to connect with Kristin Turnage.

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Edge of Happiness {a review}

Now you may be thinking, Laur you've talked about The Edge of Happiness before! You're correct, I have talked about it in my February Anticipated Releases, in my January Top 5, and also in my most recent weekly wrap up

So why am I talking about it again? Well in those posts I just focused on the book description, and telling others to read the book! Here I can at least share a bit more about the book, as well as quotes I loved, while also doing my best to avoid spoiling the book. Plus when you find a book you love, you talk about it. Sometimes ad nauseam. Sorry, not sorry. 

First and foremost, we need to discuss the fact that The Edge of Happiness is the debut novel by Kristin Turnage, and it releases TODAY! Oh, and also, there are four more books coming in The Edge series.  You already know I'm giddy about that. I get to stay with these amazing characters! Now I just need to be patient as Kristin writes the books.

After reading the book, I feel that there should be a content warning for bits and pieces of the story. There are sensitive subjects related to mental illness that occur. So know that going into the story. If you want specifics, please send me a message on instagram or facebook.

Also, if you are an emotional person (like me), have tissues on hand. Just trust me on that. I mean I went through quite a few in the first five chapters, so yeah. 

If you've read the description of the book, then you know that Cassie is struggling with events that have happened in her life. We don't know the full story of what sent Cassie into this spiral, but she's hurting. And now, her Dad is sending her to stay with family that she doesn't know. At least it's better than the alternative that his Dad's girlfriend (Jennifer) was proposing. 

Upon arriving in Oaks North Carolina, Cassie is immediately introduced to her Aunt and Uncle. It's a bit overwhelming, but with her dad by her side it's a bit more manageable. Which is understandable because we're always most comfortable with those we know. We can let our shield down a little bit.

The hug scene with Aunt Katie, in chapter 2, warms my heart. And yes, it may have made me tear up a bit.
Her arms wrap around me and squeeze me in all the right places, a true mother's hug. I feel my muscles relax and my heart fill with warmth.
We all need that sort of hug from time to time. A true mom hug just feels different. It's as though you feel the love coming through. It's everything.

More introductions are made, and Cassie now knows her cousins Tyler and Josslyn. I also like how Josslyn and Cassie immediately bonded, and that Josslyn felt that she could be herself around her new cousin. It was an instant connection between the pair, and Cassie's circle started to take shape.

Josslyn convinces Cassie to run to the grocery store with her, and it is there that she meets Ryan (and Mac). There is an immediate attraction for Cassie and Ryan. Probably more so on Ryan's part though. More than that attraction though, there is an immediate connection. It's like two missing pieces finding each other.

That meeting, at the grocery store, set the stage for everything that happens next.

A few days after Cassie arrived in town, she finds herself at a birthday party for Mac. After a little time passes, all these new faces become a bit too much, and Cassie goes to find a quiet place. Ryan finds her, and asks "Are people too much sometimes?" He understands her. He sees her. 

This group that Cassie now has, is amazing. They've all connected in a deep way. Even though Cassie hasn't told them her past, they love and accept her for who she is. Cassie in turn repays that to them. Whether it is helping with a wedding, making their favorite foods, being a shoulder to cry on, etc, it's her way of giving of herself.

Another thing that I love his how Cassie wants to learn. She doesn't want anyone to do things for her. She wants to learn how to do it. Whether it is setting up a fishing pole, baiting the hook, working at the farm, working in her Aunt's store, whatever. Teach her, and she's good to go.

After a particularly rough day for Ryan, Cassie plans a surprise for him that she pulls off with the help of their friends. She doesn't want anything from Ryan. And this quote sums it up nicely.
"We all have shitty days. We all get in moods where we don't want to be around people, and just want to be left alone. But we also have those days where sometimes it's nice to know there's ice cream and spaghetti waiting for you. It's nice to know someone sees you struggling, and doesn't try to bombard you with questions."
Once that Ryan realizes she doesn't want anything from him (except for him to be happy), he relaxes a bit. They spend time just hanging out and watching movies.

