Friday, September 30, 2022

The Secret Roommate by Sara Ney {A Review}

What was it Eli said about Posey? She was sweet and kind and wouldn't hurt a soul?
...unless that soul was me?

Main Characters:
Duke Colter
Posey Kettner

Contemporary Romance
Sports Romance

Roommates to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Hate to Love
Minor Reverse Age Gap (5 years)

Location: Chicago Illinois USA for 2 weeks
Team: Dallas Steers

From the very beginning of The Secret Roommate I was hooked on Duke Colter. This man just throws off this vibe of not having a care in the world. He's this famous athlete who can do as he pleases. That is until he meets one Josephine "Posey" Kettner. This Kindergarten teacher is about to put him in his place, and it is a blast to see how this relationship forms. How these two opposites would survive living together for two weeks made for an interesting story. 

The meet-cute was so dang good. This country boy was not going to give up until his mission was accomplished. Posey's reaction was perfection. Then there was the situation with the cake that had me literally laughing out loud. Oh that was fabulous. I laughed numerous times throughout this story. Sara Ney put some fantastic one liners in this book, and I loved it. Plus there was just the general banter between the two that had me smiling. Posey's neighbor was a hoot. I fully enjoyed how she kept Duke on his toes.

Duke comes across as this hard headed man who only worries about himself. But when he starts to trust the person he's with, those walls come crumbling down. It is then that you get to see who he truly is. And it just so happens that this man is pretty spectacular.

Then there's Posey. I see a lot of myself in this character. She's a bit more reserved, she keeps to herself, there's a bit of self doubt happening, but underneath it all is a passionate woman who is intelligent, creative, and completely unique. She knows who she is. She knows what her passions are, but she holds back a bit. Again, it is until she is comfortable. Until she can trust the person she is with, and that bond has been established. It is then that she will those people in. 

Let's talk about their moment of conflict. That one, I can honestly say, I did not see coming. In my mind I thought for sure that the conflict would be something entirely different. I mean Duke's in hiding for a reason, so I had that in mind when foreshadowing what the drama/conflict would be. When this moment of conflict happened though, I could see Posey's perspective. I could understand why she reacted the way she did. That pain radiated off the page, and it had me wanting to knock Duke upside the head. 

Then there was the reunion. How this played out was interesting. It showed maturity on Duke's part, which was appreciated. The reunion was good. It was. I enjoyed it. BUT something felt off. From the moment of the conflict, to the reunion, to the epilogue, that entire section of the story didn't match the vibe of the first 3/4 of the story. Does that make sense? It was missing the energy and passion, as well as the general banter that I had come to love. Regardless, I still fully loved the story. These two characters are going to be living in my head for a while, as they are unforgettable.

One last thing...I am hoping that Duke's brothers will have stories that feature them each finding their happily ever after. Could Sara Ney be returning to the college scene and be writing stories about these 3 football players? OH I HOPE SO! Maybe we'll get to meet Mama Colter too. (as well as see a bit of Posey and Duke.)

I seriously hope that you consider reading The Secret Roommate. This may be book 4 in the Accidentally in Love series, but you do not need to read the others to enjoy this one. So if the tropes I mentioned above appeal to you, then go get a copy of the book. It releases on October 3rd, so you have a short wait. 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. Should you read The Secret Roommate, please let me know, and we can discuss!


All I need is a place to hide for a few weeks.

The paparazzi were on my ass 24/7 and I needed a bit of breathing room—an escape from the madness—before the media frenzy begins.

Sure, I could have gone to a secluded cabin in the woods—but I didn’t want to be bored out of my mind. I’d seen enough wide open spaces as a kid from Texas to last me a lifetime.

So instead, I let my agent hook me up with a modest house in the burbs where we didn’t think anyone would find me hiding in plain sight.

I’d have a roommate; but supposedly, she was going to give me space. Stay out of my way and respect my boundaries. According to my agent, I wouldn’t hear a peep from her.

