Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All I Need by JH Croix {a review}

If anyone had told me I would go up to Haven's Bay for a week and fall in love, I would've scoffed.

All I Need is the second book in the Haven's Bay Holiday series from JH Croix, and it just released on November 1, 2022. This best friends sibling, single mom story was just what I wanted. Actually it was everything I wanted All I Want to have been, but you can't have everything. Right? Right. Plus All I Want wasn't a single mom story, but more of a second chance romance. STILL THOUGH!

My rating for All I Need:

I fully admit that I went into All I Need fresh off of All I Want. If you read my review for Dallas and Audrey's story, then you'll know I struggled a bit. So I was a bit apprehensive, yet I tried to remain positive and open. I'm glad that I did. As this book was vastly different than the first. 

I will say I wasn't expecting Noah to fall for one of Thea's friends! I mean Dallas had just done that, so I wasn't expecting that trope again. I'm not complaining one bit either. It was a pleasant surprise, and now I wonder if Ian will fall for another one of Thea's friends. Only time will tell.

As I said above, All I Need had a much different feel than All I Want. All I Need has that bit of suspense built into it, and I was LOVING that. Absolutely loved it. I actually would have liked that part of the storyline to have delved a bit deeper.

I really liked how the meet cute occurred. Obviously if you've read the description, you have a general idea. But it still stood out, and then there was that recognition and familiarity of two people who used to know each other. I also really enjoyed our duo exploring Haven's Bay. While they both spent a lot of time there when they were younger, it was nice to see them out and about.

When the time came for Noah to meet Quinn, I think I was as nervous as Sasha. That be a "mom" thing. I don't know. Quinn really tested Noah, and he had to earn her trust. She wasn't giving that for free by any means. Quinn had me smiling frequently, and that teenage attitude had me laughing. The bond these two established came into play later in the story, and how that all played out tugged on the mom heart strings a bit.

Can I just say...Sasha's neighbor is a hoot! Loved the scenes that she was in. She definitely was a scene stealer. And I appreciated those light hearted additions to the story.

Honestly, there was very little about this book that I didn't enjoy. It was the JH Croix writing that I have come to enjoy. I fell hard for the characters, and I was drawn into their world. All I Need gives me high hopes for the next two books in this series.

What will you find in All I Need? Well according to JH Croix you'll get:
✔️ A broody FBI agent
✔️ A smart, sassy heroine
✔️ Off limits no more
✔️ An accidental break in
✔️ Swoony holiday romance
✔️ Small town shenanigans

I agree with 5 of those. While this story originates in Haven's Bay (the small town), we also spend a lot of time in Boston. So to call this an outright small town romance, I don't agree. Had the entire book taken place in Haven's Bay, then yeah, small town romance. You can decide for yourself though.

Have you read any wintertime holiday series? Any recommendations that I should check out? Are you going to give the Haven's Bay Holiday series a try? I think you should.

Happy Reading,

Break in for benefits?

When a friend offers me a week at her family’s home in Maine for the holidays, I say ‘yes’ so fast I forget to say please. As a single mom, time to myself is impossible to come by.

I’m barely in the house when I’m mistaken for a burglar. When the lights come on, I discover the broody FBI agent who found me is Noah Tate, the off-limits older brother of my best friend from high school.

Noah was tall, dark, handsome, flirty, and popular back in high school. I kept my secret crush on him under wraps. I was above all that now. Except the chemistry burns so hot between us the air crackles with it.

We’re snowed in, so maybe we can make the best of it.

Noah & Sasha’s story is perfect for readers who love: friends to lovers, slow burn, broody FBI agents, small town gossip, emotional romance with a dash of angst, plenty of swoon and all the feels, and a protective hero who’s more than ready to prove a sassy heroine wrong.

*A full-length, standalone romance.

Thank you JH Croix, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of All I Need.

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Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.
Thank you!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Cursed by K Loraine {a review}

"I wasn't her true love. I was her second choice. The safe choice."