Eventually Cassie finds herself going to the farm with Ryan. There she meets his parents (Caleb and Cora), and gets to help out around the place. While it's hard work, Cassie is enjoying it. When a storm rolls in, and the two are essentially suck in the barn, Ryan asks Cassie to "tell me your story". 

"It's not pretty."
"I don't want pretty. I want yours."

That reply of Ryan's had me nodding my head in agreement. If we want a true relationship with others, we have to be vulnerable and let people know where we are hurting. If we let them know our past, our struggles, together we have the option of overcoming it, of working through it. So yeah, that line was perfection.

You want to know what thought of Ryan's damn near broke my heart? It was this one:
I know that I'm going to be the one that's going to shatter her soul. It kills me but I have no other choice. She deserves more than the asshole I am.

Then later in chapter 28, he thinks this:

I need her to hate me because I can never hate her. No matter how hard I try. It's hard to hate the sun when it shines so beautifully. 

That last part happens after everything that's revealed in chapter 27. So just when Cassie needs Ryan the most he pulls this garbage. UGH. 

Things happen, and I want to smack Ryan. But I can understand why he did what he did.

The conversation between Jace and Cassie, in chapter 34, wrecked me. We got to hear just a snippet of Jace's story, and I can tell already that once he gets his turn, I will need a box of tissues. I'm positive that a couple tissues won't be enough.
"Everyone's broken, sweetheart. We all have our demons that we battle every day. The key to winning isn't about making them disappear. Winning is about knowing what you were and changing for what you want to be."
"Everyone feels fear when they are faced with what they can't forget. You're always going to feel this. It's never gonna go away. The memory will be with you forever. It doesn't matter how much you grow as a person. Your demons will always be there. Always knockin' on the door, but you have the choice if you open the door or not."
So a whole lot of more stuff happens, that I can't discuss because spoilers, and Jennifer appears in town ready to take Cassie home to her Dad. Jennifer drives her back to Trent and Kate's to grab her stuff, but there is a crew waiting to protect Cassie. Time passes and it is at Trent and Kate's house that Cassie and Ryan finally have it out. She gets all of it off her chest. Does she feel better? No. But she feels a bit lighter. She's been holding all of this in.

After some conversation, Cora tells Cassie that "even on the darkest days, we always look to the sky, Sunshine." That line triggered a memory for Cassie, and that opened up information that we didn't have prior. 

I literally gasped when everything came out. GASPED. (okay and teared up because emotions.)

Oh and after that, Ryan made me want to smack him again for his actions with Kayla. Stupid stupid man.

Prepare yourself friends. Because Cassie wrote Ryan a note, and left him a flash drive with videos to watch. My heart. OH MY HEART. I was prepared, but I wasn't. 

I want to talk about what happened in chapter 37, I really do. More so about how sneaky Cora is. Of course I also love that she wasn't the only one in on it. I love this group.

In chapter 38 we get to find out Ryan's story, and why he had everything bottled up. It was interesting to hear everything he's been through, and it helps me to understand him a bit better.

I want to tell you so much more, but spoilers. Just know that this book is worth reading. It's worth the emotional roller coaster that we go on. I hope you do read it. If you do, please come tell me your thoughts.

Please accept my apology for being long winded. It's who I am, and I just truly love this book. Thank you Give Me Books PR for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a review. Congrats Kristin Turnage on publishing your first book! I look forward to reading more of your books in the months and years to come.

Happy Reading my friends,

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

January Top 5

Hello my fellow book lovers!

Now that January is officially over, I want to take a moment to take a look back and recap my month. I will also be sharing my top 5 reads for the month, and believe me it was very difficult to make that selection.

Let's start with the stats.

In January, I read:

    • 19 books, all of which were e-books
    • 5,776 pages
    • 8 advanced reader copies 
    • 1 library e-book
    • 10 books I own and/or purchased

My average rating was 3.95 out of 5.

Speaking of ratings, my breakdown looks like this:

    • 3 books received 5 stars
    • 12 books were 4 stars
    • 4 books were given 3 stars
Not too shabby!