Wrong. He was wrong about everything and now my life was never going to be the same.

Thank you to Sara Ney, and Wildfire Marketing Solutions, for providing me with an advanced review copy of The Secret Roommate.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Olivia by Brooke Ramsey {A Review}

Revenge is a dish best served cold. But it might cost you everything you love.

Main Characters:
  • Anna White (Anna King)
  • Olivia King
  • Jackson 
  • Diaz Smith
  • Dominic Smith

  • Romantic Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Christian Fiction

  • Tragic Past
  • Revenge
  • Heroine in Danger
  • Law Enforcement

Setting: Oradale Missouri USA

Approximately 3 years ago was the last time Olivia King was seen. No one knows where she went, and she has not been heard from since. All her sister Anna knows is that her sister left a photo behind, a random number, as well as the name Craven. These all have to have something in common, and hopefully Anna will be able to find her sister. Even if that means infiltrating a crime family so she can get information. Enter, the undercover FBI Agent, Jackson who has the ability to blow this all up, including her cover.

This book held my attention throughout. From cover to cover I was intrigued. I had to know what happened to Olivia King, and how Anna was going to persevere. How was she going to handle finding out the news about her sister, continuing in this relationship with Diaz, all while trying to take him down? Then there was Jackson and his role in all of this. 

Here's the thing, this book does start a bit slow. Not DNF slow, it's just slow enough to set the stage, introduce the characters, and build the reader's curiosity. As the story unfolds, and we find out who all these people are, things ramp up. We discover more about Olivia, Diaz, and who Dominic is. We discover what Anna knows, and a little bit of her plan to take Diaz down. Then Jackson goes and throws a wrench into it all. He begins nosing around, and working his case. We see all of this happening, including Diaz's paranoia, but then there are things happening off page that we don't see. Those things are slowly rolled out to us, and it just increases the suspense. Until we finally get to the big moment. 

When the big battle scene was about to go down, Brooke Ramsey threw a curve ball and had me literally gasping out loud. That little nugget of information, that reveal, was perfect timing. I LOVED IT! Yes it had me questioning a few things, and it had me thinking back to when John basically said "trust no one".

Let's talk romance. Virtually non-existent. It is the meet cute, it's the proximity, it's the beginning stages of a potential relationship. It's nothing more than that. Until the moment a declaration is made. Don't expect spice. Don't expect anything that you'd really find in a romance novel, because it's not there. It is two people thrust into each others lives under a unique situation. A bond is formed, a base is established, and that's it. Should you be looking for a strong romantic suspense story, this isn't it. If you're looking for an organized crime book with a good amount of suspense, then this would work. I'd rather be open about that, then have another reader go in expecting something that isn't there.

Before I end this I do want to address the religious aspect of the book. I fully admit that going in, I was a bit hesitant. Yes I've read christian fiction before, and there was a time in my life where it was my preference. My tastes have changed, and that chapter of my reading life is much quieter now. As I was saying, going in I was hesitant as I didn't know how "preachy" this book would be. This was my introduction to Brooke Ramsey, so I didn't know. What I can tell you is that it isn't over the top. It's actually pretty minor. The times we enter into those conversations are either self-realization moments with Jackson, or when Jackson is talking with friends. He does briefly bring up to Anna, but again it's minor. And for that I'm thankful. I didn't want a book that was religiously loud. I'll be honest, those moments in the book are easy to skip right over. It has zero impact on the storyline. So if the religious aspect is holding you back, I say don't let it. The storyline holds without all of that.

Reading this fourth book in the Cold Case Murder Mystery series has me wanting to go back and read the first three. I'm being 100% honest. Seeing how much I enjoyed this book, it now has me wondering if I'd be as enthralled with the others. I may be new to Brooke Ramsey's writing, but I think I'll stick around a bit and see what else she has to offer.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts. Olivia by Brooke Ramsey releases on October 3, 2022.


