Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Sky At Night by Samantha Lovelock {a review}

If you've been following me for a while now, you know that I adore Samantha Lovelock's writing. Her characters are some of my favorites, and I tend to devour each book she releases. Well, Samantha has a new book coming soon! The Sky at Night is a new adult, enemies to lovers, rockstar romance. I read an early copy, and it was AMAZING! Yes, The Sky At Night is an emotional read, but it's 100% worth it. It touches on some difficult situations, and the majority of the story takes place at The Overlook. Both of our main characters are headed there to work on themselves, and find a way to work through the traumas they have been living with.

Here's the description of the book:

He has women falling at his feet. I plan to bring him to his knees.

Heroin Heartbreak is the hottest band around, and Ty McInnis is the reason why. His blistering blend of smoldering sexiness, bad-boy charm, and killer voice makes him the perfect front man. But until I got here, he was just a faceless voice on the radio in my messed-up world.

The Overlook is supposed to be the place for me to heal the wounds left by my father. Instead, Ty has made it his mission to make my stay here pure hell. He has no idea who he's playing with, though. I give as good as I get—and then some. I've already survived the Devil personified, and this cocky rockstar has nothing on him. The trouble is, the more I learn about Ty, the more something in me craves what he's trying so desperately to hide.

It's all fun and games until somebody loses their heart. Why am I starting to think that somebody is going to be me?


Sounds good, I know!

Here's the thing I didn't know before going into the story, and I'll tell you now I wasn't sure I was ready for this person to get a redemption arc. If you've read the Folkestone Sins series, then you might know the name I'm about to say. It's Hali. Yes, Hali is getting a redemption arc. We know what she's done in the past, and while I screamed "NO" when her name appeared, I've since changed my tune. Hali has been through a lot in her 18 years. A LOT. Once she explains everything, you get a better understanding of her. You see the struggle, the uncertainty, the loneliness. Samantha Lovelock went and made my heartbreak for Hali. While Hali didn't want to spend 4 weeks at The Overlook, it's about to change her life. It was really interesting to see Hali outside of Folkestone, see her go through the work to deal with her past, find a good friend in Vann, and ultimately come out of this in a good place. 

Then there is Ty. He's coming back to The Overlook for a bit of "maintenance". He's just experienced a big shake up in his life, and wants to get on top of things before he spirals. So while there is a small break in the tour, he's taking care of business. Does he expect to meet the woman, that's going to change his life, while there? No, obviously not. Yet he cannot look away. First things first though, and that's working on himself.

The connection that Ty and Hali had was interesting. I loved the verbal volleys that went back and forth. I loved how he could see the person underneath the pain. I loved how they weren't afraid to speak about the hard things together. These two bonded through the things that hurt them, but they also grew stronger as they both healed. Now don't get me wrong, these two also had some humorous moments together, and I appreciated those. Especially when the more difficult moments of their pasts were discussed.

Vann and Kess were fantastic side kicks for our duo. Vann was right there with Hali throughout her time at The Overlook. Yes she was there for her own reasons, and I really think that this new found friendship benefitted them both. As for Kess, he's been Ty's "brother" for a long time. He knows what Ty has gone through, and he knows that Ty has been by his side for the issues of his past. Kess can also see when Ty is about to spiral, and gives him the needed push to get help. Then there is Mari, who was just amazing. She was able to see her clients for who they are underneath the mask. Mari knows how to get them to open up, shed some light on those dark spaces, and get them to a point of healing/grieving/moving forward. 

This book spoke on some very difficult topics, and as such there are trigger/content warnings. So please keep these in mind should you read The Sky At Night.

Even though I knew those harder topics were going to be discussed, a part of me was not anticipating tearing up while reading. Yet it happened twice. The way Samantha put these words to paper just hit me in the feelings just right. So here I was taking all that in, and tearing up for the characters. Honestly I think the tears were more so for the things that Hali had been through than that of Ty, but that doesn't mean his story isn't as heartbreaking.

There was so much in this story that had me looking at personal experiences. Not that I've experienced what either of these two have, but I have dealt with parental issues. So to read those scenes were touching. I think that's why I liked this quote from Mari: 

She was telling Hali that she could start anew. It was eye opening for Hali, adn it was also a quote that I thought would be beneficial for others. It is one of those lines that just stands out, and makes an impact. Mari was letting Hali know that she doesn't have to be that person she was back in Folkestone. This is her opportunity to be the person she truly is, that woman that is hidden deep but is her authentic self.