The longest book I read was One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London, and it was 424 pages.

The shortest book I read was One Night with the Rebel by Kendall Ryan, and that was 67 pages.

I also read 8 new to me authors! So that's pretty darn amazing.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up

Happy February my book loving friends!

I ended January by reading SIX books.  Four were full length, and the other two were novellas. If we break it down further 4 were ARCs, 1 was a new release, and 1 was a library book. 

I am obsessed with these books! I wish I could go back and read them again for the first time. Seriously. These books just sucked me in, and I want to live in them. There are two that I wish they become TV shows or made for TV movies, but then I worry about how they would be portrayed. So I'll just let them live on in my mind.

The first book I read this week was an ARC of The Edge of Happiness by Kristin Turnage. The Edge of Happiness is a new adult contemporary romance that discusses mental health, and healing from traumatic events. While reading the book, I found myself wiping away tears quite a few times. Yes, I'm an emotional person, but there was just something about The Edge of Happiness that had the tears flowing. I love that Cassie was able to find a group of people that took her into their circle. It was almost as though Cassie and these new friends had known each other their entire lives. 

Here is the blurb for the book:
Cassie Davis is the girl you'd look over in a crowd. She isn't the life of the party, she's the DD. The responsible one, the reliable one, the one you can count on. That's who she is. 

When her best friend dies a tragic death on her watch, her life starts to fall apart. The guilt and shame take their toll. Therapists aren't helping and her dad's out of options. That's until her estranged Uncle calls out of the blue, giving her dad the idea of sending her to his small NC hometown for the summer. 

Her goal is to fix herself, to find her happiness somewhere amidst the chaos. But, she's not ready for the smooth talking, gorgeous guy that gets injected into her life. Staying away from him would be best, but when he speaks to her, she feels her hope inside come alive. When he touches her, her world that's full of chaos and confusion, freezes. 

Ryan's someone that's never struggled in the looks department. His wounds are deep and he's not looking for someone to mend them. After his long-time girlfriend cheated on him and ended up pregnant, Ryan doesn't want to get tied down ever again. He wants to live out his life, working on his family's farm, and that's it. 

Parties and unattached sex are his new norm, trying to find happiness wherever he can. That's until her eyes make him feel stupid things in his chest. Ryan doesn't want to give himself to anyone again, but when she smiles, his world lights up. 

When they're both on the edge of happiness, will they risk it all for each other?
I gave this book 5 stars. It grabbed my attention, and I cannot get it out of my head. I look forward to eventually reading more in this series. Kristin Turnage's first book has made me a fan.

Last year I heard so many people talking about One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London. After seeing it pop up again in the first part of January, I decided to see if my library had it available, and how long the wait would be. Thankfully I didn't have to wait too long, and I was able to dive into One to Watch this week. (I opted to go the library route, and not to buy the book, as the kindle price is too expensive for my budget.)

I adored Bea. She is an amazing woman, and deserves this opportunity presented to her. There were times that I was laughing. There were times where I was irritated on Bea's behalf. There were times I wanted to tell Bea to get out of her head and be open to the possibilities. I felt all the feelings at different times. Also, Bea's stepdad was one of my favorite side characters. He seems like a man who would do anything for those he cares about. 

I don't think I can fully explain the book without spoilers, so here's the info from Goodreads.
Real seen on TV

Bea Schumacher is a devastatingly stylish plus-size fashion blogger who has amazing friends, a devoted family, legions of Insta followers--and a massively broken heart. Like the rest of America, Bea indulges in her weekly obsession: the hit reality show Main Squeeze. The fantasy dates! The kiss-off rejections! The surprising amount of guys named Chad! But Bea is sick and tired of the lack of body diversity on the show. Since when is being a size zero a prerequisite for getting engaged on television? 

Just when Bea has sworn off dating altogether, she gets an intriguing call: Main Squeeze wants her to be its next star, surrounded by men vying for her affections. Bea agrees, on one condition--under no circumstances will she actually fall in love. She's in this to supercharge her career, subvert harmful anti-fat beauty standards, inspire women across America, and get a free hot air balloon ride. That's it.