In this heart-racing romantic suspense, a sister desperate for answers and a newly recruited FBI agent desperate to prove himself team up on a high-risk mission.

Olivia King.
Days missing: 1,345 days.

Anna has spent the last three years infiltrating the gang of Diaz Smith—the man responsible for her sister’s disappearance. She’s close to getting the answers she has sacrificed so much for when a newly recruited FBI agent threatens to blow her cover.

Jackson joined the FBI’s narcotics team so that he could put people like Diaz Smith behind bars. When a raid ends with a pistol pointed at his chest, Jackson realizes that the fierce beauty holding the weapon will either be the key to his success or his demise.

Refusing to fail, he devises a plan to recruit Anna as his informant while ensuring she doesn’t end up dead at the hands of Diaz. Everything is going to plan but Jackson didn’t foresee one problem: falling in love with his informant.

The stakes are high and Diaz is watching Anna’s every move. One wrong step could end with another body stuffed in a barrel.

Monday, September 26, 2022

October Anticipated Reads

Can you believe October is only days away? I am in serious denial about this. I mean how are we getting ready to start the 10th month of 2022? Excuse me while I go cry about how fast time is going.

That being said, October is bringing some fabulous books by some of my favorite authors. So you know I'm excited about that! 

There are 13 books that I am anticipating this month. You know I will be reading them ASAP. And yes, Lisa Suzanne appears on this list THREE times because her new season of Vegas Aces releases in October!! Bring on Tristan's story! Also, I am still crossing my fingers that The Sky At Night by Samantha Lovelock releases this month. 

I'd love to know what book releases you're excited about for the month of October. Did I miss your most anticipated? Tell me!

Happy Reading,

Friday, September 23, 2022

My 7 "One Click" Authors

Do you ever read a book, fall in love with everything about it, and then go down the rabbit hole to read EVERYTHING that author has released?

Oh, just me? Okay then.

You see when I do that scenario, those authors tend to become my auto-buy authors. So when they announce a book, I immediately pre-order. IMMEDIATELY! I don't need a description. I don't need to know much, because I know their style. I know what their books are like, and so I go off that. And honestly, it's never been an issue. They announce an idea for a book or series? I’m their biggest cheerleader. I will talk about their books, and/or their characters frequently. I will share their graphics on Facebook. I will like their social media posts, and comment on them. One of my favorite moments though is when a random thought, or a song, brings me back to a moment in one of their books, and then I find that I just have to talk about it. 

These authors have the ability to create these worlds with these characters that are just all encompassing. I find myself wanting to live in these places, and befriend the characters. I just cannot get enough!

Who are my auto-buy authors? I’d love to tell you about them. There are currently 7. I do have three more possibly going on the list, but I want to read more of their backlist before I make that determination.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A to Z Challenge {update}

Remember at the beginning of the year when I kicked off this challenge? I thought for certain I would be on round two at this point. Wow was I wrong!

Since my last update on May 2, not a lot has changed on my lists. I managed to complete 2 additional author letters, and 3 book letters. So not a lot by any means. Little by little though I'm getting things done. I've looked through my backlog of kindle books, and it is looking like I will be able to complete these two challenges by the end of the year. The only slot I haven't found a book for is the letter X. I will track one down. I will!

What letters was I able to cross off? Let's find out.

Remember, the salmon color is the new additions to the list.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {August}


Almost caught up! It's time to mention all the books I read in the month of August. 

Once again I read 15 books! I did the math, and that equated to roughly 4,196 pages. That's not too shabby if I do say so myself. That averages out to about 280 pages per book. Again, not horrible.

In August, I had just ONE 5 star read, and it also happened to be my favorite of the month. That book was:

The Penalty Shot
Totally Pucked #5
Maren Moore

What was my favorite of the month? 
I mentioned it above, but my favorite was The Penalty Shot by Maren Moore. This book had suspenseful moments, it had steamy moments, there was romance, there was hockey, and there was a geeky hero. I loved it so.