Recently I've started stepping into the PNR world, and I am finding that I am liking it here. It's a nice little break from contemporary. Could I stay there permanently? No, I don't think I could, or would. I love contemporary way too much to just abandon it. 

My rating for Cursed:

Cursed pulled me in with the blurb, and I knew that I had to read it. The fact that Kim Loraine wrote it was just icing on the cake. Kim is one of my one click authors so it's of no surprise that I enjoyed the book. There is just something about Kim's storytelling that lures me in, and has me wanting to live in the worlds she creates.

I found myself really intrigued with everything that was happening throughout the book. From the reintroduction of Aurora and Philip, to the meetup at the castle, to the reveal of the curse, and everything else that happened with in this story, I did not want the story to end. The dragons were definitely a nice touch. Add in the familiar faces from The Mate Games series, and I was hooked.

Loved the little twists that Kim added to the Sleeping Beauty story, and how she brought it into a more modern setting. I am so ready for more PNR from this author.

If you think you might have read Cursed before, know that is a possibility. This book was previously released with the title of Twisted Slumber. No matter what though it's a good read! There's action, there's steam, and of course there is a happily ever after.

Go check out this novella! Especially if you've been wanting to check out paranormal romance, or the writing of K. Loraine. I think you'll enjoy it.

Happy Reading,

Amazon | Goodreads | BookBub


My family is cursed, and I’m the next victim.

At least, that’s what my father believes. His obsession with the sleeping curse that took my mother has driven him mad.

Growing up as the daughter of Hollywood royalty put me constantly in the sights of paparazzi. So when an invitation to visit Prince Phillip of Ashea arrives, I jump at the chance to get away from the cameras. He’s the man I’ve wanted since we were both children.

But I’ve only ever had him once upon a dream.

My prince is everything I envisioned, but a dark brooding presence has worked his way between us. Malachi, his wicked step-brother, weaves his spell around me. I should choose Phillip, but I want Mal just as badly.

In the halls of the castle, I discover fate has plans for the three of us.

One of them is destined to save me. The other is my curse.
And me? I need them both.

Cursed is a menage Sleeping Beauty retelling with a twist. Two dragons, one princess, and a destiny none of them can escape.

Thank you Kim Loraine for providing me with an advanced copy of Cursed!

Also, I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Therefore purchases made through the links above allow me to earn a small commission. Thank you for that!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Making the Cut by JS Wood {a review}

I wanted to be the one person in the world she couldn't live without. I wanted to be her everything.

Making the Cut is the third book in the Average Gents series from author J.S. Wood. This new release features the brother's best friend trope, a fake relationship, and these two going from friends to lovers. After losing her job, Viv finds the perfect opportunity to work for the competitor. There's just one catch, all employees must be in a committed relationship. Now Viv has to find someone to be her better half. Enter Archer. Archer is Viv's brother's best friend, and Archer is volunteering for the job. After all he's been in love with Viv for the majority of his life. This assignment should be a walk in the park.

My rating for Making the Cut:

We've gotten to know Archer and Viv a bit while they've circled around in the back of the other books in this series. Now it's their time to shine.

While this starting off as a fake relationship, Archer isn't looking at it like that. In his mind, this is his shot, and he's taking it. This attraction isn't one sided though. Not by any means. In fact these two have been gone for each other for many years. So that just adds to the tension. So dang good. Then there's the fact that they're trying to keep it quiet from the friend group, and more so Viv's brother.

The beginning of the book had me feeling for Archer. You could tell he was struggling. The fake relationship came at the perfect time as it gave him something positive to focus on. For Viv having to start over wasn't ideal, but this new opportunity seemed right up her alley. Even if it did require her to find a fake fiancee.

Everything that happened in Making the Cut goes to show how important communication is. Not to mention finding those moments where you can squeeze in time for your partner when life is extremely busy. Had that line of communication been a constant for Viv and Archer, I feel like they wouldn't have had as many issues as they did. But that's just my take.

I loved how supportive Archer was when it came to Viv. Well even to his friends in general. He is the perfect cheerleader for he holds dear.