But when the cameras start rolling, Bea realizes things are more complicated than she anticipated. She's in a whirlwind of sumptuous couture, Internet culture wars, sexy suitors, and an opportunity (or two, or five) to find messy, real-life love in the midst of a made-for-TV fairy tale. In this joyful, razor-sharp debut, Bea has to decide whether it might just be worth trusting these men--and herself--for a chance to live happily ever after.
Now, was One to Watch perfect? No, it had its flaws. But I was able to overlook them and still enjoy the story. Seeing a plus size woman as the lead character, watching her go through this journey to finding herself, and ultimately choosing what is bets for herself, that was what I liked. Now would The Bachelor actually cast a plus size woman as the next bachelorette? I can't see that happening. If it did though, I would totally watch it. I gave One to Watch 4 stars.

My third book for the week was one I discovered because of Instagram. I don't remember who's post it was, but I read the blurb and I knew I had to read this book! There was just something about it that drew me in. Maybe it was how vague the blurb was. I'm not certain, but I am so glad I picked this book up! Full disclosure: I also applied to be part of the review/promo team, and was accepted. They provided me with an ARC of the book.

Fragile Things by Samantha Lovelock is a young adult slash new adult story. As for tropes, this is a dark rich kid romance, that is primarily set in high school.  So if either of those tropes are your thing. Read the book. I will let you know that you have to read this series in order. Fragile Things ends in a cliffhanger, so be prepared for that by having Fractured Things ready to go.

So what is this book about? 
Sometimes what seems most fragile, can't be broken.

Poe Halliday was an accident. A chance meeting that changed my life forever.

My mother didn't have secrets; her secrets had her. After she disappeared, I had nothing.

Or so I thought.

When the invitation arrived, the opportunity to learn about my mother's past was too great to pass up. I knew I was taking a risk, but I craved answers. 

Now the dark history of this town threatens to tear me apart.

It's all about him.

I knew this was a mistake.

Stella Bradleigh was a distraction. Something to play with when my shadows got too dark.

I spent my entire existence forced to live a life I didn't want. There was only one way out.

Or so I thought.

Meeting the beautiful stranger with the mysterious past, I thought she would be a good time, and then I could just throw her away. 

Instead, she consumed me, and now she's made me question everything I know to be real in my life.

It's all about her.

I knew I was a mistake.
I feel like the Folkestone Sins series would make a great TV show, mini-series, or made for tv movie. Although maybe that's just me wanting to see these characters (and the situations they find themselves in) come to life. Also, I really want to know more about the history of Folkestone! I wonder if Samantha Lovelock will ever go back and give us a prequel? Hmmm, wishful (and hopeful) thinking. As for rating, I gave this 4 stars. 

You shouldn't be surprised to see that Fractured Things is the next book I read. It just makes sense. After all when my jaw dropped at the end of Fragile Things, I knew I had to dive right in to book 2. 

In Fractured Things we picked up right where we left off. And I can tell you nothing because I don't want to spoil anything! 

The book blurb might give you a little insight, but it won't be much unless you've read Fragile Things. 
Poe Halliday could have been my everything. The boy who allowed me to dream again.

Over as quickly as it began, one night ended it all with a dark secret spit from cruel and twisted lips.

The secret that stole her from me.

After spending my entire life living with my mother’s demons, I refuse to let them take anything else away from me.

I’m stronger than they think I am, and the only way I can escape this nightmare is to fight.

This time it will be on my terms.

I have to go back.

Stella Bradleigh shone like the brightest star. Able to keep my shadows at bay with nothing but her smile.

I’ve been unknowingly living under the same roof as the devil incarnate—the architect of a horrific event kept secret for so long.

The secret that stole her from me.

When she left, my world turned cold again.

From the day she arrived, I knew my heart belonged with hers, and even though I tried to push her away, she became a part of me. The shadows in this town are no match for the ones I carry. I’ll stand by her side and fight.

This time it will be on her terms.

