Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Joy of Christmas {book tag}

Today I am participating in the Joy of Christmas book tag that was created by Samantha at Novels and Nonsense. I stumbled across the tag when a google search led me to Erin's post at The Book Nut.

Let's jump into these 8 questions!

Monday, December 13, 2021

My Anticipated Reads in 2022

The other day Aven Ellis posted her 2022 book plans over in her Facebook group. That made me remember that I still needed to make an anticipated reads list for the upcoming year. Now seeing as how I tend to read more indie authors than those from the large publishing houses, I am not fully aware of upcoming releases. That being said, with a little help of their websites, author reader groups, and of course goodreads, I was able to pull together a nice little list.

So what books am I anticipating in 2022? Let's break it down by author. It only makes sense to start with Aven. 

Aven Ellis

  • Caught Looking: This is the 4th book in the Soaring Eagles series (Meghan & Chase)
  • Lord of the Manor: 1st book in the new Aristocrats series (Amelia & Nicholas)
  • Out of Play: 4th book in the British Isles Billionaires series (Declan)
  • Modern Royals #5 (James)
  • Stonebridge United #1 (Noah & Violet)

Samantha Lovelock

  • Wounded Things: Folkestone Sins finale
  • TBD: Wonderland Novellas #2
  • TBD: Wonderland Novellas #3

Natasha Madison

  • Only One Mistake: Only One #6 (Michael & Jillian)
  • Only One Love: Only One #7 (Wilson & Franny)
  • Only One Forever: Only One #8 (Dylan & Alex)
  • Southern Weddings #1 (maybe?)

Gina Azzi

  • The Hustler: 8th book in the Boston Hawks series
  • The Score Keeper: 9th book in the Boston Hawks series

Helena Hunting

  • Love on the Lake: Lakeside #2 (Teagan & Aaron)
  • Starry-Eyed Love: Spark House #2 (London & Jackson)
  • Maverick Waters (Title TBD)

Ashley Munoz

  • The Joker: Rake Forge series finale

Kristin Turnage

  • The Edge of Redemption: Book 3 in the Edge series (Jace & AJ)

Caitlyn Dare

  • Ruin: Red Ridge Sinners MC #1
  • Red Ridge Sinners #2

Kim Loraine

  • The Baby Proposition: Anything For Love #1 (Maverick & Clara)
  • Reined In: Ryker Ranch #5
  • Drive Me Wild: Wilde Horse Ranch #3 (Killian & Jameson)

Nola Marie

  • Break Me Down: Sons of Sin #4
  • Shed My Skin: Sons of Sin #5

April Canavan

  • Breach Point: Birch Fire Department #2
  • Escape Route: Birch Fire Department #3
  • Pulling Rank: Birch Fire Department #4
  • Strike Team: Birch Fire Department #5

Piper Rayne

  • My Famous Frenemy: Greene Family #6
  • A Greene Family Vacation
  • My Scorned Best Friend: Greene Family #7
  • My Fake Fiancee: Greene Family #8

Kennedy Ryan

  • The Close-Up: Hollywood Renaissance #1.5
  • Score: Hollywood Renaissance #2

That is a lot of books to keep my eyes on. Thank goodness for my Google calendar. Now most of these do not have release dates yet either, so keeping a list is a must for me. Also, my gut tells me that Kristin Turnage will release a second book in 2022, but first I need to survive Jace and AJ's story.

What is on your anticipated reads list? Any suggestions for what I should add? Oh, and that Southern Weddings bullet point is just me wishful thinking. Really though I'll read anything that Natasha Madison releases. 

I'm curious to see what else will be added to my list!


Friday, December 10, 2021

12 Days of Christmas {book tag}

As I was preparing for my first ever Bookmas (blogmas), I fully admit that I did a google search for seasonal book tags. That search lead me to Zezee with Books blog, and this 12 days of Christmas tag. The tag was originally posted on the Falling Down the Book Hole blog back in 2014.

Well I've decided to participate.Thankfully tags like this can be timeless, so we can over look the fact that I'm sharing a tag from 7 years ago.

Before we start, a quick note: my answers will only take into consideration the books that I've read in 2021.

Let's do this!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

17 Books that made me ugly cry

If you've read my reviews, whether here on my blog or over on Goodreads, chances are you've heard me talking about crying while reading books. Now it doesn't happen with EVERY book, but it does happen a lot. Tears are easily triggered for me if our characters get injured, or someone dies, or it's just a heightened emotional scene in the story. I can't help it, it's how I'm wired. The tears just flow. I own it. I accept it. I always keep a box of tissues close by.