Here is the full list of books that I read in August 2022. All of my reviews are linked to my Goodreads account, as, once again, nothing was posted here on my blog.

Let's jump in...

Defy by Caitlyn Dare

The Make Out Artist by Sara Ney

Asher by Samantha Whiskey

Wolf by Anna Hackett

Sweet Like Poison by Julia Wolf

My Fake Fiancé by Piper Rayne

Sinful Queen by Emily Bowie

Pass Interference by Emily Silver

Waiting by Xavier Neal

After We Fall by JH Croix

Cold As Ice by Piper Rayne

Deflected Hearts by Cali Melle

Resisting the Grump by Ashley Munoz

The Penalty Shot by Maren Moore

Combust by Laramie Briscoe

There you have it folks. You are up to date on what I've read since taking the summer off. September is looking to also be a 15 book month, but only time will tell. In October reviews will be returning to the blog! I want to switch up my style a bit, so I need to research, do some testing, and find what works for me. All while conveying my love for the books that I've read.

Hope you all had a wonderful summer of reading, and adventures.


What Laura's Reading participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission through purchases made using my links.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {July}


In the month of July I read another 15 books!

If you’ve been around for a while, you might be thinking that number appears to be a bit low. In the past my numbers have been in the 20’s, so what’s going on? Honestly I’ve slowed my pace a bit. It all started when I picked up a few physical copies of books, and from that point on, I’ve been savoring a bit more. Don’t get me wrong, binge reading still happens, but not to the extent of the past. I’m actually preferring this slightly slower pace.

The 15 books that I read, equated to 4,630 pages! That was a really good page count for me. I mean that makes my average book 308 pages.

My favorite of the month was Rebel by S Massery. It was the third book in the Sterling Falls series, and OH MY WORD! That cliffhanger just about did me in. Rebel was also my only five star read of the month.

Here is the full list of books that I read in July 2022. All of my reviews are linked to my Goodreads account, as nothing was posted here on my blog.

Are you ready? Let's jump in...

Tight Ends & Tiaras by Lex Martin
My Scorned Best Friend by Piper Rayne
Rebel by S Massery
Big Puck Energy by Elise Faber
Campus Legend by Jennifer Sucevic
Powerful Deception by Jocelyne Soto
Temptation by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne
The Crash by Skye Warren and Amelia Wilde
Drive by Kate Stewart
Out of Bounds by Julia Connors
Perfect Storm by Elise Faber
Cross Checked Hearts by Cali Melle
Mine to Hold by Natasha Madison
Unraveling Mack Ryder by Anna Brooks

The Mate Games series is complete now, so if you want to read what was probably my favorite series of the summer, then go grab it. This reverse harem paranormal romance was captivating. Loved it!

Tell me your favorite read for the month of July!


What Laura's Reading participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission through purchases made using my links. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {June}

June was the month that brought on chaos. My kitchen was still under construction, plus the kids were home for summer break, and everything was just flipped upside down. It was a month, that's for darn sure.

In the month of June, I read 15 books. I did the math and that equated to roughly 3,894 pages. This month I also had a DNF, and I was disappointed about that as the book seemed really interesting. Yet I've since gone back and skimmed the reviews, and it sounds like I wasn't alone in my thought process regarding the book. So there's that. Because of that DNF, my average page count dropped for the month, and it was 259 pages per book.

Typically I would mention tropes I read, and give a quick run down of numbers. Let's just say that June was a heavy sports romance month, and leave it at that. Also when you see my list of books, you'll notice that one author in particular was a frequent flyer. I loved every minute of that too.

This month I only had one 5 star read. Now don't get me wrong, there were a few books that were close to it, but only one received the full 5 stars. That book was....
The Mate Games #3
Kim Loraine and Meg Anne

What was my favorite of the month? 
My favorite was Possession by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne. I continued to be enthralled by the storyline, the setting, and the characters. I had to know what happened next with this group, and I could not put the book down.