I feel like this book is quite possibly my favorite of the series thus far. Now that could change, but it might not. I was just drawn to this couple, and the fact that their story features one of my favorite tropes helps a lot.

Okay but one thing I do not like, and it has to be said, is the cover. I'm sorry, but no. Just no. It is way too bright, and I'm just not digging the Green Bay Packers color scheme. Also that is not how I picture Viv at all. Dark hair? Yep. Curvier body? Perfect. The outfit though? No. The hairstyle? Again no. Even just the stance. Sigh. I really feel like a neutral cover would have been better. Or something not so vibrant. But that's just me, and I'm one person.

Bring on the next in the series!


Archer Moore has a secret.

Since he was fifteen-years-old, he’s kept the fact that he was in love with his best friends little sister to himself, never wanting to ruin things if the secret came out.

Now, she needs a fake fiancé to help her secure a new job and Archer is ready to step up.

Viviana Capello is in a bind.

For years she’s worked to build her reputation as one of the best marketing agents in Denver. When her callous boss fires her without cause, she goes to their biggest competitor.

However, this new boss is unconventional and Viviana knows that having a partner will give her a leg up.

But when her ex crush and brothers best friend volunteers to help her out, feelings start to rise to the surface again.

Thank you JS Wood, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Making the Cut.

Also, I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Therefore purchases made through the links above allow me to earn a small commission. Thank you for that!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Playboy's Reward by Gina Azzi {a review}

Damien Barnes is more than distracting. He's downright captivating and he knows it.

It is release day for Playboy's Reward! This is the fourth book in the Tennessee Thunderbolts series from Gina Azzi, and I am loving it. This book may start off as a fake relationship, but it quickly moves away from that. These two neighbors are blurring those fake lines, and falling hard for each other. That is until insecurity rears its ugly head, and puts up a giant roadblock. 

My rating for Playboy's Reward:

Gina Azzi continues to pull me in with her storytelling, as well as the characters she creates. From the Hawks, to the Thunderbolts, to all the other characters Gina has created, I cannot get enough.

We first meet Harper at her apartment where she learns her mother has already RSVP'd Harper for her 10 year high school reunion. Harper has been avoiding that, and does not want to attend. Especially since her ex-boyfriend, and ex-best friend will both be in attendance. Harper doesn't want the drama that will surely happen. It is shortly there after when Damien casually throws out that he'll go with her as her date. What started as a neighbor helping a neighbor by being the date for a high school reunion, quickly morphed into an actual relationship. Could this fake turned real relationship survive? Or would it go up in smoke before it has any true potential?

I loved this story. I loved the characters. I loved everything that they had to go through to get their happily ever after. I loved the community that Harper eventually found, and the support system that established itself. I loved the 180 that Damien's family did. I loved the banter between Harper and Damien. Sean is pretty much the worst, and has some entitlement issues going, but he's the ex for a reason. 

Speaking of Sean...Every scene that he appeared in had me cringing. There was just something about him that didn't sit right. Thankfully the right people were by Harper's side to shut him down. As for Harper's best friend, I'm glad that closure happened there. Can that friendship be reestablished? Only time will tell, but I have hope for them both.

Then there is Damien's family. That was a really interesting dynamic. There was a lot going on there, and I don't think we even delved into the majority of it. Clearly there are some family issues happening. From miscommunication, to substance abuse, to a marriage in trouble, to high expectations, and it could have been so much worse. Yet the family found their way out of that hole, and have come out the other side.

You may notice that I didn't say a whole lot about Harper and Damien directly. It's hard to put them into words, as they just fit perfectly together. They are both hard working, driven, passionate, determined, and not willing to put up with much BS. Now are they my favorite couple of the Thunderbolts fandom? No, they're not. But they are still wonderful. (My favorite Thunderbolts couple is currently Maisy and Axel from Brawler's Weakness.)

Throughout Playboy's Reward we frequently were surrounded by players from the Knoxville Coyotes. Now I have to know if Gina Azzi is going to write the Coyotes series or not! I mean we've met numerous characters, and it just feels as though the stage has been set for us to stay in Tennessee but switch sports. PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE! THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! I will scream about it until it becomes reality.