In 2021, there were 17 books that had the tears flowing. There was one book in particular that had me sobbing almost the entire time. Just the way it kicked off, and then everything that happened in the story, and the big reveal. I was just a mess.

(now, just because these books had me sobbing, doesn't mean they will you. we all express our emotions differently.)


So since I like to share...Here are the 17 books that had me ugly crying. 

(as always, please check for any content/trigger warnings.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The 8 Duets I Read in 2021

We've talked about my love of series, but another thing I enjoy are duets. Especially when they are well written, and there isn't too much time between release dates.

In years past I haven't read a lot of duets (duologies), but in 2021 I managed to read 8. Technically Chase by Kacey Shea could be considered a series, but the author considers it a duet, so I am too. Then there is the Bennett Duet. While Beni and Chantal's story is complete, I am still holding out hope for a novella or spin off featuring Miko. If you know, you know.  

Here are the 8 duets that I read in 2021.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The 25 Series I Started in 2021

2021 was clearly the year of series for me!

As I said yesterday, in my series I completed post, I LOVE series. They are my obsession. They are the best thing for me. It's no different than watching a favorite tv show. You get involved into the world, form opinions about the characters, and decide whether you want to continue or not.

In 2021 I started A LOT of new series! And I'm good with that. I have enjoyed every moment of it. I think I've read quite the variety. That being said, one thing all these series share is that all they are contemporaries. Which if you know me, you know that it my preferred area of romance.

What series did I start reading in 2021? Let's find out. (and grab a snack, because it's a long list.)

1. Bergman Brothers by Chloe Liese

2. The Edge by Kristin Turnage

3. Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

4. Folkestone Sins by Samantha Lovelock

5. Wonderland Novellas by Samantha Lovelock

6. Unexpected Royals by Tomi Tabb

7. Boston Hawks by Gina Azzi

8. Sons of Sin by Nola Marie

9. Paradise Alaska by Barbara Dunlop

10. Hockey Hotties by Piper Rayne

11. Metros Hockey by Crystal Perkins

12. Sin by Aleatha Romig

13. Birch County Fire by April Canavan

14. Reckless Desires by Victoria Ellis

15. Better Love by Brit Benson

16. Heartbreak by Brittany Taylor

17. Mooseheads Hockey by Mary Morano

18. Fool Me by Lizzie Morton

19. Wildcat Hockey by Rebecca Jenshak

20. Rake Forge University by Ashley Munoz

21. Greene Family by Piper Rayne

22. Wilde Horse Ranch by Kim Loraine

23. Ryder Ranch by Anna Brooks

24. Nanny Love Match by Krista Sandor

25. The One I Want by Ellie Masters

WOW! I mean, I knew I started a lot of series in 2021, but I was not expecting THIS!

25 series were started, and I know for a fact that I'll be able to move three into the series completed in 2022 category. Sadly Folkestone Sins, Rake Forge University, and Ryder Ranch will all conclude in 2022. Sigh. I don't want them to end...Yet I know they have to at some point.

What series did you start in 2021? Any you'd recommend? Have you read any of the series on my list?

Happy Reading,

Monday, December 6, 2021

I completed 15 Series in 2021

 My name is Laura, and I LOVE book series. It's an obsession really. I love escaping into these worlds that the authors create, and continuing to see what happens in the lives of the characters.

In 2021 I managed to finish reading a few series. I'm bummed to leave these characters, and their community. Yet I know many of these authors have wonderful plans for future books, and I know I will fall for the next set of characters. It's just who I am. I don't have book boyfriends, I have book friends.

Oh, also, I didn't necessarily START these series in 2021, but I did FINISH them in 2021. Yay me!

So what series did I complete in 2021? Let's find out.

1) Flor de Muertos by Jocelyne Soto

2. Vegas Aces by Lisa Suzanne

3. Vegas Aces: The Quarterback by Lisa Suzanne

4. Southern by Natasha Madison

5. Windsor Academy by Laura Lee

6. Birch County Heroes by April Canavan

7. The Playbook by Alexa Martin

8. Savage Falls Sinners MC by Caitlyn Dare

9. Wild Hearts by Ashley Cade

10. Camelot Misfits MC by Xavier Neal

11. The Devil by Amelia Wilde

12. Rinkside in the Rockies by Aven Ellis

13. All In by Helena Hunting

14. The Ravenhood by Kate Stewart

15. Brown Sisters by Talia Hibbert

I feel like maybe I forgot one or two, but then again maybe not.  I'd have to go scour through Goodreads to find out.

What series did you finish in 2021? Any stand outs?
