Showing posts with label 5 Star Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 Star Read. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

2023 5 Star Reads {so far}

Since the first quarter of 2023 is almost complete I figured now would be the perfect time to look back on the 5 star reads I've had thus far. Now I fully admit there are not that many. To be fully upfront about it, there are SIX books that I've given 5 stars to. Four of them are romances, one is a memoir, and one is a manga. Out of those six, only one of them was an advanced reader copy. 

What books have I given 5 stars to? Allow me to fill you in. Although if you've read my weekly reading recaps, or even my monthly wrap ups, then you know which books I've rated 5 stars. If you haven't read those posts, or just want all that info in one handy dandy little spot, then please continue reading.

I fully admit that it takes a lot for me to give a book 5 stars. I'm looking for something very specific, and honestly I cannot fully put it into words. It's more of a feeling than anything else.

What books have you rated 5 stars in 2023?

Happy Reading,

Spare by Prince Harry

From the moment this book was announced I knew that I would be reading it. I remember when his mom died (I had been up late watching an Audrey Hepburn movie on tv), and how gutted I was. Then there was watching the funeral, and of course watching Diana's boys grow up without her. Of course I've also heard the talk over the years, especially in the last few, so I wanted to hear Harry's side. That is what Spare is. It is his side of the story. You can argue some may have been embellished, but maybe it hasn't. This is how he remembers the events, so it's his reality. This man speaks of the pain, heartbreak, anxiety, loss, etc that he has experienced at this point in his life. He speaks on the fear of losing another family member the way his mom died. Honestly, I would have that same fear. Not only that but he's sharing that the institution is more important than the family. That's just sad.

Spy x Family by Tatsuya Endo

This was my first ever manga, and I was captivated. I read it in a day, and fell hard for the story. It gave me so many things that I love in one spot. There is the spy aspect, a found family, a mystery, some suspense, and also a fake romance. I'm here for it all.

Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison

This freaking book broke my heart. The story of what our heroine went through was jaw dropping. My heart broke for her, and her children. Then she found love again with an unlikely person. I could not put this book down, and was so invested in what I read.

Off to the Races by Elsie Silver

I wrote an entire post about this book where I shared my love for the story, and the couple. Not to mention that freaking horse. I think I loved that horse as much as I did the couple. 

The Front Runner by Elsie Silver

Is this where I admit I actually have two posts about this book? One is my thoughts while reading, and the other is about my favorite quotes. I honestly think I might love The Front Runner more than Off to the Races. I once again fell for the characters, everything that they've gone through, and the horse. I held my breath many times while reading because of the intensity of the scenes. I regret nothing. If you like small town romances then you need to read this one. Actually read the entire series, it's worth it.

The Sky at Night by Samantha Lovelock

This book was a 5 star hopeful. From the moment Samantha Lovelock announced the book, I told myself I could see myself giving it 5 stars if it lived up to the hype in my head. It did. It completely did. Plus it had me approving of a redemption arc for a character I previously could not stand. My full thoughts are listed in a this post. Samantha Lovelock had me laughing, crying, and realizing I didn't give a character a full chance. There were also some quotes that I loved, and one that hit home personally. I cannot wait for The Sea at Dawn, and I'm hoping it is Kess & Vann's story. If it's not, that's okay too, but I'm hopeful.

Thank you Samantha Lovelock for an advanced copy of The Sky At Night.

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Five Star Reads of 2021

I know 2021 isn't over yet, so making this list is a bit tentative. After all I could still add a book or two to the list. Believe me when I say I will update this list if I do.

Now for me, a 5 star read is absolutely mind blowing. I find myself falling head over heels for the characters, the setting, and the storyline. Often times it will have me wanting to dive into other books by the author. A 5 star read also means I am recommending that book frequently. 

At this point in 2021 I have had seventeen 5 star reads. I would say that the majority of them I have spoken about A LOT. Maybe a bit over the top with my recommendations. But that's just it, that is the pull of a 5 star read. You want to recommend it. You want others to fall in love like you did.

