Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookmas. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 2}


On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: two turtle doves

Love is in the air!

Who is your one true pairing?
Ben and Kaylee from Vegas Aces: The Tight End


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Sunday, December 25, 2022

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag {day 1}


On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: a partridge in a pear tree.

The partridge stood alone in the pear tree.

What was your favorite stand alone?

This is so difficult as I don't read a lot of stand alone books. I mean I guess the majority of the series I read could be considered stand alone books as the story doesn't carry over. Yet at the same time I consider it a series, and the books are just interconnected.

BUT...I flipped through my 2022 list of books read, and found a couple. Yes, I'm choosing them both. They are very different as one is contemporary fiction, and the other is a comic that covers the artist's real life experiences.

So my favorite stand alone books of 2022 are:

If This Gets Out
by Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich

Everything is Ok
by Debbie Tung

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I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program.

Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

Thank you!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Hockey Romances I Read {Bookmas}

Hockey Romances are what helped me find my way back to reading. I'm convinced of it. You see there was a span of 5 years, maybe 7, where I just didn't read much. Then in 2019 something changed.  In the summer I began picking up a book here and there, then in October I found hockey romances, and suddenly I was binging books like a wild woman. I could not get enough. Flash forward to 2022, and it's no different.

In 2022 I read 39 hockey romance novels. 

Did I plan on reading that many? Nope. It just sort of happened. Now many of these books are part of a series, so knowing my love of series, this also isn't a surprise. But it's what helped drive that number.

Curious what hockey romances I read? Well, here's the list! 

  1. Sincerely, The Puck Bunny by Maren Moore [review]
  2. Caught by Elise Faber [review]
  3. The Scorekeeper by Gina Azzi [review]
  4. Only One Love by Natasha Madison [review]
  5. Sneaking Around with #34 by Piper Rayne [review]
  6. Big Deck Energy by Kim Loraine [review]
  7. Like I Never Said by CW Farnsworth [review]
  8. Deking the Beauty by Crystal Perkins [review]
  9. Tutoring the Player by Rebecca Jenshak [review]
  10. Second Shot with #76 by Piper Rayne [review]
  11. Only One Forever by Natasha Madison [review]
  12. The Scorecard by Maren Moore [review]
  13. Maxim by Samantha Whiskey [review]
  14. Hot Shot's Mistake by Gina Azzi [review]
  15. Wild About You by Rebecca Jenshak [review]
  16. Ryker by Samantha Lind [review]
  17. Offside with #55 by Piper Rayne [review]
  18. Jock Wanted by Kate Meader [review]
  19. The Final Score by Maren Moore [review]
  20. Cap by Elise Faber [review]
  21. Brawler's Weakness by Gina Azzi [review]
  22. Big Puck Energy by Elise Faber [review]
  23. Cross Checked Hearts by Cali Melle [review]
  24. Asher by Samantha Whiskey [review]
  25. Deflected Hearts by Cali Melle [review]
  26. The Penalty Shot by Maren Moore [review]
  27. Rookie's Regret by Gina Azzi [review]
  28. Filthy Puckboy by Elise Faber [review]
  29. Bitter Sweet Heart by H. Hunting [review]
  30. One Last Shot by Julia Connors [review]
  31. Playing Offsides by Cali Melle [review]
  32. Playboy's Reward by Gina Azzi [review]
  33. Covered by Elise Faber [review]
  34. So Pucking Over It by Elise Faber [review]
  35. The Marriage Arrangement by Kim Loraine [review]
  36. The Faceoff by Cali Melle [review]
  37. Brutal Obsession by S Massery [review]
  38. The Goalie Who Stole Christmas by Cali Melle [review]
  39. Down in Flames by Kate Meader [review]

That is quite the list! By the end of the year that number will actually change to 40, as Natasha Madison has a new book releasing on December 27. You know I'll be reading it before the end of the year. It's going to happen.

Are you a hockey romance lover like I am? Did you read any of these titles? Have any recommendations for me?

Happy Reading,

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Purchases made through links above allow me to earn a small commission.

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Series I Finished {Bookmas}

The other day I shared the series I started in 2022. Today I am sharing the series that I finished in 2022. Series have been my weakness since my days of reading The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins (high/college). I just love to immerse myself into the worlds these authors create, even more so when I fall hard for the characters.