Here is the full list of books that I read in June 2022. All of my reviews are linked to my Goodreads account, as nothing was posted here on my blog.

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
That Second Chance by Meghan Quinn
The Final Score by Maren Moore
If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
Roughing the Kicker by Emily Silver
Keep Me Close by JH Croix
Possession by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne
Cap by Elise Faber
Broken Play by Alison Rhymes
Off Grid by JS Wood
Broken Lies by Gina Azzi
Saving My Soul by Gina Azzi
Twisted Truths by Gina Azzi
Brawler's Weakness by Gina Azzi

I did not link a review of Saving My Soul by Gina Azzi, as apparently I did not write one. That is not like me, so I'm a bit perplexed. I do know that I enjoyed the story, and the characters called to me. So sorry about that.

There is my list for June! Have you read any of these titles? If so, what were your thoughts on the books?


What Laura's Reading participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission through purchases made using my links.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {May}


As you may know, I took the summer off from blogging. I am a mom with 4 kids, and they were home all day every day, and so having time to write just wasn't going to happen. Something had to give, and it was my hobby. 

Now though my kids are back in school, and I can play a little bit of catch up. So let's jump into my monthly wrap ups! I have FOUR to share with you. But will space those out over four days.

In the month of May, I read 15 books. I did the math and that equated to roughly 4,816 pages. That averages out to each book being about 321 pages. That's pretty good for me if I'm being honest.

I read 6 sports romances, a duet, 3 reverse harems, and so many other tropes/subgenres. This month I finished 3 series! What series were they?

Hockey Hotties by Piper Rayne
Sin by Aleatha Romig
Boneyard Kings by Becca Steele & C Lymari

In May, I had THREE 5 stars reads! I am so finicky when it comes giving a book 5 stars. Everything has to be just right for me to dole it out. What books met my criteria? 
The Mate Games #1
K Loraine & Meg Anne

The Mate Games #2
K Loraine & Meg Anne

Mine to Have
Southern Wedding #1
Natasha Madison

What was my favorite of the month? 
Obsession by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne stole the show for me. If you know me at all, you know I do not read a lot of paranormal romance. Yet there was something about this one that lured me in. I think it was the X-Men beginnings vibe that the description gave off. Then as I read the story, I found myself immersed in the world, and not wanting the story to be over. Sunday and her men were so fascinating, and the world building was top level. 

Here is the full list of books that I read in May 2022. All of my reviews are linked (whether they were on my blog or Goodreads).
Hot Shot's Mistake by Gina Azzi
First Love by Xavier Neal
Obsession by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne
Ruthless Kingdom by Becca Steele and C Lymari
Wild About You by Rebecca Jenshak
Ryker by Samantha Lind
On the Edge by Julia Connors
Nothing Feels Better by Brit Benson
Last Love by Xavier Neal
Offsides with #55 by Piper Rayne
Mine to Have by Natasha Madison
Rejection by Kim Loraine and Meg Anne
Black Knight by Aleatha Romig
Jock Wanted by Kate Meader

I know May was a few months ago, but what was your favorite read for that month?


What Laura's Reading participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission through purchases made using my links.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

7 Must Read Small Town Romance Series

Small town romances are one of my favorite tropes. We are talking top 5 level favorites. In my mind, it just gives off the Hallmark movie vibes, and I am here for it. You know exactly what I’m talking about too. I’m positive of it. 

Now, would I ever live in a small town? I absolutely would! Well that is if I were to ever move from my current location. There is just something about a small town that appeals to me. From the potential community events, to the size of the town, to the gossip possibilities, it all calls to me. Especially the knowing of your neighbors, and that community feel. I may be an introvert with social anxiety, but the desire for a community is strong. I do blame Hallmark and Lifetime movies for creating this built up image in my head though.

If you are like me, and enjoy small town romances, then I have some book recommendations for you! I’ll tell you now, ALL of my recommendations are for series, so I apologize. At the same time, you’re welcome, and I hope you love the settings as much as I do. 