So what are my 5 star reads? Let's dive in.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Break it Down {a review}

Have you ever read a book where you cried through the majority of it? Because for me, that was Break It Down by April Canavan. If you're unfamiliar with the book, it is the fourth book in the Birch Police Department series. Honestly, I've read all four, and all four of them have had me in tears at one point or another. What can I say, except I'm a very emotional person.

In Break It Down, we have Chloe and Ian. They have been a couple for YEARS, and were engaged to be married. That is until Chloe receives news that her brother has died during his most recent overseas deployment. This gutted her, and she felt it was Ian's fault. She blamed him, and so she ended their relationship. But not a day goes by that she doesn't regret that decision. At the reading of her brother's will, it is announced that Chloe, Ian, and the rest of the group are all headed for a week long vacation. It is all paid for, and there are challenges to be completed while there. It is at this vacation where Chloe is finally able to talk to Ian a bit. She lays it all out there, and she makes it clear that she wants her ring back. She wants to marry Ian! Ian is making her wait. One day Chloe and Ian are out on the lake enjoying time together when they notice something strange. It looks like something is floating in the water, and when they get closer they find out it is a woman. They rescue her, and the ambulance arrives to take her to the hospital. And that's that. Or is it? This my friends is where the suspense kicks in a bit. 

As I said at the beginning I cried throughout this story. When death is mentioned, or a major illness, I automatically get all up in my feelings. There is something about walking through this period with the characters that just brings out my sympathetic self, along with a bit of empathy. And then I'm just a mess. So learning that Chloe's brother died overseas, and also learning that her parents died years earlier, and she's now the only one left of her family, just hit me hard. Even typing that out made my eyes a little misty. Collect yourself Laura! Witnessing Chloe go through all this, and trying to distance herself from Ian was hard. I understand why she was doing what she was, but still. I loved every single thing about Break It Down. From the struggles that Chloe and Ian went through, to the vacation at the lake house. to the activities they had to participate in, to the return home, to the end of the book. All of it was amazing. My emotions went on a rollercoaster ride, but that's okay! It was worth it for this book. When the book was over half through, I was wondering when the suspense was going to kick in. I figured it would have started already. But clearly I was wrong. When it did begin though, I was a nervous wreck. I mean I knew the story would end on a good note, but getting there took time. I can't lie, I do wish the suspense had been a bit more drawn out, but it is what it is, and I loved the story.

Originally I was going to give Break It Down 4.5 stars, but as I've sat with it, I realized that it truly is a 5 star read. Yes I wanted there to be more to the suspense side of the story, but ultimately it isn't enough to not call it a 5 star read. 

I loved this book. I love all these characters. The setting is fantastic. And I clearly need to purchase some stock in Kleenex since I've been going through so much lately with all these tear jerker stories. Highly recommend that you read Break It Down, and really all the books in the Birch Police Department series.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts,

A folded up flag is all that remains.
My brother lost overseas.
And every single day, I face the man who walked away.
The man who couldn't save him.
The one I blame, even if he's not at fault.
He haunts every step I take, and I can't escape.
I'm not sure I can convince him to let me go.
I'm definitely not strong enough to admit the truth.
I never stopped loving him.

The sight of her holding that flag will haunt me until the day I die.
One night.
One mistake.
One failed mission.
Two families ruined forever.
The right thing to do is walk away.
Especially when I see rage in her eyes.
She doesn’t need the trouble I’ll bring her way.
There’s only one thing I’m good for.
And it sure as hell doesn’t include fixing her problems.
With my expertise, I can break her down and tear her apart.
I just can’t put her back together again.
But she’s in my blood, and I can’t let her go.
She might be shattered and broken, but I never wanted her perfect.
I just want her.

Grab Your Copy Here!
Add to your Goodreads TBR Here!