I don't think I can say it enough, but this book was so spectacular. Samantha Lovelock continues to impress me with her storytelling and character development. It's what keeps me coming back for more, and it's a reason she is an auto-buy author for me.

The epilogue of The Sky At Night had me SCREAMING! That last line just has me anticipating Wounded Things that much more, and I cannot wait to return to Folkestone. I am hoping that when we do return that everyone sees the work Hali has put in, and that they give her the chance to show her growth. I'm a bit worried that the group won't accept her, but thankfully she has Ty, Vann, and Kess in her corner.

You need to read The Sky At Night. You do. This story has just grabbed hold of my heart, and had me doing a 180 on my feelings for Hali. I hope you'll give it a chance also. Also, if the next book is not Kess and Vann's story I will be disappointed. I need their story, and to see how their relationship came to be.

Happy Reading,

Thank you Samantha for providing me with an advanced copy of The Sky At Night. 

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Monday, March 13, 2023

What I Read Last Week

Another week in 2023 is complete. Hopefully you are making progress on your reading goals. I know I am. Since it is Monday, that means it's time for another What I Read Last Week post! I love writing these and reflecting back on what I read.

As per usual, it was a pretty good week of reading. Sports romance was involved, I also continued reading a series, and I'm just generally happy with my progress. When it comes to how many books I read, I finished 4 books! That's awesome. The breakdown was 3 ARCs and 1 from my ebook tbr.

Now you might be thinking that 4 books is pretty low as I typically read 6-7 per week. However if you look at the books I read, they were some heavy books. I'm not talking page counts either, but rather the topics discussed. So it makes sense that I didn't read as many. Plus I was able to sit with the books a bit, and digest what I read before putting my reviews together. I have dedicated posts here for three of the books, but my full review for Mikayla Christy's book is on Goodreads.

What did you read last week? Any specific tropes? Authors? Keep scrolling to see what I read, and read these little mini reviews. My kids are on spring break this week, so we'll see how much reading I accomplish. Hope you have a good week.

Happy Reading,

Devious Obsession by S Massery

S Massery has created these amazing characters and stories that I cannot turn away from. I'm hooked. My review has been posted, so go read it! (friendly warning: it's long winded. as per usual.)

Jagged Thorns by January James

Jagged Thorns is the start of a new series. Therefore the start of this book was building the world, introducing the characters (as well as their histories), and just the standard setting of the stage. That being said for the first 25% of this book I struggled. I did. After that though things picked up. I became more intrigued by the island, by the Thorn family, by the secrets that were clearly being held, and this relationship between Vivian and Rupert. I am not even kidding that once I made it past the 25% mark, things really picked up. We were in to the good stuff so to speak. The intensity ramped up, the connection between our characters deepened, and I had more questions than answers at this point. Before I knew it the book was over, and I got slapped with a cliffhanger. This wouldn't be a big deal, but I have NO CLUE when the second book is coming. I need a release date. My full review will be out on Wednesday!

The Sky At Night by Samantha Lovelock

I have my full review coming tomorrow, but OH MY WORD THIS BOOK! I loved the story. I loved the characters. Yes even our female main character. You see I've had a love to hate relationship with her in the Folkestone Sins series, so I had to warm up to her. As the story unfolded though, the reality of it all was laid out. This book tackles difficult topics, and it also shows these two working towards improving themselves. Falling in love was just a bonus. Samantha Lovelock continues to pull me in with her characters and stories.

Cross Check My Heart by Mikayla Christy

This was such a good debut book! I found myself captivated by the characters, as well as being invested in their stories. Both Lilly and Dom had been through some hard times, and I loved how they opened up to each other. There were some difficult moments discussed in the book, from the death of a family member, to the end of a relationship, to what truly happened during a divorce. What I appreciated about this book though was the found family that Dom discovered. His new team in Tampa was just that for him, and it proved that these unicorn teams do exist. Plus they were all there for Lilly when the situations with her ex occurred. While the relationship being kept secret wasn't my favorite thing, as per usual I can understand why it had to happen. The way it was revealed though had me chuckling. Definitely worth checking this book out if you've been on the fence. I found it through TikTok, and am happy I took the chance on it. 