Head over to your preferred e-book retailer and read Playboy's Reward. The story is good. It's friends to lovers, it's fake dating, and it's hockey romance! It's delightful. Oh, and did you know that the cover model for this book is Gina's husband? It is!

Happy Reading,

It was supposed to be a favor between neighbors…

When sexy-as-sin Harper Henderson launches profanities into the night sky from the balcony below mine, I intervene. I volunteer to be her date to her ten-year high school reunion. I may be a professional hockey player with a playboy reputation, but I’m also a good guy and I make an exceptional plus-one.

Being Harper's fake date is easy. Pretending not to fall for her when our innocent kisses turn passionate is a little more challenging.

But when Harper returns the fake date favor and accompanies me to my parents’ anniversary party, everything changes. She garners my dad’s respect and eases the familial pressure I drown under. She makes me crave the things I used to laugh off.

Tangling up with Harper was supposed to be a fun way to pass the summer. So, why does it feel like she’s the real prize? The elusive, fleeting kind of real I’ve avoided for years?

And how can I prove that this playboy wants a different kind of reward? One that sounds a lot like commitment…

Thank you to Gina Azzi, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Playboy's Reward.

Also, I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission. Thank you!

Real Like Daydreams by J Wolf {a review}

"I'll stand on your battlefield with you until you see what's real and not what your mind is telling you."

Julia Wolf is back with the fourth installment of the Savage U series! Real Like Daydreams is Julien's journey toward healing and a happily ever after. This book is filled with discussions of mental health, a serious accident, family issues, and people who don't always have your best interest in mind. Julien and Sera's story is emotional, intense, steamy, and it's simply amazing.

My rating for Real Like Daydreams:

Oh how I loved this story!

Julien has been on my radar since Bright Like Midnight. Everything that happened, especially at the end of that book, had me wanting to know what would happen next for him. Then when he became a more central figure in Sweet Like Poison, I was hopeful that Julien would get his story told.

Here we are in Real Like Daydreams, and it was everything I was expecting! Julien's life has not been an easy one, and add that accident on top if it all, ugh. My heart breaks for him. His meet cute with Sera was simple, but effective. It set that stage perfectly. That meet cute played on in my memory throughout the book. Especially with the text messages.

Now did I like the reason behind the fake relationship? No, absolutely not. BUT the way it was handled? YES! So good. Also, Carson is seriously the worst. Okay it's a toss up between him and Sera's ex.Well I mean, then there's Phe, and she isn't my favorite either. But I digress.

Real Like Daydreams honestly felt like watching a tv show. Seeing all of these bits and pieces play out, how those affected the storyline, how it pushed and pulled the characters, I couldn't get enough.

There were moments in this story that were so heated in conversation. You could feel that honesty, that pain, all the emotions just pouring off the pages.

Sera and them together.

Sera explaining her past, and everything she dealt with tugged on my heartstrings. Then to see that relationship with her mom and sister play out...heartbreak. Add in the ex, and the ex's best friend? More devastation.

Then there's Julien...that sweet man. You can practically see the shield he has put into place. Plus that pulling away from his closest friends? My heart cannot take it! Not to mention the drama with his dad, and then that pesky little brother. Okay the little brother is pretty cool in the grand scheme of things.

Watching both of these characters go through the rough patches, fight their way out, and work toward that healing? Amazing. They are fighters through and through, and are determined to find a way out of the darkness.

That set up for the spin off series? I cannot wait! One because we'll get to see this group again. Two because we've met the characters for the first book, but we don't fully know their stories yet. I just know when they come together it's going to be intense.

Have you discovered the Savage U series yet? If you haven't, I highly suggest that you do. While some of the books have darker elements, this one did not. This one was much more emotional since it was more mental health based. Regardless all four books in this series have been amazing, and I have fallen for the characters.

Let me know if you pick up Real Like Daydreams. I'd love to hear your thoughts on everything that Julien and Sera have been going through.

Happy Reading,

Seraphina…that’s a big name.