Meet April Canavan

I live on chaos and coffee, and you’ll find it running through every single one of my stories.  

First of all, I absolutely abhor writing anything biographical. In any form. I’m terrible at it, and I have the very firm belief that no one wants to know who I am. You’re here for books, right? But that doesn’t mean I’m off the hook.


I grew up sneaking over to my great grandmother’s to read her Harlequin novels. Those were delivered once a month in a ginormous box, and from the age of ten, she let me devour them in their entirety. I fell in love with romance, even the clean kind. And that, undoubtedly, led to many days and nights with my face buried in a book and the discovery that I wasn’t happy unless my hair was up, and I had a story in my hand. 


I never wanted to write. I wanted to read. ALL the words. Until someone pointed out to me that I’d been writing my entire life. I just needed to put the book in my hand down and pick up a pen. 


Once I started, I found out that I couldn’t stop. Now, I’m always writing. Or reading. Or chasing my son through the house to get the elusive hug he thinks I don’t need.


Oh, and I’m a Leo… which is completely on-point if you know me at all. I love being the center of attention. On my terms. When I can stay at home in my pajamas. With lots and lots of coffee on hand. And maybe a few snacks.

Connect with April Canavan
To learn more about April Canavan, visit here!

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Thank you to April Canavan, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Break It Down.

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Edge of Serenity {a review}

If you've been around my blog for a while, you may recall me blabbering on about a book called The Edge of Happiness by Kristin Turnage. It is one of my favorite books that I've read so far this year, and I fell head over heals for the characters and the setting. Well, Kristin Turnage has just released the second book in The Edge series called The Edge of Serenity. In this book we find out exactly what went down with Joss and Mac that one night, and we witness their vulnerability, compassion, and life unfold.

Before I say anything about the book, I'm going to say it now. IF you are an emotional person, have the tissues handy. I did not, and my pillowcase was quite wet when I finished the book. Kristin Turnage has put a content warning on the book for abuse and loss of a loved one. So please know that going in. I knew of the content warning, but for some reason I thought I'd sneak by with no tissues. HA!

Josslyn and Mackay have known each other for YEARS. After all, Mackay is one of Tyler's best friends. So he was often around the house growing up. Josslyn has always been intrigued by Mackay, and has had feelings for him for a while now. Mackay too has been interested in Josslyn, but he won't make a move because it's his best friends little sister.  Until that one night where he had too much to drink. Joss was there to take care of him, and make sure he was safe. After arriving to Joss's house, these two spent the night together. Joss cannot forget it, and Mac can't remember it. He knows he was with some one, but he doesn't know who it was. Flash forward a bit, and Joss is moving into the house that he shared with Jace and Ryan. Joss had been evicted from her apartment and needed somewhere to go. Naturally her brother mentioned her living at the house. Temptation was right there. The person Joss wanted just steps away, and she couldn't have him. Instead he chose her former friend, and that was just a kick to the gut. The one person who knows all her secrets, is now with the man she wants. Things are going just fine, until the night a snowstorm has them stuck in the house. Alone. This night has the potential to change everything.