Thank you January James, S Massery, and Samantha Lovelock for providing me with advanced copies of your books. I greatly appreciate it.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Devious Obsession by S Massery

Sara Massery has a new book coming out on March 23 called Devious Obsession! Back in November we met Greyson and Violet in Brutal Obsession, and in that book we were also introduced to Steele. When you think of Steele, you may recall one very memorable scene. If you were rooting for him to get a story, then prepare yourself for Devious Obsession. Also, if you thought Greyson was intense and an anti-hero, he has NOTHING on Steele. Steele takes it up a notch, or 10.

Now again, if you read Brutal Obsession then you know  what to expect. For the most part. Devious Obsession is a step, or two, above that. Some of it may make you uncomfortable. Some of it may have you questioning your decisions, and that is 100% okay. I just ask that if you don't like it for the things that occur between Steele and Aspen that you don't yuck on it as others may have no issues with the content. It's all about comfort zones and preferences. Curious as to what the content/trigger warnings are? Sara has them listed at the beginning of the book, but if you take a peek at this graphic, you'll know ahead of time.

Now let's discuss the tropes for Devious Obsession. This is a dark bully romance set in college. It is enemies to lovers, hate to love, forbidden (step-sibling), has a bit of suspense added in, and it's a hockey romance. Steele is very much an anti-hero, and goes to the extremes. 

Curious as to what the book is about? Here's the description:

"If you want to stay, you have to play the game…"

Steele O’Brien is everything I hate in hockey players. He’s cocky, brooding, antagonistic.

I played his game, learned his secrets, and got screwed over for it. But I never could’ve imagined I’d meet him again the next day.


The golden boy with hidden demons is my new step-brother. Now, the jerk is sleeping down the hall from me until we go back to college.


And oh, how I loathe the devious thoughts lurking under his smiling façade. It seems that, for him, the game isn’t over.


He says I'm his to play with. His to torment.
And he's determined to not only get under my skin, but carve his name into it.

After reading Steele and Aspen's story, I had to sit and think about the rating. Did I enjoy the story? Yes. Did I like the characters? Yes. Did I like the setting? Yes. Was there anything that I struggled with? Yes there was, and I'll get into that. Did those things affect my enjoyment of the story? No. Did I want this book to end? NO! So what did I rate Devious Obsession

4.5 Stars

Yes, I gave Devious Obsession 4.5 stars. I did not want to put this book down. I wanted to stay in this world with Steele and Aspen. I wanted to see what was going to happen next, and how it would affect their future together.

Even though I read Brutal Obsession I was not fully prepared for Steele. I wasn't. This man is determined, possessive, over the top, and intense. He isn't playing around with Aspen. He knows what he wants, how he wants it, and what the limits are for both of them. Aspen really is the perfect match for him. From the moment these two met, I knew their relationship would be all-consuming. These two just work together, and it is amazing to witness.

Now here are the things that kept me from giving this book 5 stars: 

1. Steele's online activities against Aspen
One specific scene that I cannot mention due to spoilers.

The steam in this book...OH MY WORD! Find yourself a safe word, as you might need it. There are so many scenes in this book that would fog up the windows. If you're someone who isn't big on steam in books, then this one is not for you. It isn't vanilla at all. There was at least two scenes that had me outside my comfort zone, but I just reminded myself that this is fiction. 

While their relationship was building the suspense storyline was kicking in. That suspense had me questioning EVERYONE. EVERYONE! I seriously have a list written down of who my potentials were. 

See ↓↓↓

That's right, even people who I thought would be safe went on my list. There was just too many coincidences. So if I felt they were being shady, they went on my list. I mean honestly there are some names not even listed, but I was keeping an eye on them. "Trust no one" was my motto at this point.

Now about that suspense situation. WOW! Just WOW! Even as I think back on everything that happened, I can't believe it all happened. From how it all started, to the big scene in motion, to the outcome of it, I was just blown away. Honestly that will probably be the major thing I remember from this book. I want to say so much about it, but am limited because I don't want to spoil things. Just hold on to your hats when you get to that point.

Let's talk a bit about the forbidden aspect of this relationship. Yes these two are step-siblings. But they met before all that. They already had an encounter at a party where they got to know certain things about the other. It was where their connection began. Honestly I forgot they were step siblings except for when it was mentioned. In my mind they are two consenting adults who are only connected by the marriage of their parents. Is it something I would do? No, no, absolutely not. But it does happen. So just keep an open mind about this work of fiction.

The last thing I want to touch on with Devious Obsession is Steele's Mom. In my mind I figured one thing had happened to her, so when it was something else I was caught off guard. I did like how that scene played out, and how it was all revealed. It was a nice curveball I wasn't expecting.