Let’s dive in.

Southern by Natasha Madison

This series is absolutely fabulous, and one of my favorites. There are 8 books in the series, and while you don’t HAVE
  to read them in order, I highly suggest that you do. Location for the book series is obviously the south. I believe it is in Texas. The Southern series begins with Kallie and Jacob. They were high school sweethearts with their eyes set on the future. Until Prom night happens and their world shatters apart. What happened that night had Kallie fleeing town, and not looking back. Now it’s years later, and she’s returning to town with her bestie Olivia. Olivia’s gotten herself into a bit of a situation, and so they are laying low in Kallie’s hometown. Upon returning to town, Kallie spots Jacob immediately. She can’t turn away. This second chance romance will draw you in, and it also happens to perfectly set the stage for Casey and Olivia’s story. (which is book 2)

Should you pick up Southern Chance, book one in the series, go into it with an open mind. Ignore the reviews on Goodreads, and just jump in. I will say that chances are high that you won’t like Savannah. You’ll see her as problematic, and may blame her a bit for what goes down. Again, go in with an open mind, and trust that you’ll learn her full story in Southern Storm. What I can tell you is that you’ll fall for Kallie’s parents. I adore them, and want to be a member of the family.

The Edge by Kristin Turnage

This young adult/new adult series is going to grab hold of you, having you falling for the characters, and wanting to find out more about Oaks North Carolina.

The Edge of Happiness was Kristin's debut novel, and for me, it was a 5 star read. I loved Cassie and Ryan’s story. It was emotional, it was heartbreaking, it was full of healing and growth, and we witnessed Cassie come into this friendship group where they loved and accepted her unconditionally. She was a part of their group, of this found family, and it was everything she needed.

The characters in this series? I FREAKING LOVE THEM! None of them have had an easy go with things, but as we delve into their stories, it just has me falling even harder. Kristin Turnage has released 3 books in this series, and each one has been a 5 star read for me. Kristin has this way of creating relatable characters, building this world where I would love to visit, and her storytelling is fantastic. I can’t get enough, and this is one of those series that i will recommend over and over again. If you are an emotional reader, then have the tissues handy. You'll need them. 

The Baileys by Piper Rayne

As if I could leave the Bailey family off my list! 

Please. It was March 2020 when I discovered this series, as well as Piper Rayne, and I was immediately drawn in. IMMEDIATELY I tell you. Lake Starlight is this adorable town in Alaska that I just picture as the quintessential small town. From the downtown, to the community knowing everything that happens with the Baileys, to the chaos that ensues. I just loved it.

So here’s the thing, there are 9 kids in the Bailey family. When Austin (he’s the oldest) was about to pursue his dream of being a professional athlete, his parents died in an accident. This had him returning home to become guardian of his siblings. To keep this family together, he gave up his dreams. Over time those dreams evolved, and he was willing to do what he needed to keep his family together. In Lessons from a One Night Stand we see how Austin and Holly meet, how a workplace romance is set to begin, and how their relationship brings on a bit of healing. Plus we get to meet all of the Baileys. Oh and there’s Grandma Dori who is a hoot. I love her shenanigans.

There are about 12 books in this series. It’s a lot I know. But each person has their own story, and then there are also 3 novellas. The books are all quick reads, they all have HEAs, they are steamy, they are rom-coms, and I highly recommend them.

The Greene Family by Piper Rayne

Oh like I could mention one Alaska family and not the other! The Greene Family series is a spinoff of the Bailey’s, and honestly you’ll see the Bailey’s make the occasional appearance in the books. Especially Grandma Dori who is always with Ethel, and Ethel just so happens to be the Grandma to all these Greene children. The Greene family has a bit of The Brady Bunch feel to it when it comes to how the family was formed. This is a blended family (yours, mine, ours), and with that comes a bit of added drama, emotions, angst, as well as healing.