She has to come back.
So from that you know Stella ran. She's off to work things out in her mind, and is trying to come to terms with everything that happened. Is she ready to return to California and the life she was developing there? Or should she stay in New York? After all, this place was home before that letter arrived.

I loved this book also. I read it quickly (as per usual with me), and grumbled when it was over. Especially since we ended on another cliffhanger! Silly me thought I could move right into Restless Things, book 3, but that doesn't release until March 25, 2021. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner. Oh and Ruined Things doesn't come out until June. So I'll be tortured until then. Excuse me while I go cry.

After the suspense I was put through with those last two books, I decided to go with something light. I knew that About A Boy by Stephanie Kay would be perfect.  Plus I had an arc of it on my kindle, so why not jump in? Now if you've read my hockey romance series, then you know that I am familiar with Stephanie Kay's writing. I'm a fan. So going into this novella, I pretty much knew what to expect when it came to her writing style, as well as how her characters come across. What I wasn't expecting was for familiar faces to appear. I may have cheered a bit when some of the Strikers appeared.  I also wish that About A Boy was a full length novel, because I want more of the M&Ms. 

If you are looking for a friends to lovers romance, or the shared bed trope, then please pick up this book!
The best of friends, but nothing more. Until now…

Graphic designer Maddie Lanzi is still figuring out her life. Her freelance business is up and sort of running, but something is missing---her best friend. The only constant in her life since birth. Inseparable. Until a year ago.

Pastry chef Marco Marchetti has spent the last year in Paris honing his skill with all things chocolate. Life is good. The only thing that could make it better is having his best friend Maddie by his side. Now he’s heading stateside to make truffles for her brother’s wedding. He’s excited to see his family, but all he really wants is to hang with Maddie. They're even rooming together, just like when they were kids.

When a hotel mix-up turns two queen beds into one massive king-size, he's seeing his best friend in a whole new light. Will a weekend of passion turn into a lifetime together or will Marco be heading back to Paris alone?
Oh and be prepared for the steam in this book. Also be ready to fall for Maddie and Marco. I can only hope that they appear as side characters in future books.  I gave this book 4 stars.

My last book for this week was another novella. One Night with the Rebel wasn't even on my radar until Kendall Ryan announce that she was working on a new hockey series. You should already know that grabbed my attention. So I immediately preordered The Rebel, and then also downloaded this little prequel.

One Night with the Rebel sets the stage for what's to come in The Rebel.  And based on what I read, I want The Rebel to come out NOW. Thankfully my wait won't be too long, as The Rebel comes out at the end of March.

Here's the description, for One Night, if you're curious:
She barged into my life and turned everything upside down. 

We spent one scorching-hot night together, and then she disappeared into the sunset with the golden jock everyone adored. Which makes sense, right? A girl as beautiful and brilliant as Eden Wynn doesn’t end up with a rebel like me.

I expected them to live happily ever after, except that's not what happened.

She's back—and tempting me like no one else has. And while I'm certain I'll only tarnish her shine, I want her. Only her. 

I'd heard the old notion that one night held the power to change everything. I just never believed it. 

Until now.
Is it time for The Rebel to be released? Please? I need to know what happens with Eden, Holt, and Braun! Sigh.  Now I did only give this book a 3 star rating, as I have mixed feelings on it. Yes, knowing what happened in college is important to the storyline, BUT at the same time, I would have preferred more of the current day storyline. Which I know I'll get that in The Rebel, but it is what it is. I still enjoyed the story.

Those are the six books I read last week. I loved them all, and my series obsession is going to hurt me. The wait times between books is TORTURE. Kidding. Maybe. Although it does give me time to pick up another series, and then be giddy on release day, so there's that.  

What did you read last week? Any favorites? Tell me!

Happy Reading,

(note: I realized I didn't say all of the books that were arcs. I was provided kindle copies of About a Boy, Fragile Things, Fractured Things, and The Edge of Happiness in exchange for review. My thoughts about the books are just that, mine. I truly enjoyed what I read, and would have purchased the books regardless.)