S Massery has created these amazing characters, and stories, that I cannot turn away from. I'm hooked. You could even say I have an obsession. I do know that I am excited for the next book. Miles is going to get his story, and I am 99% certain I figured out who his love interest is going to be. It's going to be another wild ride. I feel like Miles isn't going to be as extreme as Steele or Grey. Now watch me be wrong. 

Also that mention, toward the end, of a certain character had me screaming! I immediately shouted their name. I wasn't expecting that character to appear, but I loved the tie-in. Any chance that character has to appear, I will be here for it. The only way it could have been better was if other familiar faces were present.

Do you read bully romances? Dark romances? Forbidden? Do you think you'll read Devious Obsession? Let me know! Don't forget this book releases on March 23!

Happy Reading,

Thank you Sara Massery, and Grey's Promo, for providing me with an advanced copy of Devious Obsession.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Monday, March 6, 2023

What I Read Last Week

Happy Monday my fellow book lovers!

Last week I read a lot of books that I just adored. Some were light and easy, while others were a little more emotional. I can't forget about the suspense either. Then there's the steam factor for these books, and let me tell you...the majority definitely had some good steamy scenes. 
Trope wise there were a lot covered. There was brother's best friend, enemies to lovers, sports romance, workplace, opposites attract, age gap, and also a college romance.

How many books did I read this last week? Six. Yep, I read six books. Three of which were ARCs, and three were older/existing titles. My average rating for this week was 4.1. I'm quite pleased with that number!  

My favorite book of the week was definitely The Front Runner by Elsie Silver. From the moment I started that book, until the very last page, I was sucked into that world. I did not want to leave those characters. Plus that dang horse tugged on my heartstrings. AGAIN! I've definitely fallen for Elsie Silver's storytelling.

this was me with a scene in The Front Runner.

Tell me about your reading week. Any new authors? New favorite books? Any books that you wish you hadn't read? I want to hear it.

Happy Reading,

Thursday, March 2, 2023

I Need These Books Immediately!

Happy March! Welcome to the third chapter of 2023. Those first two were interesting, so let's see how this one comes together.

One of my favorite things about a new month is all the new books that get released. There are so many to choose from, so many to add to my TBR, and so many authors to fangirl over. This month there are 12 books on my anticipated reads list. Two of them are POSSIBLY being released in March, as in they have March release dates on Amazon, but I haven't heard any updates from the author. So time will tell.

Last month the majority of my list was sports romance, and honestly March isn't looking too different. Eight of them are sports romance. I can't help it. Sports romance is just where my heart gravitates towards.

What is on your anticipated reads list for this month? Any books that you feel you absolutely MUST READ? Even if they're not new releases, let me know! Keep scrolling to see the books I can't wait to get my hands on. You may notice that a couple don't have book covers, and one doesn't have a link, that's because that info isn't out there yet. Once it is though I'll share it to my Facebook page. Make sure to follow me there.

Happy Reading,

Note: I have read a few of these already as I received advanced copies of them for review. I'm keeping them on my list though for others to get excited about. (and believe me, I'm still excited!)

Friday, February 24, 2023

Thoughts I had while reading The Owner

Going into The Owner, I figured I would do another thoughts while reading post, as well as add in a tiny review at the end. Before we dive in though, LOOK AT THIS COVER! I absolutely love it. The simplicity, the colors, the team logo, all of it. More of this please.

For those who do not know The Owner is the first book in the Dalvegan Dragons hockey series from Xavier Neal. This fictional town is in Texas, and the owner of the team recently died. So the team has now been handed down to his daughter Harlow Hennington. Harlow has been raised around hockey. She lives and breathes the sport. To say she knows the ins and outs would be an understatement. This is her passion, and nothing will stop her from curating a fabulous team. Not even the life changes that are thrown at her. A spontaneous Vegas wedding? No big deal, she can get it annulled. A surprise pregnancy from that Vegas wedding? Uh, that's going to be a bit more of an adjustment. Falling for her husband? Well that is not in the plans, but it might be happening. First though she needs to take care of her team. Everything else can wait. Or can it.

When I first heard the premise of this book I thought it was going to be an owner/athlete relationship. That was where my mind went, and so when I was reading and that WASN'T the case, I was confused. Guess that's what happens when you make an assumption. What this book is though (trope wise) is age gap, opposites attract, Vegas wedding, surprise baby, and workplace. The Owner is also FULL of hockey lingo and chirping. After all Harlow is the owner of the team now, and hockey is life.