Similar to the Bailey’s, each sibling has their own story. For the most part. Rylan’s story, he’s the youngest, we don’t get quite yet. That will come eventually, but for now we just have the parents story, as well as each of the older “kids”. In this series, you’ll get a wide variety tropes so there’s a little something for everyone.

In regards to the town, the way I have Sunrise Bay pictured just creates this atmosphere of community building, community events, and ease of getting around. Now how I have it pictured may be completely different than the Piper and Rayne have it envisioned, but I’m perfectly content with the town square image going on in my head.

Go read this series, but definitely read it after the Baileys. Trust me on that. Plus you’ll understand Dori and Ethel (as well as Midge) a bit better. Oh those Grandmas!

Ryder Ranch by Anna Brooks

Cowboys + Small town = GIVE ME!!

Ryder Ranch is a 4 book series set in the small town of Warrenville Texas. The Ryder family is comprised of Dad (Mack), and his four kids (Wilder, Hunter, Maverick, and Molly). Together they work the ranch, and are a constant in each others lives. They’ve all been hurt emotionally since the moment the kids mom walked away. Her leaving caused so much heartache, grief, and relationship problems that they all are still working through.

Hoping for Hunter kicks off this series, and our meet cute involves a cow. Yes, you read that right. It was that a little tidbit of info that had my curiosity piqued. How does a cow cause our couple to meet? That just doesn’t make sense. BUT once you start reading, you’ll understand. These Ryder men are all quite alpha, and a bit afraid of falling in love. So to watch each one topple is spectacular. This series brings on a few different tropes, from age gap, to grumpy/sunshine, to second chance, to opposites attract, but all the stories take place in the small town of Warrenville. Dad and the boys books are all part of this series, where as Molly’s story is part of Guarding Her series. The story of her and Brooks journey to a happily ever after is called Break. I haven’t read that one yet, but it is on my list.

Ryker Ranch by Kim Loraine

Now don’t get confused with this series title. I know it is VERY close to the Anna Brooks series I just mentioned, but they are different. Obviously.

The Ryker family lives in Montana, and their whole world is the family ranch. It’s an amazing property, and it employs a lot of people.However since Dad died they’ve been struggling financially. Those financial woes could be a thing of the past though if this reality TV show takes off. Now Clint just needs to take the jump, and not fall for the producer of the show.

This family has etched itself into my heart. I am a bit obsessed with them, and I regret nothing. I have adopted Mama Ryker as my second mom, and I would like to go stay with her for a few weeks. Her and Mama Barnes from the Southern series cannot be beat. These two matriarchs are phenomenal. Hands down. I aspire to be like them. Which also means I need to work on my cooking skills.

Anyway, this series set in small town Montana may have you wanting to live in that world. There’s just this strong community feeling, and you know you’ll have support there for you whenever you need it. There are currently 4 books, plus a novella, released, as well as a couple of spin-off titles. Trope wise we are talking opposites attract, forbidden, workplace, fake relationship, friends to lovers, surprise pregnancy, second chance, and a few others sprinkled in. Kim Loraine has created this setting, this community, that just feels like home. Then there are the storylines that pull you in, and have you wanting more from this cast of characters.

Pine Cove by Rebecca Gannon

This four book series is one that I discovered through Amazon Prime Reading. I devoured Her Maine Attraction, and immediately purchased the series. There was just something with the setting, with this group of friends, and with the potential relationships that had my attention.

The first book alone lured me in because this woman decided to just move to this coastal community where she knew no one, had no job, and was creating this fresh start for herself. Her Maine Attraction was a steamy, insta-love story, and I could not put it down. It is also in this first book where we meet Ally’s friends, and slowly but surely they too make the decision to relocate to Pine Cove. All of the love stories are filled with emotion, conflict, healing, self discovery, and finding of community.

If you’re looking for a quick, easy read, then consider checking this one out. I will say that I prefer the original covers (shown above) versus the updated covers, but that's just me.