The first time I laid eyes on Julien Umbra, he made me cry.

That makes him sound mean, but grumpy would be more of an apt description. Besides, I always cry when I’m drunk.

Hate is a strong, strong word.

I’m back for another semester at Savage U, nursing a bruised heart and shattered ego. That’s what happens when your ex cheats and everyone knows.

Worse than that, the girl my ex told me not to worry about and then banged is vying for the one thing I want: drum captain of the marching band.

Pretend all you want to.

I have a chance to get what I want, there’s just one little thing I have to do: fake date the grumpy guy in the hoodie. The one who sits alone at the front of the class and growls at anyone who speaks to him.

But Julien doesn’t growl at me, and to my surprise, he agrees to be my fake boyfriend.

Breaking the already broken…

Julien is scarred in more ways than one, but he’s not as broken as he thinks he is. There's something about him that draws me in.

I like him, and the longer we do this, it starts to feel like it’s not for show.

All of this is fleeting.

I have to remember this is fake.

When I get what I want, Julien and I will walk away from each other.

The song will end.

But what if all I want is Julien?

Thank you to Julia Wolf, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Real Like Daydreams.

Also, I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission. Thank you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Breathe Again by Nola Marie {a review}

Music can save lives. And if you listen closely enough, you might hear a cry for help. We missed his cries.

In May 2021 I was read my first book by Nola Marie. Goodbye is a Second Chance was the first book in the Sons of Sin series, and I was immediately hooked. There was something about Nola's storytelling and the characters she created that grabbed hold and wouldn't let me go. With each new release I found myself more and more intrigued by Maddox Masters. You could feel the pain and heartache pouring off of him, and I needed to know his story. His past was hinted at throughout the series, but it wasn't until Shed My Skin that we fully began to know this character. The blinders were pulled off, and here he was raw and exposed. When Shed My Skin ended, my heart beating rapidly. That cliffhanger was a doozy, and I needed the conclusion to his story ASAP. Well Breathe Again is the conclusion, and it is an intense story. Which is fitting because it's Maddox, and he is an intense man.

My rating for Breathe Again:

Maddox beautifully broken man who has so much love to give, and talent to share.

This FREAKING book had me sobbing, it had me laughing on occasion, it had me on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next. I had to know how Maddox and Quinn were going to get their happily ever after. I needed to see how Maddox was going to get through everything that he has been dealing with. I needed the closure to this series. I needed to know that all of the characters that I have come to love are happy, healthy, and have surrounded themselves with people who love them.

Maddox and Quinn's story was not an easy one by any means. There was so much pain, anger, heartbreak, trauma, healing, passion, and love flowing through these pages. We see both of them working together through their issues, and leaning on the other when needed. These two have overcome so much in their lives, and their story was a beautiful one to read.

In this book we see Maddox through one of the hardest times of his life. We see Quinn dealing with BS from two people who are close to Maddox. Those people assume she's something she's not. It was frustrating, and heartbreaking. We also find out what happened that day when Maddox was rushed to the hospital with his life on the line. Then there's the information Maddox begins to learn about his conditions, and we see him work through all of that. Breathe Again shows this second chance at life that Maddox has been given. With Quinn and his friends by his side Maddox has the support he needs, the love he needs, the encouragement to go on.

I may not be ready to say goodbye to the Sons of Sin, but I know that Nola Marie has other books in the works that will draw me in just as much as this band did. Plus I should really go read the River City series so that I can know Bastian, Rory, Jax, and Zane a bit better. After all they all make appearances throughout the Sons of Sin series. 

Should you choose to read Maddox's story, please note that there are content warnings. So be sure to head to Nola's website to research those before diving in.

Sons of Sin is a rockstar romance series that covers a variety of tropes. All of the books in this series are emotional reads, they cover sensitive topics, and the stories are ones that live on in your head. You could say they live rent free in my brain. If you haven't read any books by Nola Marie, I highly suggest that you do. Nola's storytelling is impressive.