Monday, February 13, 2023

What I Read Last Week

Another week is done, and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. It's so strange to think that February is half over. That's just wild.

This week I read 7 books, and I loved the majority of them. There was a couple arcs, sports romance, a geeky romance, a few novellas, and of course books by Natasha Madison and Gina Azzi. By reading those two arcs, I also managed to cross off two more books from my anticipated reads list! With many of the books that I read I found myself laughing, I teared up a few times, and I definitely fell for many of the characters. All in all it was a good reading week.

Tell me about what you read last week. Any favorites? Any misses? What's the reading plan for this week?

Happy Reading,

Monday, February 6, 2023

What I Read Last Week

I read 9 fabulous books this week! From paranormal to small town to bully to sports romance, it was a phenomenal reading week. Plus I squeezed in a couple short stories that I found on Prime Reading. I love browsing through Prime Reading to see if anything catches my eye.

How did I manage to read 9 books? Well it definitely helped that 3 of them were under 60 pages! Plus there was one novella that was only 94 pages. So having those added in helped me out a lot.

Did you see my anticipated reads post that went up last week? If so, then you'll notice that four of these books were listed there. If you're curious about the tropes for these books, they are mentioned in that post.

What did you read last week? Any favorites? Any misses? What's on tap for this week?

Happy Reading,

Promised to the Night by Meg Anne and K Loraine

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Sneaking Around with the Player by Rebecca Jenshak {a review}

If it's the right person, you shouldn't want to choke them for their annoying, quirky habits, right?

Sneaking Around with the Player is the all new holiday romance from Rebecca Jenshak! This college romance features the following tropes: forbidden, mistaken identity, close proximity, and it's also a sports romance (football & diving).

We first meet Stella and Beau when they run into each other at the airport. Both are heading back to their respective schools, and Stella is trying to avoid her ex. So what does she do? Strike up a conversation with the cute guy sitting near her. It helps that he's watching a video she's familiar with, so they instantly have something to talk about. The attraction is instant, they share numbers, and then Stella's off. It isn't until a while later that it's discovered that Stella is crushing on her brother's frival.

I adored this book. When it ended, I found myself wanting more! It felt too short and I'm not ready to be done with this couple.

A few random thoughts:
  • Absolutely loved the meet cute.
  • Loved that their relationship began through text.
  • The fact that Beau is Felix's rival on the football field had me loving that part of the story.
  • Also that grand gesture? YES!
  • Stella wasn't willing to let that stop her though. Her feelings were solid, and she knew that Beau was who she wanted. Stella was going to battle to make it happen.

Rebecca Jenshak continues to pull me in with her stories, and I keep falling for her characters. She is quickly becoming an auto-buy (and auto-read) author for me. I cannot wait for her next release (which I know is from the Wildcat hockey series), and I am eagerly anticipating Felix's story. Do I know when Felix's story is coming out? No. Do I know the title? Also no. Am I still excited? YEP.

Have you read any of Rebecca Jenshak's books? She's written many, and I feel like there is something for everyone. Her Campus Nights series was one that I really enjoyed, plus it spawned the Wildcat Hockey series, so there's that.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts on this book. I do hope you'll check it out.

Happy Reading,

It was supposed to be a quick conversation with a cute boy at the airport while I dodged my ex and his new girlfriend.

We weren’t supposed to trade numbers.

He wasn’t supposed to be a football player.

And I definitely wasn’t supposed to fall for him since he’s attending a college a thousand miles away.

I saw past his jersey. And he saw past my last name.

Now it’s semester break, and by some Christmas miracle, he’s going to be close. So close.

I want to meet him again, but there’s just one problem.

My older brother can’t, under any circumstances, find out I’m dating his rival.

Thank you Rebecca Jenshak, and Valentine PR, for providing me with an advanced copy of Sneaking Around with the Player.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Mysterious Mr Marcellus by Tomi Tabb {a review}

"This was to be my last chance at making a match. I was foolish to hope that I might finally come away from London a married woman."

Tomi Tabb just released her FIRST Regency Romance novella! When Tomi emailed me, to see if I'd be interested in reviewing The Mysterious Mr Marcellus, I told her that I'd never read a regency romance before. Yet I didn't let that stop me. After all you never truly know what you like and dislike until you've read a lot of different genres, tropes, etc. Since I'm familiar with Tomi's writing, her character development, and all of that, I figured I'd give it a try. It's a novella, so why not? Well let me tell you, I was intrigued.