What were the series that I finished in 2022? Keep reading to find out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Series I Started {Bookmas}

If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE reading series. I gravitate toward them. A lot of them are interconnected series, so each book focuses on different characters. Then there are those few that are a SERIES. Those cliffhangers get me every time, and I frequently find myself wanting to throw my kindle.  I never do, but it's just that moment of "DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?" followed by looking up when the next installment is being released. 

I would say that 9 times out of 10 once I start a series, I will see it through until the end. There are those rare occasions where I don't, but again that is few and far between.

What series did I START in 2022? Oh I have quite the list! I'll be sure to mention if they are interconnected or one solid story. 

Let's jump into the list....

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The 5 Duets I Read in 2022 {Bookmas}

Hello Bookmas Day 4! Today I am sharing the 5 duets that I read in 2022. 

All five shared two things: 1) I could not put them down, and 2) I whined when the cliffhanger happened. The cliffhangers in these books were torturous, but I survived. Obviously. 

There was one duet where I had to wait about 5 months for the second book, but the wait was 100% worth it. The author gave me everything I could have wanted in that second half of the story.

What were the 5 duets? Thank you for asking, I'd love to tell you. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Monthly Wrap Up {November}

Fear not November's challenge bold—
We've books and friends,
And hearths that never can grow cold:
These make amends!
~Alexander L. Fraser (1870–1954), "November," c.1918

Did anyone see where November went? Were we not just voting in the midterm elections? I mean I know I had a child home sick for a week, but somehow an entire month went by.

November was a pretty quiet month in our house. My oldest daughter turned 10, and celebrated with a group of friends. That same day, my youngest came down with some sort of bug. That kept her home for 5 days. I also made sure to go and vote on election day. (That was when my youngest was sick, so I masked up, and kept my distance from the other voters! Plus I waited for my husband to get home so I wasn't taking her with.) Toward the end of the month a cold took down my middles (10 & 8). Plus my 8 year old showed me that his skin does not tolerate scented laundry detergent. So I had to rewash all of his clothing and bedding. The only other thing that happened this month was my Mom and stepdad returning from Florida! It was so nice to see them, and spend time with them as they had been gone for 6 weeks.

Aside from all of that, and reading, I also have been listening to Faith in the Future by Louis Tomlinson on repeat. Constantly. It's pretty much the only thing I listen to. I am obsessed with this album. (Okay fine I'm alternating occasionally with Midnights and Harry's House.)

Friday, December 2, 2022

Bookish Q&A {Bookmas}

It's time for a bookish q&a! Where possible, my goal is to keep my answers to books I've read in 2022. There are a couple that will be from previous years, but since Bookmas is a chance to look back at the year, I feel it's best to give as current of answers as possible. Should you choose to answer these prompts, you can answer however you would prefer. (obviously)

Currently Reading

Last Book Read

A Greene Family Christmas by Piper Rayne

Favorite Book or Series

Um...I can't answer this! Choosing a favorite is too difficult. So I'll provide my current favorite series:
Totally Pucked by Maren Moore
Gold Hockey by Elise Faber
Tennessee Thunderbolts by Gina Azzi
The Edge by Kristin Turnage

An author I always recommend

Aven Ellis
She has so many different options within the romance genre. Looking for a royal romance series? Modern Royals. Looking for a hockey series? Aven has 3! How about baseball? Yep, the DC Soaring Eagles! Then there's her business romances in the British Isles series. They are all wonderful. She also has a soccer/football romance series starting up in 2023!

A book/series I DNF'd

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
I had loved Red White and Royal Blue, so I was excited to see how this book would be. It wasn't what I wanted, and I don't think I'll revisit.

A fictional place I'd like to visit

Oaks North Carolina
(aka the setting for The Edge series)

An OTP I love

Parker and Cooper
(Something So Right by Natasha Madison is their story, but they make appearances in many other books in the various hockey romance series.)

Favorite book cover owned

This is a difficult one for me as I don't tend to buy the book for the cover, I buy it for the story. If I must choose, I'm going with:

Everything is Ok by Debbie Tung

I love Debbie's art and storytelling. It is all so relatable for me.

Last disappointing read

Lukas, Sometimes by Tempest Phan
I found it really difficult to get invested in the story, and I didn't care for the characters.

A trope I love to see

Brother's Best Friend, or any iteration of that. It's one of my top 3 for a reason!

A trope I can't stand

This is a hard one for me. But I think I'd have to say cheating. I've read one book with that as a trope, and I wasn't a fan.

A fictional character that reminds me of myself

I have two that came to mind.
Holly Johannson from On Thin Ice by Aven Ellis and Jaye Jenkins from Compassion by Xavier Neal.