Happy Reading,

Breathe Again is book 6 of the Sons of Sin series and the conclusion to book 5, Shed My Skin, which must be read first.

From International Bestselling author Nola Marie comes a Rockstar romance like you've never seen.

From the flames of sin I rose, by her virtue, I fell...

I found her in my eleventh hour. My whiskey-eyed canary. Quinn.

Call it Fate or destiny or whatever, but she is the melody to calm my madness. With her, the demons inside me quiet. She doesn't have a hold on my heart, she owns it. She is my everything.

I've been given a second-chance and I’m not about to squander it. This time, I’m not fighting to let go. I’ll fight the past, my darkness, and my fear and hold on.

To her, only her, and to our future.

WARNING: This book is not for the faint of heart. It will tear your heart out and stomp on it before putting it back together. The characters are not perfect and the heroes are flawed. If you’re looking for sunshine and rainbows, I suggest you try another book. But if you want real emotion with a happily ever after, then you’ve found your book.

Mature audiences only. Refer to for full disclaimer.

Thank you to Nola Marie for providing me with an advanced copy of Breathe Again.

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Any purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Covered by Elise Faber {a review}

Holding her had felt right. Helping her felt right. Standing here, talking to her, no matter how stilted, felt right.

I freaking love the Gold Hockey series. Just about every single book has held my attention, and had me falling for the characters. This cast is like family now. A fictional family, but a family none the less. So when I heard that another book was being released, I immediately preordered a copy, and then also signed up for an advanced reader copy (ARC). What can I say except I'm obsessed! Ever since reading Blocked, I've been hooked, and each book is a must read. Even as the players retire, that connection to the team is still there.

My rating for Covered:

Covered was no different. The moment we met Jordyn in Cap I knew I was going to need her story. Jordyn is going through the motions after her marriage has ended. Her life has been upended, and she's just trying to find a safe place for her and her sons to land. Thankfully Josh and Jess have provided just that. With Josh playing for the Gold, he also is bringing an extended family into her life. One of those new acquaintances is Ben. This man's life hasn't been easy, and he sees Jordyn. He sees her grief, her pain, her heartache, but he also sees her power, her passion, and her strength. There is something about her that draws him in.

Covered had me swooning, it had me laughing, it sent so many different emotions coursing through my body. I could not get enough. From the moment I started reading Jordyn and Ben's story, I didn't want to put it down. I fell into their world, and I felt like a fly on the wall as I witnessed everything. I watched as Jordyn transformed right before our eyes, and I also saw the bond that her boys were building with Ben. Those little boys were also finding their footing. It was glorious to see.

Of course there had to be drama. I love when that pops up in romance stories. We had the expected conflict between Josh and Ben. I mean how could that NOT be present! We had the ex husband showing his face, and trying to insert himself where he doesn't belong. Then there was the emotional scenes with Ben's family. Those scenes had me holding my breath, and shedding a few tears. All of these conflict scenes just added that little extra to the book that made it so enjoyable, and had me not wanting the story to end.

Also I have to say I can relate to Ben with his need to do a drive by when finding a new place. That had me laughing, and saying "that's me". That man has a special place in my heart. He's just this amazing man.

Between the emotional scenes, the steamy scenes, and the drama filled ones, it all came together to create this fantastic romance. Then there were the scenes with Ben and the boys. That bond was established, and continued to grow stronger. Those kiddos knew that they had a safe space with Ben, and that he would do whatever he could to protect them. I will admit that when Josh discovered the seriousness of the relationship I had to laugh out loud. All while shaking my head. Gotta love those comedic breaks.

That set up for Crushed? Uh, yes please! I need that immediately. Too bad it's scheduled for April 2023!

Oh, if you're wondering about tropes for Covered, here are what I believe them to be:
Brother's Best Friend
Single Mom
Found Family

Have you discovered the Gold Hockey series yet? There are so many tropes that take place throughout the series that there is a little something for everyone. I think if you give this team a chance, you'll fall for them like I have.

Now go order a copy of Covered, and then after you read it be sure to share your thoughts. 

Happy Reading,

She’s his best friend’s sister.