After reading The Mysterious Mr. Marcellus, I now think I need to check out other Regency romances. Or at least others similar to what Tomi has written.

As this was my first (maybe 2nd as I seem to recall a paranormal type regency) Regency, I went into it with an open mind. Like I said above, I know Tomi's writing, so I just trusted that. Honestly I loved this novella. I was immediately curious about Helen, and wanted to know more about her. Then when Mr Marcellus was introduced, my curiosity piqued even more. I truly loved their meet-cute, and the gossip that happened after.

I loved the balls, and all that glitz and glamour. I was fascinated by the visits that took place, and how there was certain protocol and time limitations. All of that was just so interesting.

Now I was confused as to what a "Season" was. I'd never heard that term before, so I had to go to good ole Google. Here's what I found from one website:

The Season refers to the annual period when it was customary for the country’s elite families to unite for balls, dinner parties et al decked in their finest attire.

That makes total sense, and I now understand. I cannot imagine the cost that went into these elaborate events, and what the cost of a full Season truly entailed. Could you imagine that happening today? That would easily be $100k and up. Or at least that's what I'm picturing.

Tomi, you need to write another! Full length or novella, I'll read it!

Now I need Regency recommendations. Novellas are preferred, or anything that you'd recommend to a beginner. Steam level doesn't matter.

Happy Reading,

After four unsuccessful Seasons in London, Helen Davenport is aware that she is out of time. Her father cannot afford another Season. With a meager dowry and few connections, what gentlemen would have her? At the age of three and twenty, she might as well consider herself a spinster.

Yet, Helen’s father, Mr. Davenport refuses to give in so easily. After finding a way to raise the funds, Helen soon finds herself in London for one final Season.

When an accident during a morning walk through Hyde Park literally throws her into the path of a gentleman named Mr. Marcellus, Helen learns that there are some circumstances that lie beyond her control. Namely, the vile gossip of the Ton.

With her reputation called into question, Mr. Marcellus promises Helen he will do his duty as a gentleman and marry her. Except there is one problem…no one in town has ever heard of her rescuer. Just who is the mysterious Mr. Marcellus?

Thank you Tomi for providing me with an advanced copy of The Mysterious Mr Marcellus.

Please note:

I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Friday, December 2, 2022

The Cabin at Candy Cane Lane by Laramie Briscoe {a review}

I want this familiarity, this peace. I've needed it for far too long, and if she's the person to give it to me, I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers again.

If you are looking for a Hallmark movie in book form, then The Cabin at Candy Cane Lane by Laramie Briscoe should be the book you pick up. This book is second chance romance, insta-love, forced proximity, small town, and it's set at Christmastime

I am a sucker for a second chance romance. Add in one set at Christmas time with forced proximity as one of the tropes, and I'm a goner. This book was short, sweet, and steamy!

Holly has just returned to Blizzard Bluff after her life was flipped upside down. Not only did her wedding not happen, her apartment was all packed up as she was supposed to move with her husband, and now her job is on the line. Perfect timing to head back home to figure it all out. Meanwhile back in Blizzard Bluff, Lucas is there continuing to work at the family business, and feeling stressed. Not only is he stressed, he's also grieving the loss of his dad. It is when he takes a last minute job at a friends cabin, that his life is about to change when he runs into his high school sweetheart.

The Cabin at Candy Cane Lane was a hallmark movie in book format and I loved every second of it.  My only "complaint" is that it wasn't a full length novel. I would have loved to witness Lucas and Holly's relationship build, see some drama/conflict step in to mess things up, and then the reunion. But that is a minor complaint, and I know that this story was meant to be a novella. I mean in Laramie's newsletter today it was even stated:

Since I started writing, I've always wanted to do a Christmas novella that has Hallmark vibes with plenty of steam.

Well Laramie accomplished that! If you are wanting a holiday read in the month of December, go purchase this book!

Happy Reading,

Holly, jolly and all that's naughty...

Holly Wreath

Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. But not this year; at least not for me.

Laid off from my job, left at the altar, and wanting to bury my head until the new year I head to a family friend's cabin.

Blizzard Bluff was in my rearview as soon as I graduated high school, but now I'm heading back to lick my wounds.

The last person I expect to see is the boy who made my heart pound as a teenager. Only he's a man now, and he's going to be the one to turn my holiday around.

Thank you Laramie Briscoe, and Greys Promotions, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Cabin at Candy Cane Lane.

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