A highly anticipated book/series release

Made For series from Natasha Madison
How can I not? It's another hockey romance series that ties in with all the others. I HAVE TO READ THEM!

On my TBR

Too many books to even think about. My December Anticipated Reads post sums up my TBR for the month.

My comfort read

I haven't re-read this one yet in 2022, but I just love everything about this book.

A favorite side character

Miko from The Bennett Duet by Xavier Neal
I know this duet was from late 2020/early 2021, but I am still crossing all the crossables that Miko will get a book. If I can't have a full length novel, I'll settle for a novella. Just no short story please, I can't handle that teasing.

My favorite book to tv/movie adaptation

Hunger Games
I know, I know, that was a while ago. But I just loved how the action was brought to life, and I was fully invested. (note to self: rebuy this series!)

A villain I love to hate

If you've read any of the Vegas Aces series, then you know who Savannah is. She's pretty much the worst.

My favorite reading spot

It's a toss up between my comfy chair, and my bed. But I'm going to go with bed. After all that's where the majority of my reading takes place each night.

Latest book purchase or haul

I honestly haven't purchased anything recently. I have downloaded some freebies, but nothing else. I'm trying to hold off for Christmas, as people want gift ideas.

Longest book read

This was in 2021, but I don't know when I'll top 806 pages.

Shortest book read

The Crash by Skye Warren & Amelia Wilde

My bookish goals for 2023

Read 150 books
Restart my Instagram/Bookstagram (and figure out Reels)
Continue to review books

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Dashing Through The Snow book tag {Bookmas}

I am once again participating in BOOKMAS! So you can expect a non-review post each weekday leading up to Christmas. Then starting December 25 through January 5, I will be posting the 12 days of Christmas tag. To me it sounds like the perfect way to end 2022. There will still be review posts going up, but these non-review posts are just for fun, and also a way to recap the year.

Let's start BOOKMAS off with a book tag! I found this Dashing Through the Snow tag over on ZeZee with Books blog (courtesy of a google search), and according to ZeZee this tag comes from Astra at A Stranger's Guide to Novels.

When I read the questions for this book tag, I knew I had to participate. Without further ado, here are my answers.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 Year in Review

It is time to say goodbye to 2021, and start looking forward to 2022! 

Who would have thought that, after almost 2 years, our world would still be dealing with this major event. The latest version recently visited my house, and it was an unwelcome guest. Thankfully we are bouncing back, and all returning to our usual selves.

In 2021 my kindle was very well used. Very few days went by where it wasn't utilized. For someone who used to question the need for an e-reader, I sure have changed my tune. Now I buy very few physical books, and instead opt for the e-book. Well that is unless it's an absolute favorite, then I HAVE to own a physical copy for my trophy shelf.

I have continued to utilize Goodreads to keep track of my quantity of books, my average rating, and also at the end of the year it lets me know how many pages I have read. One of the questions below is most read genre, and we all know what genre wins.

Let's answer these questions. I'm curious to see what has changed from 2020!

The first book that I read in 2021 was High Risk Rookie by Odette Stone. This was such an anticipated read, and I remember being surprised when it was released. I don't recall any promo for it leading up to release day, and oh how quickly I "ran" to Amazon to download it. 

My current read is The Hustler by Gina Azzi. It is the 8th book in her Boston Hawks hockey series, and it is a hidden identity book. I'm here for it. If you want to read it, it is coming out on January 6th.

At the time I am writing this, I have read 321 books. I am confident that I will at least finish The Hustler, and maybe just maybe I can fit in one more book. Time will tell.

As of today my page count is 54,498. That makes my average book length about 169 pages.

Oof that is down from 2020! In 2020 I had read over 80k pages and my average was closer to 250 per book. Oh well.

I have actually selected a favorite of 2021! I shared that info in my 12 days of Christmas book tag. So go see what book I selected.

I also have my favorite by the month too. Which was how the yearly favorite was chosen. Curious what titles made the list? Go read my Monthly Favorites of 2021 post.

In no particular order:
  • Aven Ellis
  • Natasha Madison
  • April Canavan
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • Laura Lee

I read quite a few "new to me" authors in 2021! Some of these made their debut in 2021, others have been around for a smidgen longer. No matter what, I have found them, and I'm here to support them.
  • Samantha Lovelock
  • Kristin Turnage
  • April Canavan
  • Mary Morano
  • Lisa Suzanne
  • Anna Brooks
  • Paula Dombrowiak
  • Ellie Masters
  • Gina Azzi
  • Rebecca Jenshak

Do we even need to discuss this one? 🤣  It's romance.