He’s going to keep her anyway.

Getting caught in bed with his friend’s sister wasn’t the welcome Ben had planned when joining the roster of the San Francisco Gold.

Neither was the black eye he sported for several weeks afterward.

Jordyn was a newly divorced, single mom of two boys, and not looking for love, but Ben wasn’t easily scared off.

Not when her brother threatened dismemberment.

Nor when Jordyn told him she was swearing off men and relationships forever.

Because she was his forever…

And he’d fight tooth and nail to keep her.

Thank you to Elise Faber, and Elle Woods PR, for providing me with an advanced copy of Covered.

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program. Purchases made through links above will allow me to earn a small commission. So thank you for any purchases you make. I appreciate it.


Monday, October 24, 2022

False Start by Piper Rayne {a review}

I’d love to say I’m above it all, but the truth is, I admire him too. I just do it from afar.

Did you hear that Piper Rayne has a new football series kicking off later this year? It's true! The series is called Kingsmen Football Stars. We've already met one of the members of the team in My Scorned Best Friend. Yep, Xavier Greene is on the team, and we are about to meet his teammates.

But did you also know that Piper Rayne has released a prequel novella to set the stage for You Had Your Chance, Lee Burrows? They did! That novella is False Start. Now do you need to read this prequel before the full length novel? No, but it might be a little helpful to have the backstory of Lee and Shayna.

My rating for False Start:

In False Start we are headed back to college. It is there that we find out Lee is struggling with one of his classes, and he needs a tutor. It is then that Shayna and Lee officially meet, and a schedule is set to work on catching Lee up in class. From that point on a friendship of sorts builds, and then comes the attraction. There's more though, and it involves a bet. Sigh. 

Lee rubbed me wrong in this book, and I found myself wanting to smack him upside the head. Along with a few of his teammates. But here he is this amazing football player who is doing what needs to be done to stay on the team, and secure his future. As for Shayna, I related to her in a lot of ways. She's quiet, but she's passionate. She loves with everything she has, but when you've done her wrong, she won't put up with it. 

This prequel has me even more ready for You Had Your Chance, Lee Burrows! Getting to see how Shayna and Lee's story began? YES! Bring on the second chance romance with the hate to love, and enemies to lovers tropes. I am freaking here for it.

Is it the end of December yet so I can see how these two find their way back to each other?

Are you going to read the Kingsmen Football Stars series? You know I am! After all it's sports romance, and it's a series written by Piper Rayne. That duo knows how to write a steamy rom-com that also has emotional moments added to the storyline.

Happy Reading,

The start of Lee Burrows and I was a college girls' biggest fantasy.

Campus' most popular guy, the starting quarterback, the same guy I've crushed on forever, notices me—the quiet introvert.

Although, he never would've noticed me if he didn't need my help passing our biology class. I didn't think I had a chance with him until he started flirting with me and asking me questions like, "Who was the guy you were talking to?" and "Do you have a boyfriend?"

It took a few tutoring sessions before we ditched the library to "study" at Lee's apartment.

It was a fantasy come true until I found out the truth and vowed that Lee Burrows would never get another chance with me again.

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Honest Mistake by Lisa Suzanne {a review}

I want to be with Tessa. They say when you know, you know, and I've always known it was her.

Today's the day! Honest Mistake by Lisa Suzanne is available! That's right, it's time to pick up with Tristan and Tessa, as well as Savannah and Stephanie. What sort of shenanigans will happen this time around?

Honest Mistake picks up right where Hidden Mistake left off. It was quite the ride, and this season just keeps getting better. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happens next!

My rating for Honest Mistake:

Honest Mistake is filled with passion, emotional moments, revelations, a fresh start, and heartache. Tristan and Tessa have their eyes set on forever, but there are obstacles in their way. Namely Savannah and Stephanie. It's not just them though, there's another who is going to throw a curve ball in TNT's journey toward happily ever after.

I want to say more about the storyline, but since this is a story in progress, it would involve spoilers. Just know that our duo moves forward toward a happily ever after, but naturally there is road blocks in the way.