When I finished reading The Edge of Happiness, I knew I needed to know Joss and Mac's story. I was crossing my fingers that it would be the next book, but that is never a guarantee. So when I heard that The Edge of Serenity was going to be their story, I was eagerly anticipating the book. And this book, it did not disappoint. Not one bit. If anything The Edge of Serenity had me falling even harder for the characters and the setting. There is something about the world that Kristin Turnage has created that has me wanting to move in. I want these folks as my friends, as my neighbors. They are just amazing. They have each others backs, and are not afraid to impose a little hard love when needed. To give each other the push needed to go after what (or who) they want. As you'll learn, Mac has a painful history. His childhood was not ideal, and it was a rocky time until he, his mom, and his sister moved to Oaks. Even after the move, he was having a difficult transition. Until Ryan's dad took him under his wing, and gave him the love and guidance he needed. I love the bond that these two have. So when it is shared that Mac's dad is in town, and wants to reconnect with his kids, Mac is right to be skeptical. All the pain and suffering that he's tried to push down, is bubbling right to the surface. He's struggling. Then there's Joss. That sweet woman has been through a lot as well. Not to the same extent of course. Joss struggles with believing in herself, and definitely has some self esteem issues that are holding her back. Add in the fact that she doesn't have many friends, is tomboy-ish, and is having difficulty with finances/adult things, and it's just a lot for her. She's struggling to find out who she is. She's struggling to find the courage to follow her passions, and to believe in herself. Then there are the relationship issues where she is assuming things that are not true. I can relate to Joss on so many levels, and I think that is why I gravitate towards her. When the big dramatic moment arrived, I was not ready. I saw it coming, but still. Then when they were about to be reunited, and what happened happened? MY HEART SHATTERED. Things were revealed to Mac (and everyone else that was there), and seeing him take all that in, just. Ugh. My heart. But after that, and after I dried my tears, we got on the right path towards the happily ever after. And watching that? So good. Until I read about what happened to Jace. At that point my jaw dropped, and I found myself hoping that his story was next. (psst: Kristin Turnage says it is!)

I loved this book. I am buying a physical copy of it. (and I'll be buying The Edge of Happiness at the same time.)

I love the characters. I love the setting. I want it to be a real place with real people. But alas, it isn't. It's fictional. 

I highly recommend this series. Go read them. Go fall in love with the characters. Just have the tissues handy because they are going to be needed. Also, this was a 5 star read for me.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts,


Josslyn Davis isn’t your typical Southern belle. If you ever call her that, she’ll probably punch you in the throat. Dresses make her itch, and being polite hurts more than shoving a drill bit through her skull. She’s the redheaded wildfire that you don’t want to mess with.

She loves to be outside and work on her family’s bee farm, taking pride in doing things herself. But, over the last few months, she’s felt like the biggest failure of all time. After getting evicted, she had nowhere else to go except to move in with her brother’s two best friends. The only problem is she’s madly in love with the one sleeping on the other side of their adjoining bathroom. The one who doesn’t remember their drunken night together.

Mackay Graves has been cursed since he was a young boy, a family gift passed down from his father, the same man that made Mac do things no child should do. Always alone with his emotions, he grew up with the pain of being abused by his father. And now, his dad is trying to worm his way back into his life.

Apart from his father, his best friend’s little sister has moved into his house, the same woman he’s been secretly in love with. His solution is to ignore his emotions, brushing off his father and swallowing his feelings for Joss, not wanting to ruin the “family” he gained when moving to Oaks. But with her living in the room next door, his feelings have become unpredictable, wreaking havoc on his life.

Both dealing with unprecedented circumstances, Joss trying to bury her feelings for Mac and straighten out her life, and Mac ignoring the fact that his family dynamic is shifting, their lives start to spin out of control.

What will happen when life forces them to be alone together, confronting the feelings that are trapped inside? One day can’t change their destiny, or can it?

Content Warning: This book contains sensitive subject matter that relates to abuse and loss of a loved one. Reader discretion is advised.




A knock on my window jerks me out of my fading memory. Blinking the tears away, I realize I’ve pulled off in a field staring at the now setting sun. Looking over, Josslyn waves for me to roll down the window. “Hey there, Hulk,” she smiles, and my heart aches, “you want to let me in?”

I know what she means, but I wish for a moment I could really let her in, with no consequences, no repercussions, and no fear of the curse over me.

I would let her in all the way if that was the case.




Kristin Turnage is an indie author that lives close to the beach in Florida with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. She has been writing for eight years and has been chasing her dream of becoming a published author for a long time. The Edge of Happiness from The Edge Series is her first published work and has turned her dream into a reality. She is excited that you are all taking this journey alongside of her.


Thank you to Kristin Turnage, and Give Me Books PR, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Edge of Serenity.