Um, non-fiction, or really any other genre than romance. 

Oh I wrote an entire post about this! I do need to go back and add a couple to the list, that is for certain. Those two additions are Only One Mistake by Natasha Madison, and The O Zone by Kelly Jamieson. Oh my heart.


That being said, I also answered this question on my 12 days of Christmas post. It was by a new to me author, and she is now an auto-buy author for me.

My reading goal is once again going to be 150 books.

Also, I've said it before (maybe not here, but elsewhere) I want to read The Lord of the Rings. They are sitting on my bookshelf just staring at me, and I feel like it's time. Plus then I can have a Peter Jackson movie marathon once I'm done. I freaking love those movies.

As for reading challenges...In 2022 I plan on participating in the A-Z title challenge, as well as the A-Z author challenge. I am also joining the Buzzword-athon that Books and LaLa hosts. Other challenges may pop up here and there, but I'm not even thinking about those right now.

In regards to my blog, I am still formulating those goals. One that I have set in stone is to have one non-review post go up per week. I may increase this as the weeks go on, but that is my one set in stone goal.

When it comes to social media, I am also still thinking on that. I do want to resume my Instagram, and find ways to grow that space while sharing the books I am reading. So I am currently thinking of how I can create content, and what the appropriate amount of posting is for me. I also am researching IG Reels, as I want to delve into that space. For Facebook, that is still where I share a lot of new release promo materials (cover reveals, teaser blasts, release day announcements), share my blog posts, and also the occasional meme/graphic. My plans for 2022 are to continue doing just that.

Let's talk my goals surrounding advanced reading copies. Because I have them. In 2021 I started off light and easy. Then suddenly April hit, and my calendar became overfilled. This continued through November. So in 2022, I am pulling back slightly. I am going to become a bit choosier about the books I receive, as well as the authors who I work with. There's a fine line there that I want to walk. Especially since I want to read more of what is already on my kindle. 

Tell me about how your reading went this year! Also, what are your bookish goals for 2022?

Happy Reading,

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Favorite Books of each Month {2021}

If you read my 12 days of Christmas post, then you know which book was declared my FAVORITE of 2021! Believe me when I say that was not an easy declaration to make, but I am sticking with that selection.

Throughout 2021 I kept a list in my planner for my monthly favorite. Some months were easier to choose than others, I will say that! Occasionally there were those months where a few books would stand out, but I would force myself to narrow it down to just the one.

So what books were my monthly favorites? Let's take a gander.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Five Star Reads of 2021

I know 2021 isn't over yet, so making this list is a bit tentative. After all I could still add a book or two to the list. Believe me when I say I will update this list if I do.

Now for me, a 5 star read is absolutely mind blowing. I find myself falling head over heels for the characters, the setting, and the storyline. Often times it will have me wanting to dive into other books by the author. A 5 star read also means I am recommending that book frequently. 

At this point in 2021 I have had seventeen 5 star reads. I would say that the majority of them I have spoken about A LOT. Maybe a bit over the top with my recommendations. But that's just it, that is the pull of a 5 star read. You want to recommend it. You want others to fall in love like you did.

So what are my 5 star reads? Let's dive in.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

7 Beautiful Book Covers

In 2021 there were SEVEN book covers that I found beautiful. Yes, three of them are from the Flor de Muertos trilogy by Jocelyne Soto. Regardless, these covers are eye catching.

In my mind these covers are absolutely gorgeous, and stand out from others.

1) Reel by Kennedy Ryan

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Designs
Photographer: Sophia Barrett Studios
Models: Jasmine Raiford & Ajayi Bodden

2) Make It Sweet by Kristen Callihan

Cover Design: Caroline Teagle Johnson

3) Vicious Union by Jocelyne Soto

Cover Design: Book and Moods PR
Photographer: Yuliya Ochkan

4) Violent Attraction by Jocelyne Soto

Cover Design: Book and Moods PR

5) Vindictive Blood by Jocelyne Soto

Cover Design: Book and Moods PR
Photographer: Maxim Lupascu

6) Unsteady by Ashley Christin

Photographer: Pink Ink Designs

7) Make You Miss Me by B. Celeste

Cover Design: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs

From photographers to models to designers, if the info was available in the books, I added that info here. I think it's always interesting to see what companies and/or individuals are making these gorgeous covers come to life.

I'd love to know what book cover caught your attention in 2021?