Oh and there was at least one time where I found myself tearing up. Maybe it was personal experience, maybe it was hormones, or maybe it's just me being me. Then there was the scene that made me gasp out loud. Not to mention the scene where I literally said "UGH" out loud. (and yes, that last scene had to do with Savannah.)

No Mistake needs to appear on my kindle immediately so I can find out what happens next. Because that cliffhanger is playing on repeat in my mind.

Have you started reading this fourth season of the Vegas Aces? Trust me when I say this entire series has me hooked! It's a must read for football romance fans. So steamy and drama filled.

Happy Reading,

He’s not the boy next door anymore, and I’m not the girl I used to be, either.

His life is in the spotlight as one of the most popular professional football players on the Vegas Aces, while I can’t afford to have my secrets exposed. But as we work together on a project benefitting our small Midwestern town, we easily slip back into the friendship we once shared.

He introduces me to the people he’s closest to now, and I find myself fitting into his new life as he works to fix the mistakes of his past. But somebody’s digging into my history, threatening to break us before we even get started.

It’s time to be honest about my mistakes.

HONEST MISTAKE is the third book in the VEGAS ACES: THE WIDE RECEIVER series. This series must be read in order.

Thank you to Lisa Suzanne, and Wordsmith Publicity, for providing me with an advanced copy of Honest Mistake.

Also, I am an Amazon Affiliate. Purchases made from links above allow me to earn a small commission. So thank you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sideline Infraction by Emily Silver (a review)

Earlier this year, Emily Silver kicked off her Denver Mountain Lions series with the book Roughing the Kicker. I happen to love sports romance, so naturally I checked it out. I was immediately hooked on her storytelling, as well as the characters she created. Needless to say I stuck with the series, and recently read an advanced copy of Sideline Infraction, which is book 3. 

My rating for Sideline Infraction:

Sideline Infraction is by far my favorite of the series! There was just something about Alex and Carter that drew me in. These two are absolutely fantastic. Their chemistry is superb. Loved their shared interests. Fully enjoyed how when they were together they just felt at peace, as though they could finally relax and be their true selves.

Carter's past relationship definitely had him looking for the red flags, and trying to protect himself. As for Alex, he was all about continuing to keep this secret, as well as spend every moment he could with Carter. It was definitely love at first sight, but I don't care. This book was so well written, the characters are likable, and everything just felt right.

The moment of conflict...I knew it would have something to do with Alex not being out. I did. I just wasn't fully expecting it to unravel the way it did. I wasn't expecting the blow up. Nor was I expecting how it was resolved, and everything that went with it. The conversation between the coach and Alex had me in tears. You could feel the love pouring off of the coach, and his understanding of the topic. Coach stepped out of his professional role, and into the role of a parent in that moment. I absolutely loved it.

Emily Silver has created a marvelous football series, and I cannot get enough.

If you are looking for a m/m romance then you need to read this one. Plus it's sports romance, it's instalove, and a bit forbidden. (considering who Carter's dad is.)  

Have you checked out the Denver Mountain Lions series yet? Do you plan on reading Sideline Infraction? I promise the series, and this book, are absolutely wonderful.

Happy Reading,

What happens when I find the right guy at exactly the wrong time?

I’m Alex Young. Star quarterback for the Denver Mountain Lions. Captain of the team. Son. Brother. Teammate.

And I’m gay.

No one can know. My secret could destroy everything. I lock myself up in the closet and throw away the key. It’s better this way. I can focus on football and being the best quarterback I can be.

Until him.

With that first look, I’m a goner. I’ve never met anyone like him. With each touch, he’s breaking down the walls I’ve worked so hard to build.

But what if someone finds out? What if I’m outed to the world and cut from the team I love?

I can’t risk it.

But when Carter kisses me like that?

I just can’t resist.

I’m in so much trouble.

Thank you to Emily Silver, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced copy of Sideline Infraction.

Also, I am an Amazon Affiliate. Therefore purchases made from links in this post allow me to earn a small commission. So thank you!